chapter 22 :

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"I'll take you," fred said.
"Okay then, I'll grab my books." I reach for my album, Harry grabs it and stands, "we're coming too, right, ron?" Ron gives him a confused look before understanding, "ah yeah, us too, your, um, poor face."
I scoff, "If even Ronald is worried about my face, I guess I should go then." I scoop up the rest of my books and walk with the boys. Ron walked in front of me, talking to Fred while Harry walked beside me. He handed me my book, "Thanks," I say, before speaking, "I couldn't help but notice you and Ron were having a pretty heated discussion during dinner." He nodded, "anything I can help with?" I ask.
He is silent for a moment, "you said 'our' earlier."
"What?" I say questioning.
"When I told you how I thought my parents died you said 'our parents', Ron said you probably said the wrong thing by accident and meant 'your parents', but the boy in your book looks so much like me that I'm double guessing things. Maybe I just want it to be true, that I have more family." He spoke sadly.
I smiled, "Aw man, I can't believe I messed up so easily." I chuckled, "I was trying to figure out how to tell you, who knew it would be this easy."
"So I'm right?" Harry asked hopeful, I nod smiling, "Dumbledore was going to send me to an Orphanage, but my dad, I mean Professor snape, was so against it Dumbledore agreed to him adopting me but only if he change my name. If you dont believe me, Albus has already said he would call us this weekend. To explain some things."
Harry shook his head, "No, I trust you. I mean, would someone really lie about this? It would be most cruel."
"I agree. Well, it's nice to meet you again harry, our mother named me Julieta-rose Lily Potter, my adoptive father chose Roselia Lily Snape. He tried to respect mom's choice in names. You know he isn't as bad as he seems."
Harry shrugged, "did you really only find out recently?"
"Yeah, remember meeting on your birthday?" Harry nodded, "that night, father gave me this book and told me the truth of who I am. When I suggested finding you immediately, he said it wasn't the right time. I was also told not to tell many people, as everyone thought I was dead. So I've only told a few."
"Like who?" Harry asked.
"Well, technically, I told Dray first, but then I told Freddie and George via owl. And Hermione just figured it out, like you did. Some of the teachers knew before I did, but some of them still dont know. Albus won't tell me anything about why i needed to hide. He said he would explain in time, he is a mystery that one."
Harry had a conflicted look on his face, "what's wrong?" I asked him.
"So Malfoy knew on the train then?" He asked.
I smiled."Of course he did. He found out only hours after I did. We were staying at the malfoy estate for my birthday and we have been friends for years."
Harry frowned before whispering, "I don't think he really is your friend. The things he said to me," He paused, looking worried, "he said things you wouldn't say about a friends family."
My smile fell, and my heart broke. "Oh, now I understand."
Harry looked at me guilty, "I'm sorry, maybe I shouldn't have said anything."
I gave him a sad smile, "No, it's fine, Draco wouldn't tell me what happened on the train. Freddie refused to repeat it as well. I'll look at it this way, it's better to learn these things as soon as possible so the bad feelings can leave even faster."
We were only a few stairs from the top, and I quickened my pace.
the four of us emerged from the infirmary door, Madame Pomfrey's eyes widened, "What happened?" She ran over checking each of us over," She sighed as she got a better look at me, "seriously, Miss Snape, it is only your second day back. Was it a broom again?" She walked over to her medicine stores, grabbing out a few bottles,
"No ma'am," i responded, she beckons me over to her, "sit." She said, checking my face with a "tsk tsk" sound she grabbed the first bottle off the stand, took out some and rubbed it on a towel which she just to rub my whole face, "it stings," I whine.
"Good," she smirked at me, "it's working."
she added another ointment and gave me a drink for pain. I grimaced at the taste, and poppy looked pleased with herself.
"Now off you go, I expect no injuries tomorrow." I grinned at her, "No promises."
She playfully scowled at me as I ran off.
Freddie had waited by me while Harry and Ron were whispering to each other near the door. I snuck up on Ron and whispered, "Care to share your secret?" I asked, and he jumped nearly a foot in the air. Freddie and I laughed at him.
He turned to face me, "What's got you so spooked?" I ask him.
Seeing me, he relaxed, "I thought you were a ghost."
"You don't need to be afraid of any ghost at Hogwarts they won't hurt you. Except Peeves, but he is actually a poltergeist, and he won't do anything too excessive. As soon as you mention the bloody baron, he runs off." I told him, giggling.
Harry smirked, and I looked at him. "So what were you whispering about?" I asked again.
"Well," he said whispering, "i told Ron that you mybyou know. Was that okay?" I shrugged. "It should be fine, I'm not sure why we can't tell people it's a stupid rule anyway."
"So it's true then?" Ron asks.
I rolled my eyes, "yes Ronald, you saw the pictures, we look just like them."
"Ron," he murmured, "I don't like Ronald. It sounds like I'm in trouble when you say it."
"Okay, Ron then." I say, happily, I wave to poppy, and she nods. Then I turned away, I looked from Harry to Ron, "well you coming or staying?" I ask before walking towards the hallway with freddie. They looked at each other and then ran after me. "Wait for us," I heard them call before Harry was on my right with Ron next to him. I grinned as we headed back to our common room. I led the way it was very close to the hospital wing, so we were there within minutes.
"Well, that was easy," Ron said, I smiled and whispered, "Caput Draconis," to the portrait.
"Enter." The sturn faced woman stated. As she slowly moved out of our way. I stepped forward and walked through, I smiled as I saw Hermione sitting on the couch reading, while others were laughing and joking around. I walked over and sat beside her, "Hermione," I whispered to her, "Hm?" She mumbled at me, "Harry figured it out." I whispered, she grinned, "i figured he would." She said smuggly, closing her book. "I mean, he is your brother after all."
"How'd it go?" She whispered,
We turned and looked at Harry, Ron had found a chess board and was trying to explain the rules to him.
"He seemed happy, but I think he will need time to adjust." I said, smiling gently.
Hermione chuckled, "I wish you both the best." She said, giving my hand a small squeeze, I nod and squeeze hers back.
Just then, Freddie leaps over the back of the couch, landing right beside me, "What are you two book worms doing?" He asked. I smiled at him and looked at Harry, as he knew everything he sighed in relief, "Feel better now? This secret was killing you as much as me."
"It's still a secret," I remind him. He fake pouts at me, "I need to talk to Dumbledore before anyone else knows." I sigh. "I really don't know why I have to remain a secret when I wasn't even sent to the dursley's to begin with." I mumble slumping against Freddie.
He pets my head before teasing, "Little kids like you shouldn't worry too much about these things. But you should be heading off to bed."
I rolled my eyes, "two years," I say to him. "You're only older by two years."
"And three months," he reminds me, I pout at him, and he chuckles. "Now off to bed first years before mister perfect prefect Percy gets you." This put a smile on my face, and I stood up, pulling Hermione with me to ready for bed. I wave at Harry as we pass he gave me a small smile before returning to his game.
Hermione and i quickly change, and we talk about todays classes until she falls asleep. Once I finally fall asleep, I dream of mum and dad until morning.

Thanks so much for reading another chapter! As always comment, complaints, suggestions, and questions are 100 percent welcome. The next chapter will be ready within a week! See you then!

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