chapter 29: Thursday night

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I woke up with a start, flinching as I sit up, my arm still hurts but it is bearable. I looked around and realized the sun was setting, I sighed because now I had another issue, I was hungry.
"Lia?" I hear a voice from my right side, I turn and see Neville sitting in a bed near by, "Hey Neville, how's your wrist? " I smile at him, he frowns, "it's been better. But you, your arm, is it?"
I rotate my shoulder, I physically winced, "I'm not screaming anymore I'd say that's an improvement."
Neville looks at the ground in shame, "it's all my fault, you got hurt." he says, "I don't ever want to get on another broom again."
I frown, "that's a shame, I think once you are over the fear, the feeling of riding a broom through the sky is the best feeling in the world." I smile at him, but he stays silent.
"How is it your fault I decided to try and save you? When did you yell 'Lia save me!' ? Well did you?" I growled at him, Neville was taken a back, and I continue, "That's right no you didn't, so stop it, you can blame yourself for your own injuries but not mine, you got that?"
Neville nodded slowly and stared at his wrapped hand.
Poppy cleared her throat, "before you continue scolding the poor boy, take your medicine and eat some food. Since it's well past dinner the elves brought you some things you like, including pudding."
I grin at her and gratefully take the medicine and food, I take the medication in one gulp as I gag on it then quickly shove a spoon full of pudding in my mouth. I savor the delicious taste of the chocolatey goodness.
As I finished my meal I watch as Neville was rotating his wrist, "any pain?" Poppy asked him, he shook his head. "Good," she smiled, "now off to bed with you, miss snape will be along in few minutes."
Neville nodded at me and left the infirmary, after a few minutes poppy sat on my bed. "I have something of yours if you want it back." She told me pulling out a handkerchief, it was the one I lent to Goyle on the train.
"Yes please, I love this handkerchief." I told her, it was a gift Poppy gave me years ago.
Poppy smiled, "I always loved lilies, they are such wonderful flowers."
I nodded,"yeah mother loved them a lot too." I said placing the cloth on my lap.
Poppy's eyes grew wide as she looked around then pulled me into a hug, "Finally, I suppose that's why little harry was with you the other night then?"
I hugged her back, "yes he found out that day."
Poppy chuckled, as she pulled out of our hug. "Now I feel bad for sending him away, he was only worried about his sister."
I smiled knowing he was worried made me feel happy.
"Your brother wasn't alone either quite a few students came with him; including those weasley twins." She grinned at me as patted my cheek, I felt embarrassed all of a sudden.
Poppy looks me over once more and with a satisfied smile she said, "since my hug didn't hurt, I believe you are cured well enough to return to your house. As much as I love your company dear, I'd prefer to see you as my assistant rather than as a patient." She grinned, as she stood and walked to her storage room. Poppy busied herself organizing some bottles, I tested my shoulder again rotating it one way than the other. Feeling satisfied I toss the covers off me and stand and toss me cloak on before walking over to poppy.
"I'll be off then," I waved to her, she snapped her fingers as if remembering something, "if that filch stops you tell him to come see me about it. Now off you go." She waves me off and returns to her bottles.
As I walked down the stairs I thought about the time, it was almost 11:30 I hurried back to Gryffindor tower and ran right to the picture, it seemed the lady was just returning.
"Finally returning I see, password." The fat lady said.
"Caput Draconis" I say.
"Incorrect," she sneers.
I look at her confused before remembering percy mentioned it changing weekly, it must of happened at dinner. I groaned and walked to the faculty tower and knocked on Minerva's door. It took a few minutes but she answered in her cap and gown, she looked at me worried, "what's the matter dear?" She asked panicked.
I smile, "I'm sorry to bother you so late at night but I can't get into the common room since didnt receive the new password."
Minerva sighed, "oh dear, now don't you worry none, the new password is pig snout. Now off to bed with you." She smiled at me, as I nodded thanking her and running off.
I reach the portrait and say, "Pig snout."
"Correct." The woman said as she opened the way. I went inside and straight up to my bed, I flopped face down onto it. I turned towards Hermione and immediately realized she wasn't there. After quickly looking around the room I realized she was the only one missing, my first thought was to tell Freddie and George, but I stopped myself and checked the bathroom and common rooms. Not finding her I went to get Harry, I crept into his room and only found Seamus and dean, no Harry, Ron or Neville. I decided getting Freddie was a good idea, I ran to his room that he shared with George and Lee. I found Freddie and shook him and whispered his name quietly, he slowly stirred he opened and eye and looked at me, before groaning, "I'm sleeping,"
"I know but I need the map, where is it?" I whisper urgently.
"Why?" He asks.
"Hermione isn't in bed." I tell him.
"Did you check the toilet?" He mumbled, rolling back over.
"Of course I did. Harry, Ron and Neville are gone as well." I say still whispering.
Freddie sat up and actually looked at my worried face, he rolled off the bed and lifted his mattress, revealing the map. Freddie taps his wand on the paper and say, "I solemnly swear that I am up to no good."
We move to the window using the moonlight to find their names, Luckily all four of them were grouped together on the staircase, I sighed in relief and thanked Freddie, he smiled ruffled my hair and went back to bed.
I made my way to the common room and sat by the fire as I waited for my friends to return.
I didn't have to wait long the four of them rushed through the portrait, I stood and walked towards them as they argued.
"What do they think they are doing? Keeping a thing like that locked up in a school?" Ron growled.
"You don't use your eyes do you?" Hermione snapped, "Didnt you see what it was standing on?"
"The floor?" Harry suggested, "I was more focused on its heads than its feet."
Hermione sighed, "a trap door it's obviously guarding something."
Hermione turned and saw me arms crossed glaring at the four of them.
"'Bout time one of you noticed me. Where have you been? You lot look horrible. I don't know what you could have been up to this late but you're lucky Filch didn't catch you."
Looking between the four harry and Ron looked guilty, Neville looked terrified and Hermione looked smug.
Hermione spoke, "they went out to duel-" but cut herself off looking at me. "Well it doesn't matter what they were doing I was only trying to stop them. And since it's over I'm going to bed before anyone gets another idea on how to get us killed or worse expelled." She then walked past me and up the stairs.
"She needs to get her priorities straight." Ron mumbled to harry, but I heard him.
I sighed and looked at Harry, "If everyone is okay we should follow Hermione's lead, and go to bed. It's past midnight and we have double potions first thing tomorrow." Without waiting for a response I followed Hermione up the stairs.
I quickly changed and didn't speak to Hermione as I needed to try and fail to get a proper night's sleep.

Thanks so much for reading another chapter! As always comment, complaints, suggestions, and questions are 100 percent welcome. The next chapter will be ready within a week! See you then!

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