chapter 4: years past

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The years pass slowly and too fast at the same time, to Severus at least. During the school year, Roselia stayed at the school with him. While he was teaching, another teacher would help out for a bit.

She grew fast, was very bright, and she looked a lot like her mother, Lily. Severus loved the little girl as if she were his own. She loved him just as much. After all, she didn't know any better. She didn't know the truth. I felt guilty every time she had asked, and eventually, she stopped asking, except when she woke from a nightmare calling for her. Luckily, those have gotten better, too. Roselia will be eight this year. She met the Malfoy's three years ago, and she and Draco had become fast friends, and she seemed happier. Even though Narcissa offers to keep her during the school year, he feels conflicted about her spending too much time with them. So he continues to bring her to Hogwarts during the school year. Currently, it was his free period, and she was spending time with Albus today. Reaching the Griffin statue, he paused, "Licorice rope," he said, watching the statue move. He began climbing, quickening his pace. Once Severus reached the top, he knocked on the door, "Enter," came albus' voice, Severus opened the door, and Roselia turned and saw him, a grin grew on her face. She jumped off her sofa and ran to him, "Dad!" She shouted, grabbing his hand. Severus smiled at her, giving her hand a squeeze. "Dad, dad, Albie is telling me about Newt Scamander again today!" She said proudly, "Ah yes, Newt scamander was the first official magical zoologist, we were speaking of his feats during the Grindelwald wars. She is particularly interested in his magical beasts, I'm thinking of having Silvanus pick out some books for her. While I'm great at telling these stories, I believe she would prefer the facts more." Dumbledore chuckled, Roselia nodded and asked,"Dad, have you ever seen a bowtruckle? Newt has one as a friend." Severus shook his head, "I haven't seen one, but I heard they are very shy creatures." She nodded, "but still, I hope to meet one someday."

"It's not impossible," Severus nodded, " I have to go teach another class soon. Stay here with Dumbledore. We can go watch a Quidditch match this weekend first of the season, Roselia's eyes go wide, "Gryffindor versus Slytherin, right? That means Charlie will be playing, too." Severus smirked, "you do realize I'm head of slytherin, not Gryffindor, right?" Roselia blushed, "Sorry dad, Charlie is just really good, I want to fly like him too." Dumbledore laughed heartily, "sweet Lia, you will be able to play once you enroll. Until then, you must practice patience." Roselia nodded and turned towards her dad, "see you later, dad." She gave him a quick hug, then ran back to Dumbledore and grabbed a book. He smiled at her waving Severus away, who nodded as he left.

Almost a year later, Severus received word that Roselia had left her room and was found near the Quidditch pitch by Fitch. Severus assumed it was an overreaction on the laters part, but he had to leave his students to find out what was happening, as he rounded a corner he could see Roselia sitting on the ground next to two red headed first years, he recognized them as the newest wesley's, they were more mischievous than their brothers. Severus strode up to the four of them, "Filch, why is my daughter sitting on the ground?" He hissed at the old man.
"W-well," Filch stuttered, "she snuck out, and these boys are out of class, as well."
Severus sighed, and retorted, "Roselia has permission to wander public areas as long as her feet remain on the ground, as for these two I believe first years don't have class on Saturdays, correct?" He looked at the twins, and they nodded. "Good, now unless something is actually wrong, I will be heading back to my students. And Roselia lily snape if I catch you on a broom, you will be grounded for the rest of the year, do I make myself clear." Roselia nodded and smiled, "crystal clear dad. I just plan to watch the teams practice."
" Good, see you at dinner," Severus said, turning and walking back towards the dungeon.

Roselia grinned as she stood and walked past Filch, "told you, I was allowed." She then continued towards the pitch.
This wasn't the last time Filch interrupted Severus' day claiming his child was being mischievous.
The next school year Roselia proceeded to get in more trouble with those same boys, this time with broom sticks. Severus decided perhaps time away from school would do her good, he decided to send her to the Malfoy's for the rest of his school year.
The next summer Roselia turned eleven, and she received her letter from Hogwarts. Even though she knew it was coming she was still very excited.

Thanks so much for reading another chapter as always. Comment, complaints, suggestions, and questions are 100 percent welcome. The next chapter will be ready within a week! See you then!

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