chapter 5: Diagonally

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Draco! Can you believe we will be getting our wands today?" The red-headed girl asked excitedly to the blond boy standing next to her.

He smirked and ruffled her hair playfully, "you've only been going on about it since summer began."

She laughed as she pushed his hand away, "Well, I'm sorry, I just can't help it. I've been wanting one forever now!"she said pushing her glasses up bridge of her nose. She tries to calm down while she waits but starts playing with the ring on her pinky finger.

Seeing this, Draco lightly laughed, giving her a slight nudge with his elbow, "Come on, Lia, our dads will be back any second."

Roselia gives him a small smile just as she hears their father's calling.

Draco's father, "Come along Draco, Roselia. You both need to get your uniforms fitted."

Roselia groaned as a response, to which her father replied, "after the fitting we will be heading to Ollivander's" her face lit up in response, her father gave a small smile before turning around and heading to the clothing shop.

Grinning at Lucius and Draco, Roselia runs after her father.

Lucius walks after her, "Come along, draco."

"Yes, father." Draco follows, his eyes following Roselia as a beautiful brown owl catches her eye. She lingers for only a moment before running after her dad. It might have only been momentarily, but it was long enough for Draco to notice.

"Father?" He spoke in a questioning tone,

"What is it, Draco?" Lucius responds,

"I want to get that owl for Lia's birthday," Draco stated, "I think she likes it." He reasoned.

Lucius pondered the idea for a moment before nodding, "I'll buy it while you keep her at the fitting." Draco nods in response before running to catch up to Severus and Roselia.

Once they reach the shop, Draco and Roselia head inside while Severus across the street picking out cauldrons and other potion supplies the children would need for his class this year. He had not seen whom else was already inside.

As Roselia walked through the door she noticed a boy with raven hair. He looked to be around the same age as her and Draco. She smiles as she walks over to him. "Hello there," she says, surprising the. "oh, sorry about that," she apologizes, "Are you getting fitted for your robes too?" She asked him and he nods, Roselia's smile grows before she turns and waves Draco over. "Us too. We are first years. What about you?" The boy nods again, "I'm Roselia, and this is my friend Draco. What's your name?" Just as he opened his mouth to answer, a seamstress pulls him away, and another comes for you.

As soon as Roselia was done, she rushed out, hoping to catch the boy, but he had already left. A little let down that she didn't get his name Roselia sat down and sighed as she waited for Draco, but he was done quickly and heard her sighing. Knowing her as long as he has, Draco gave her a pat on the shoulder, "we will see him again soon. Now come on, let's go, it's time to get our wands."

Roselia nodded as she stood up quickly and pulled Draco out the door.

Excitedly, Roselia grabs her father's hand as well and gives a small tug. "Dad! We're all done now. Can we please go to Ollivander's now?" She pleaded to him, Severus nodded slightly, " I just finished gathering your necessary items for my potions class." He said as he followed after the two children.

Roselia walked at a fast pace, happy to finally get her wish.

While the three walk towards ollivander's Roselia spots a tall figure walking away from them in the crowd, "dad look it's Hagrid! I wonder what he could have been doing at Ollivander's?" Roselia looks at her dad, questioning,

"He is probably running an errand for Dumbledore," Snape stated, peering over at Hagrid, the tall man bent over slightly to hand a boy an owl before leading him elsewhere. Severus hadn't gotten a good look at the boy but had a feeling he knew who he was and decided to ask about him later.

With Roselia leading them through the crowd, they quickly made it to Ollivander's, Roselia let go of Severus' hand and pulled Draco inside.

"Mr. Ollivander? Mr. Ollivander! Where are you?" Roselia called out worried she couldn't see him.

She could hear a sweeping sound and saw the old man sweeping up some glass. "There you are, Mr. Ollivander." She smiled at him.

He looked up and smiled back, "Miss Snape, Mr. Malfoy, I was wondering when I'd be seeing you two. In here like two peas in a pod, as they say. So, who wants to go first?" He looks between the two children, Draco smiles and points his thumb towards Roselia, "her please, Lia has been going on about this all summer."

Roselia blushed and nodded her head, Ollivander smiled and grabbed one of the wands he had sitting on his desk. "Here," she stared at it, "well, give it a wave." Roselia did as she was told boxes flew off the shelf. She quickly put it on the desk, Ollivander thought for a moment before grabbing down a box, "Let's try this one then," he says with a smile. She turned and tried again. Once again, boxes flew off the shelf, causing draco to dive to the floor. Roselia blushed in embarrassment and quickly sat the wand down. Lost in thought, Ollivander smiled murmuring, "About as big of a mess as that boy."
Worried she had hurt his feelings, Roselia apologized and offered to help clean them up. Ollivander stopped her and smiled, "Thank you for your concern, but a flick of my wand, and it will be cleaned up. You know, I think I know just the wand for you." Ollivander walked to the very back and brought out an old dusty box; he blew the dust off it before opening it. He gave the wand a sad smile before offering it to Roselia. As soon as she touched it, the wand glowed lighting up the air around Roselia. Ollivander chuckled, "At last, you found your witch. This wand is one of the last wands my father ever made it's a very picky wand, too."

"Wow!"Draco said enthusiastically, "Lia, do you know what kind of wood that is?" Roselia nodded her head, but Draco explained anyway, "that's elm wood. Father said that only the purest wizards can use those, I guess that means you are amazing." He grinned largely at her, making Roselia smile too.

"That is correct, Mr. Malfoy, this 10 and 3/4 inch long elm wood wand has a unicorn hair core. It will serve as a great friend to you."

Roselia nodded before turning to her friend and said, "it's your turn, Dray." Roselia took a couple of steps back, ollivander grabbed a box nearby and pulled out a 12-inch willow wand.

"For you,"he said, handing it to Draco, as he flicked it one of the ladders zoomed to the back, "Hmm, odd, but don't fret, how about this one?"

Mr. Ollivander handed Draco a beautiful vine wand, but it was not a match. Mr. Ollivander thought for a moment before grabbing another wand. This one a 10 inch hawthorn as soon as it touched his hand it lit up, Roselia clapped excitedly. "Hmm," Mr. Ollivander looked troubled watching the young draco, "Mr. Malfoy a word of warning, please. This wand has chosen you but it is a hard wand to master to proceed with caution," he paused for a moment, "that said since this wand chose you I believe you have what it takes to master it and do great things."

He gave Draco a smile and motioned to the window where draco saw his father looking rather annoyed but holding a covered cage. Draco grinned and said goodbye to Ollivander and dragged Roselia out the door as she waved goodbye.


Thanks so much for reading another chapter as always. Comment, complaints, suggestions, and questions are 100 percent welcome. The next chapter will be ready within a week! See you then!

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