chapter 23

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The next day, Harry and Ron asked for my help getting to classes, although Ron insisted he could have figured it out with a little more time. I nodded, agreeing with him, saying, "Of course, most of your brothers had issues at first as well." He nodded and fell behind me to talk to Harry, I think he is still skeptical on actually related to Harry. Breakfast went by quickly, and with Harry, Ron, and Hermione, we made our way to charms, I saw Neville ahead of us, so I called out, "Good morning, Neville!" He was so startled he dropped one of his books. Feeling bad, I ran up to him, "Sorry Neville," I bend down and pick it up. It's his herbology book. "Here." I hand it to him.
"Thanks," he smiles shyly, and he continues walking. I walk beside him, and I smile back, "Are you excited for charms?"
"I suppose," he sighed. "What's wrong, Neville?" I inquire.
He looks around and then whispers, "I'm worried about thursday, I've never flown before."
I grin, "It's lovely Neville, I promise."
"Well, what if something goes wrong?" He mumbles.
"Now Neville, a broom can be your best friend if you let it. But in the off chance something does go wrong, Madames Hooch and Pomfrey know exactly what to do. Trust me, I've fallen quite a few times, all my fault, of course. Standing on a broom 30 yards off the ground isn't the brightest idea. I'll tell you that."
I look at Neville's face, and he is getting paler by the second. "Like I said, Neville, I only got hurt because I tried to do stupid things on the broom, not because of the broom. So please dont worry too much. Okay?" Still looking pale, he nods, I look to Harry and Hermione for help, but they are too busy chuckling at my attempts.
"Hermione," I whine. She rolls her eyes and walks over.
"Neville, I have a book about broom safety. we can review it over lunch, okay?" She asked, he nods his head excitedly, and I sighed in relief. I fall back as the two of them discuss broom facts, more like Hermione speaks and Neville listens.
Harry catches up to me and gives me a slight nudge on the arm.
"It's okay, at least you tried," he whispered.
I give him a slight smile before whispering, "I feel like I made him more afraid to fly."
Ron, walking beside Harry, said, "You got too excited about it again."
"I know, I just can't help it." I groaned as we reached charms.
Mr Flitwick was taking attendance as we entered, "Good morning, Miss snape, Mr. longbottom, Miss Granger, Mr. weasley, and Mr. Potter."
"Good morning, Professor." The five of us replied in unison. The Professor smiled, "In your seats, please, as you entered." we walked over to the seats, Seamus was sitting in a desk with two open seats. Neville and I walked to sit with him, "Um Neville, can I sit on the end?" I ask him, and he nods in response. I smile, "Thank you."
Neville scoots in, and I sit beside him. To my left, Hermione sat beside Ron and Harry as the third seat.
"Hermione," I call to her, and she turns to me, "What chapter are you on in basic spells?"
She grins "chapter six so far." I think I have the handle on the most basic ones, I can't wait to put them into practice."
"Thought as much, I'm almost done with chapter seven myself." I smirk. We both giggle.
Neville stays silent beside me while Seamus is talking to Dean in the seat behind us.
Once the professor is sure he has his whole class, he closes the door.
"Good morning, Gryffindors and Ravenclaws. Today, I want every one of you to use the wand-lighting charm lumos and the extinguishing charm Nox. By the end of class, each of you needs to perform these two charms for me. Then next week we can learn a basic levitation charm. Any questions?"
Hermione's hand flew up, "yes miss Granger?" He asked,
"What if we can do these two charms perfectly right now? What should we do for the rest of the class?"
"After said student has successfully performed both charms for me, they are encouraged to either read ahead for the next class, help out a friend, or stay quietly in their seat until the end of class. Their pick miss Granger."" Any other questions? No? Good, get practicing."
I practice Lumos and Nox a couple of times before standing, I walk over to the Professor, "Ah miss snape as expected, are you ready?" He asked.
"Yes, Professor Flitwick," I took a calming breath. "Lumos," i smile at the bright light, then I flick my wand as I say, "Nox." Flitwick clapped."Well done, Miss snape, you may return to your seat."
"Thank you, Professor." I returned to my seat and watched Seamus and Neville practice, Neville was so nervous he was stuttering while Seamus' thick accent was hurting his pronounciation
"Do either of you want some help?" I ask, "I have some suggestions."
They both nod, "Neville, you are too nervous. Try taking some slow, deep breaths to help you." He nodded, "and Seamus, your scottish accent, is affecting how you are saying the charm. Try saying Lo-moss. And for Nox, try saying knocks instead." He shrugged and tried the first two Lomus' fail, but Seamus was successful the third time. "Thanks, snape." He grinned. He kept practicing he got Nox to work on the second try. I turned my attention back to Neville, "How are you feeling, Neville? Calmer?" I ask,
He frowns, "I was never strong with magic."
"No worries, like everything else, it takes practice. Let's hear you say the charm before you use it."
Neville nods, "L-lumas, Nos." he frowns,
I smile encouragingly, "Try again Neville, remember lumos is a short o sound. Nox has a Ks sound on the end. You can do it."
Neville took a deep breath and tried again, "Lumos, Nox," he says clearly, I grin, "Great, now try saying it with the motions and your wand."
He did and surprised me by successfully casting lumos the first time. "Amazing, Neville, now try Nox." Neville nodded and said, "Nox, " as he flicked his lit wand; it went out. "That's wonderful, Neville." He grinned proudly.
"Are you ready to show the Professor?" I ask.
Neville shook his head, "I'd like to practice a couple more times first."
"Of course, you practice until you are confident with it." I smiled and turned my attention back to Seamus, "how are you doing, Seamus?" I ask, he grins, "just watch," he stood and walked to the Professor. After succeeding both charms, he walked back to his seat. "Great job. As long as you are careful with your pronounciation, I dont think you will have too many issues." I smile, out the corner of my eye I see Harry and Ron both walk down, harry succeeds his first attempt while Ron had to try twice, "great job," I told them as they walked back. Ron looked a little upset, I could see Hermione whispering at him, but I couldn't hear her.
"I think I'm ready to show the Professor now," Neville says beside me. I stood letting him out, I watch him walk forward, he turned I mouthed 'breathe' he nodded and took a deep breath, "lumos" he chanted, his wand lit up as did his face, he then followed it with a perfect "nox."
"Well done, Mr. longbottom." Professor Flitwick told him.
Neville hurried back to our seat, grinning from ear to ear.
I couldn't help but smile, "Thank you, Roselia, you're an excellent teacher." Neville whispered,
"Yeah, you should think about being one." Seamus added.
I shrug, "maybe."As I pull out my herbology book, identical to the one Neville had dropped earlier.
"What do you think we will be doing for herbology?" Neville asks.
"It's not going to be pleasant," I glance at him. He looks confused. I sigh, "In the first couple chapters, it reviews equipment and different types of fertilizer."
Seamus grimaced, "Gross."
I smirk playfully, "what's wrong, Finnegan, scared to get dirty?" I tease.
"I dont know about here, but back home, we use animal waste in fertilizer."he frowns.
I laugh, "it's not any different for wizards, but we use magical creatures waste. You'll see herbology will be fascinating." I grin returning to my book, as does Neville, leaving Seamus to turn away disgusted.

Ten minutes later, Professor Flitwick clapped again, "Well done, Miss patil." I watched as a ravenclaw girl smiled before sitting beside the parvati patil. "Now that everyone has shown they can accurately cast the wand lighting and extinguishing charms, it is like to remind everyone that next week we will be moving on to a new charm, the levitating charm. Levioso!" The Professor casted on a book near him. I raised my hand, and he nodded to me, "Professor, what is the difference between Levioso and wingardium leviosa?"
He smiled, "they are indeed similar spells, as Levioso is used to levitate an object or person, and wingardium leviosa is used to levitate and control the levitating item. As such, successfully mastering Levioso now will increase your chances of being successful when using wingardium leviosa. Next question?" He looked around the room, "no others? Alright, then remember to read the section on Levioso before next week. Then off you go."
I smiled and stood, "Come on guys," I said, putting my book back in my bag, and stood waiting patiently in front of Hermione. Neville stood ready beside me, then Hermione, Harry, and Ron. Seamus said he'd catch up and went to talk to Dean. I shrugged, leading my friends out to the hall and towards herbology.

Thanks so much for reading another chapter! As always Comments complaints, suggestions, and questions are 100 percent welcome. The next chapter will be ready within a week! See you then!

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