ch 3: the girl who died

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"Snape, Snape, wake up, Snape!" A loud whisper woke him, Severus looked around seeing Hagrid leaning over him.
"What are you doing?" Severus asked him,
"Well ya see Dumbledore he needs to speak with you." The man stumbled on is words.
Severus sighed but he stood up and looked over to the twins sleeping peacefully before he asked hagrid, "Is Dumbledore in his office?"
Hagrid nodded, "he said it was important,"
Severus sighed again and replied, "alright," he left the infirmary with hagrid following behind him. The walked in silence, until they got to the Griffin statue,
"lemon drops." Hagrid whispered to it the the statue slowly turned and ascended revealing a staircase.
Severus waited until it stopped before climbing, hagrid again followed him. The large man grumbled to himself about the narrowness of the stairs, Severus quickly made it to Dumbledore, knocking on the door.
"Come in," said a tired voice, Severus opened the to see Dumbledore leaning over a pensive. "Hello Severus, I'm afraid that I have some rather disturbing news." Hagrid finally makes it to the top, Dumbledore continues, "after finding the notes left by Peter Pettigrew I'm afraid the young Mr. Black chased after him. The situation surrounding that is a some what unclear, he is currently being detained by the ministry of magic. As Sirius was casting spells in public with muggles around, many were hurt some killed and in the middle of it Pettigrew disappeared, all but a pinky finger. Unfortunately Sirius had taken any proof against Pettigrew with him and it was destroyed. The truth of the matter is there are many black family members on the side of Voldemort, I'm afraid things are not looking good for Sirius as of right now. But he is indeed the legal Godfather of the children, as such I do believe the next of kin would have to take them."
Severus had been listening quietly until now, "Hold on you dont mean Petunia, right? She is a horrible woman she will treat the children worse than she ever treated lily, especially Julieta she looks just like her mother and Harry won't be treated any better."
"Then what would you suggest Severus? Everyone knows of harry's feats already, even the muggles have noticed something has changed. The prophecy was spread that the boy with the power to vanquish Voldemort would be born at the end of July, 1980, to parents who defied Voldemort thrice. What has happened has confirmed that it is indeed harry who will ultimately defeat Voldemort. He can't grow up knowing who he is, he must not lose his virtue."
Severus asked shocked, "you believe he is still alive, dont you?"
Dumbledore nodded, "unfortunately I do, I know he was very interested in all forms of dark magic, if my hunch is correct he will be back. The ministry will perform raids after interrogating those who are in custody, but I fear the evidence we need will be long hidden by then."
Severus grimaced at the thought of his betrayal being brought to light, but was more worried about the children, "How would staying with muggles, especially that vile woman help him? And the prophecy speaks only of the boy, but what of the girl? She wasn't even mentioned, she could live free."
Dumbledore thought about it and shook his head, "maybe they should stay together, but three one year olds might be too much for them. Perhaps to an orphanage then, I know one that will do nicely."
Severus angrily yelled, "never! I'll never see either of lily's children in a orphanage, I'd rather take them myself!"
Dumbledore smiled as if he had been waiting for these words, "wonderful, it's agreed then? You will take the young miss potter and I will have hagrid take harry to the dursley's."
Shock and confusion danced over Severus and Hagrid's faces, they looked at each other, "Albus, I dont understand," Severus stated.
Hagrid nodded he had remained silent for most of this conversation, "Dumbledore the muggles will be mean to little harry, they won't understand him, and snape here is er was a death eater. No offense snape but won't it be too dangerous for the babies?"
Dumbledore looked at them both twinkling in his eyes, "Now who would ever think I would place The Harry Potter, the boy who lived with a normal muggle family? Hmm? Or that the missing young girl would end up with one of Voldemort's most loyal death eaters? After all as you said she isn't even mentioned in the prophecy."
Severus was too shocked to argue, the plan was so stupid and idiotic that none would expect it, not for a while anyways.
Noticing Severus' shock Dumbledore added, "perhaps we should have you continue to work here. We can say it is a way to reform after everything that you have done." he looked to hagrid, "tonight you will take harry to them, I will await there for you, but we must keep this a secret." He looked over to snape, "you should say she is your child, if blood line is an issue I will find something I have a few ideas.  Change her name, her birthday is technically on the 30th, make sure to use that day. I dont think she will be in danger now but if Voldemort ever returns then she might be a target. I would like for you to take Julieta to spinners end tonight but as the school year has already begun it seems like you will need to live here with her. I think it best to tell Mrs Dursley that her niece has unfortunately passed along with her sister, now off you two go no need for any more questions, we have another big day ahead of us."
Feeling bitter about harry snape scowls at Dumbledore, who chuckles, "now now dont worry so much." He opens the door signaling he was done discussing this.

Severus then Hagrid left the tower, Dumbledore sighs and sadly looks towards the pensive, "I dont like this anymore than they do, but it has to be this way."

Thanks so much for reading another chapter as always comments, complaints, suggestions, and questions are 100 percent welcome. Next chapter will be ready in a week! See you then!

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