chapter 8: the truth

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Severus snape sat down on the small lounger in his daughter's room ready to break the news of the little girls secret past to her. Was he ready to give her the answers she wanted about her mother. He knew he wasn't, but he had to because that boy would be in the same year as his sweet Roselia. Sighing in defeat he speak in low tone, "Lia, I know you have many questions and I will try to answer them but no matter what I need you to remember that I love you and you will always be my daughter. Okay?" Roselia now had a worried expression on her face. Severus picked up the girl and sat her on his lap, he stroked her hair.
"The very basic truth is that while I have raised you most of your life, I am not your biological father. I loved your mother with all of my heart but I was a fool and made mistakes. Those mistakes pushed your mother away to someone else that someone is your biological father. The two of them got married, they were happy and had you. Unfortunately a powerful wizard recieved a prophecy roughly translated means that one if your mothers children might bring ruin to him. This man decided to kill said child but his plan didnt work the way he wanted, your mother tried to stop him and because of her when he attacked the baby he failed and disappeared. By the time I got there I was too late to save either of your parents. But I could save you, i took you in, I decided to raise you. I love you very much my dear."
Roselia sat quietly for a while, "Father,"she paused, snape smiled relieved he was worried she wouldn't call him father anymore. "Yes my daughter?" He smiled at her, "I'm a little confused on a few things, you said one of her children does that mean I have siblings? " Severus nodded, she continued her questioning, "then where are they? How many do I have? Do they know about me? Why aren't they here with us?"
Severus chuckled, "one question at a time please. You have one brother, he was staying in the muggle world with your mother's sister and their family. Albus felt it was too dangerous to keep the two of you together, so he ordered me to bring you with me. But i am not sure if he knows about you, i was told not to tell you about him specifically unless you asked. I'm sorry I couldn't tell you sooner."
Roselia asked, "father, what's his name? And what's my other name?"
Snape smiled sadly, "I had changed your name as a precaution but the name your mother gave you was Julieta-Rose Lily Potter. I'm sure you have heard of your brother, his name is Harry James potter."
Roselia gasped, "my brother is the boy who lived? That's Amazing! But why is it he had to live with muggles?"
" Well I wasn't allowed to keep you both and Dumbledore didnt want him to grow up with an ego about being the chosen one. Rubbish if you ask me if you God father hadn't run off acting crazy he would have lived with him." Severus shook his head disapprovingly at the man he mentioned.
"Father, one more question, why did you tell me today of all days?" She asked.
He smiled and handed Roselia a photo album, "I have kept photos of them for you, mind you I was not a fan of your father but your mother was a different story. She was bright, beautiful, and brave."
Roselia smiled as she took the book, "sounds like you liked her alot,"
Severus nodded, "I really did, istill do. I love her, we were best friends even before we entered Hogwarts. She lived near spinners end too. But that was all we ever were, childhood best friends, because I messed up bad."
"What did you do?" Roselia asked,
Severus sighed in shame, "there are terms used to hurt others, do you remember how there are muggles born with magic?" Roselia nodded, Severus continued, "there is a term used to hurt them, it means dirty blood. I used it once when I was mad and embarrassed, I immediately regretted my actions. Honestly I dont think your mother ever forgave me not truly. After that we spent less time together both at school and at spinners end, she still helped if I was in trouble but she would do that for anyone really. Lily was so amazing, you look so much like her truly it's like I've gone back in time."
"Dad, what was that term? What did you call mum?" Roselia asked quietly.
"Why?" Snape responded,
"I just dont want to do that, you know accidentally hurt someone with a word I dont know will hurt."
Severus sighed relenting, "Mudblood." He sneered the horrible word. "It is the worse thing you could call anyone. Whether they are a muggle-born witch or not. I never want to hear that word again."
Roselia nodded, "father can I still live with you now that I know the truth? I'm can still your daughter, Right?" She started to tear up,
Severus smiled and hugged her, "of course I'd never send you to those muggles, never, and I will try to get Harry to come as well if i can. Now what do you want to do? I'm thinking more cake?"
Roselia nods wiping her face, then calling out, "Dobby are you available?" With the sound of a snap, Roselia's favorite house elf appeared, "yes young miss dobby is here. Oh and we do wish you happy birthday" Roselia smiled at him, she loved dobby so very much, he was weird but fun too. "Thank you dobby, tell the others I said thank you too, everything was delicious and wonderful today. That is all for now dobby well see you later." She waved and walked out of her room with her dad, he was no longer smiling, she only saw him smile when they were alone. Roselia didnt mind it was like their own secret happiness.
After rejoining the malfoys, Roselia had another slice of cake before Narcissa swept her away to talk dresses for the party. She was trying to color coordinate both families outfits. Roselia giggled thinking of her dad and uncle in matching suits. They talked until late, deciding to go shopping the next day together.
Roselia had always seen Narcissa as a mother figure, so she was always happy to spend time with her. Narcissa called for draco to take Roselia back to her room then to bed with him.
He nodded before leading Roselia away,  once they were to her room Roselia pulled draco inside, "what are you," he tried to argue,  she covered his mouth, "quiet, I have a secret to share with you. " eyes big draco nodded. He quietly followed her to the couch where she had left the photo album. "Look, " she opened the book showing a girl slightly older than herself, "who's that? They look alot like you but different." Draco stared at the photo, Roselia grinned "that's my mum. Isn't she pretty?" Draco nodded. She turned the pages to a picture with bothering her parents and their children. Draco recognized you in her arms but not the others. Before he can ask she tells him, "I'm apparently adopted, this is my birth parents and my brother too. I have a brother Dray, my father said I'll get to meet him this year at school." Draco stared at the man in the picture before asking, "doesn't he find you of that boy from today? Looks just like him except his eyes they were different more like," he paused looking into Roselia's eyes, "just like yours." Roselia's eyes went wide, "that was harry? Oh no I should have introduced myself better." She groaned, draco chuckled, "Don't worry Lia, like you said he will be at Hogwarts this year just like us, so we can't get a redo. I'm happy for you Lia!"
Roselia smiled hugging her best friend, "Thanks Dray what would I do with out you?"
He grins, "dunno but if you're going shopping with my mum tomorrow you need to sleep." He gives her one more squeeze before letting go and heading to the next room over, where he changed and went straight to bed.
Roselia changed into her pajamas, then grabbed the photo album before crawling into bed where she fell asleep hugging the book tightly.


"Did you tell her, Sev?" Narcissa asked.
Severus nodded, "her main concerns were if she had siblings and if she could stay my daughter."
Narcissa laughed, "I expected her to be angry, I mean she will be once she finds out how those muggles treated that poor boy. I'm glad she is smart, it does make me wonder where she will be placed though. She already has friends in every house, poor draco will have to fight for her, honestly I'm not too surprised after all Lily was also very popular." She grinned looking at the scowl on Severus' face, "she will be fine no matter where she goes, I'm more worried about the boy, he is ignorant about the wizard world, I dont want anyone taking advantage of him." He growled.
"You worry too much Severus, I'm sure he will catch on fast. He is lily's boy after all it's in his genes." She stood up, "I believe it's time for us to go to bed as well." She waved her wand and Roselia's presents were sent to her room. "Goodnight Severus." She walked off to bed. Severus sighed and headed to his room as well.

Thanks so much for reading another chapter as always. Comment, complaints, suggestions, and questions are 100 percent welcome. The next chapter will be ready within a week! See you then!

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