chapter 24

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I would've sworn as soon as we left the charms. Neville had a bounce in his step. I shrugged it off. He's happy I'll leave him be.
Ron, on the other hand, was grumbling about the lumos spell.
He said, "it only works about half the time. Lumos." The charm didn't work, "see," he told Harry.
"It's your os," I whispered, Ron's head snapped in my direction, startling me. "What?" He seemed to growl.
I repeated myself a little louder, "it's your o's. Seamus has the same issue. Say it as loo-moss, and it will work." He glared at me, Hermione spoke up, "she's right, you know." Ron glared at her now.
Harry intervenes, "Just try it," he suggested.
Ron did as I suggested, and to his surprise, it worked. I grinned, maybe I should be a teacher, I thought to myself, as I pushed one of the doors to greenhouse two open.

Professor sprout happily greeted us, "Welcome, welcome. Well, come on in your lot, stand around the potting tables there. Now dont worry, we won't be planting anything quite yet." She smiled at us as we passed her.
I smile back, and she stops me, "miss snape, I'll be showing you how to grow your own dittany this year; I expect my plants won't go missing again, will they?"
I smile innocently, "why I have no idea what you mean, but I do look forward to your class, Professor Sprout."
Professor Sprout chuckled as she shook her head in disbelief,  before turning to greet the students as they entered.
I quickly walked over and stood between Harry and Hermione, who along Ron and Neville looked at me in surprise and disbelief.
Hermione grabbed my sleeve, " I'd never thought you were raised by Professor snape, not with these stories from Fred and George and now Professor sprout too."
I shrugged, "I was a klutzy and curious child. Don't worry, Hermione. Professor Sprout was just reminding me to behave."
I had a feeling Hermione didn't believe me, and I couldn't blame her. Luckily, it was time for class to start.
Professor sprout greeted the class as a whole, "Good morning, class." She smiled, "does everyone know what herbology is?" Of course Hermione's hand shot up, the Professor pointed to her.

Hermione smiled, "the scientific study of plants, including their physiology, structure, genetics, ecology, distribution, classification, and any magical importance they may or may not have."
"Nicely said, miss Granger." Professor sprout chuckled. "Now we today we will be reviewing all tools you will be using this year, and the different types of fertilizer."
I glance over at Seamus. He doesn't even try to hide his disgust, I snicker.
For the next hour, Professor Sprout identifies every tool and how to properly use them, and the three types of fertilizer she personally uses at Hogwarts. She describes the difference in texture smell and uses. Professor sprout glanced at her students, "How about a small break? I'm thinking let's meet back here in  about 10 minutes?" She smiles as most of her students walk out of the classroom.
Neville, Hermione, myself, and a few hufflepuffs stay behind; "what's this? Reckon, no need for a break, do ya?" We all nod, "right then, how about you all help me then, let's see six of ya? Perfect break off into pairs, then." I look between Hermione and Neville,  "you two pair up," I smile, walking off. I walk over to the three hufflepuff students recognizing them as Hannah, Susan, and Justin.
"Hello," I greet them with a smile, "they're paired up, so can I pair up with one of you?" I ask.
Justin looks me up and down, "You're snape, right?"
I nod, "And you're Finch-Fletchley, call me Roselia or lia, I'm not my dad," I grin.
He looks at the hannah, and Susan then sighs, "Yeah, I'll pair with you, Roselia," he struggled. We walked up to Professor Sprout, "That was quick. Great job now. Each group grabs a different fertilizer and fills these pots. There are gloves and tools over there."
I grab a bag of dragon fertilizer and look at Justin, "ya coming?"
I could tell he was regretting staying behind. I chuckle, "I'm starting without you." I called out. He ran over and cautiously put on the gloves. I started scooping the mixture into each pot, Justin was gently scooping it, "Are you scared of it?" I ask curiously,  he shook his head, I look at the others, Hermione and Neville where almost done, while hannah and Susan, who looked miserable were being helped by Professor Sprout, "here let me finish it," I tell him quickly filled the remaining pots and stepped away. I smiled at the Professor, "we're done" I called to her,  "well done you two, seems the others have finished as well, now I want you six to go was your hands just in case, and quickly, the others will be returning soon." She smiled and shooed us away, we left green house, and the door shut behind us. As she asked, we cleaned up quickly and rushed back. Both houses were waiting outside the green house. I knocked on the door, "Professor Sprout? The door is locked." I stated,
She unlocked and opened the door, "everyone in," she instructed, "I need groups of threes or four." I frowned, I looked at Harry, and he smiled and motioned to Neville,  I smiled and walked over to Hermione and Neville, "us three?" I ask them, they with nod. Harry and Ron made a group with Seamus and Dean. I looked around and found that the pots we filled were lined up in sets of three. Each set flies to a group, "each pot has a different type of fertilizer,  this is your first test, identifying each one." She smiles at the groups, "when you are ready to tell me your findings, raise your hands, and I'll come over."
I look at the three pots, and point to the left most one, and whisper, "This is the dragon one. There is almost no smell to it."
Neville pointed to the middle one, "I think this is the moon calf dung one," Hermione nodded in agreement, "So the third one is centaur tears?" She suggested,  I thought for a moment, and shook my head, "I dont think Professor Sprout would waste such a rare item on this test." I grab my gloves and pick up a hand full of the mix. It seemed too wet and packed, I . "It's just soil." I smile. Hermione grins and raises her hand. Professor sprout quickly walks over to us. "Well, dears, can you tell me what is in each pot?" I motion at the one I'm holding, "this one was tricky, but I believe it's normal soil without any added fertilizer," she grinned. Then, he asked about the other two, "mooncalf," Neville murmurs, pointing at the right one, and Hermione pointed to the left as she spoke, "Dragon."
"Congratulations, all three were correct." She told us, "What gave it away?" She asked me, "I had a hunch, but it was too wet." I tell her. She flicked her wand, taking our pots away. "Ten points to Gryffindor. We will be taking care of dittany plants next week. Go ahead and read up on that for the rest of class, you three." She motioned to a bench she conjured for us, so we sat over there, watching the others: at least I was. As others made their guess,' there were only two groups who got all three correct, ours and Macmillan's. Professor sprout chuckled as class ended, "Remember, read the first 3 chapters on plant care. I will see you all next week. Enjoy your lunch." She told us. I realize I am unbelievably hungry and rush to the great hall. I sit and start eating before the others, they Ron quickly fills his plate while Harry smiles at both of us enjoying our food. Hermione, on the other hand, comments, "You're eating like hogs, undignified." I rolled my eyes, I'm sure she means well. Freddie and George run in, grabbing a roll and fruit before messing up my already messy hair and running back out. I looked at Ron for an explanation he just shrugged, figures, and I shook my head at him.
The rest of the day flew by, Hermione and I finished our homework from dad, Quirell, and Minerva before dinner.
At dinner, Freddie and George ate rather quickly before running off again. While I was curious, I didn't follow them; instead, I turned to Harry and Ron and asked about their homework. They frown in response, "we have transfiguration in the morning. You need to make sure that's done, at least." I remind them. Harry nods, while Ron just grumbles as he takes another bite. Once i finish eating I return to the common room for some light reading before heading to bed for the night.

Thanks so much for reading another chapter. As always, comments, complaints, suggestions, and questions are 100 percent welcome. The next chapter will be ready within a week! See you then!

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