chapter 26: Wednesday part 2

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As we crossed the viaduct bridge we hear Ron's stomach growl again, I chuckle only to hear similar sounds from my own stomach. Ron laughs at it, his rang into the courtyard, Harry smiled at me. I glare playfully at them before a hand lands on my head. I look up and see Freddie grinning at me, "Hey, kiddos!" He says, George chuckles from beside him. I reached my right hand up and grab the hand on my head by the wrist, "Two years," I fake pouted,
"and four months." The twins sang in unison both grinning widely.
I roll my eyes playfully, then grin as I pull Freddie's hand towards the stairs. "Hungry, are we?" he asks as he let me lead him up the stairs.
Chuckling behind us, Harry says, "Yeah, we are."
"Are you actually staying for lunch today? " I question the twins. George nods, "Luckily Wood can't practice today, so we are practically free until Friday."
I grin, "I'll bet Oli can't practice today and tomorrow because he is helping Madame Hooch with flying classes. The second years flying classes are today after lunch. And first years are tomorrow! I can't wait!" I giggle in excitement.
Freddie chuckles at me as he gives a small tug on his wrist. This caught me off guard pulling me towards him. I quickly release his wrist and spin to face him.
In mid spin Freddie grabs the hand that I used to hold his and spins me back around, "I know you can handle a broom well enough but don't go getting carried away."
George catches up to my other side, "We wouldn't want you getting banned from playing now, would we?" George winks at me. I return his wink with a smirk, "Don't worry, I promise I'll behave."
Freddie and George shake their heads as if they don't believe me, so I give them an innocent smile causing the both of them to laugh. The doors to the entrance hall open as I look over my shoulder to see Harry smiling at our little exchange and Ron roling his eyes.
Reaching the great hall, the doors are wide open and I see Hermione sitting at our table talking with Neville. As if noticing us Hermione turned towards us, her eyes went wide before she turned back to Neville. I quickly looking around the hall I see Draco and his friends glaring at me before turning away, Draco looked disgusted. I walk over to Hermione and sit beside her, releasing Freddie's hand.
I tap her shoulder and whisper, "What was that look for?" Hermione shook her head, "Later!"
I'm curious so I say "please Herms," and flutter my eyes at her, Hermione sighs and shakes her head before she returns to her book. It's the one she spoke to Neville about before, Hermione read fact after fact from the book, and Neville hung on every word. He even took notes. I gently smiled at them before making myself a plate. As I ate, I listened to the others' talk, with Harry and Ron across from me, Hermione to my right, and Freddie talking to George on my left, I over heard George laughing and I smile ask,"what's so funny?"
Freddie turned to me with a grin, "malfoy got a howler this morning, I couldn't make out what it was about but it was loud. The whole hall was laughing about it."
I frowned, "I knew his mum sent a letter, but I didn't know it was a Howler."
I looked at harry sitting across from me and he frowned and asked, "what's a howler?"
George explained, "it's a letter that reads itself out loud usually with an extremely loud voice before either bursting into flames or tearing itself up. Mum's howlers always tear themselves up."
Harry's eyes went wide, "Maybe that's why he acted like that at breakfast. I thought he was overreacting to getting scolded in a letter. It makes sense now."
I frowned and nodded, Hermione asked, "what do you mean?"
Ron spoke with his mouth full, "the git nearly attacked Lia at breakfast. He brought his lackey's and his girlfriend over and yelled her face. Lia stood her ground and left him speechless too."
Harry nods in confirmation, while Hermione glares at Ron for talking with food in his mouth, again. Her gaze softens when she turns to me, "Was that why you were upset in class?"
I shrugged, Freddie draped his arm over my shoulder, giving me a quick shoulder hug. "Don't worry about Malfoy," he said, " if he can't see that you're wickedly awesome then it's his loss. You literally have the whole weasley family in your corner, right George?" George leans around Freddie, "we know mum and dad will love you and you had Charlie eating out of your hands when he was here. And well you know we've got your back."
I smiled at them when Harry chimed in, "I know I don't know you well yet but me too, you can count on me for anything." Hearing that from him made my chest feel warm, "thanks Harry." I tell him, and I decided to push Draco out of my mind for now and focus on eating. My friends slowly went back to their conversations.
I felt content just eating there between my friends until I felt eyes on me. They made me uncomfortable, so I looked around. With so many people at once, I couldn't tell who it was. The feeling was not pleasant it made me feel nauseous. I looked towards Draco had been sitting but he wasn't there. I could still feel the eyes bearing holes into me. I stopped eating, Harry noticed immediately, "Lia, are you okay? You need to eat more, you barely had any breakfast." He commented.
All conversation between my friends stopped as they looked at me. I nod, "Just a little tired, I think I'll go take a small nap. Since we have astronomy tonight." I stand, and a couple of my friends try to as well, but I shake my head at them and smile, "finish eating. I'll see everyone at dinner."
Freddie frowns at me, I just wave at him before leaving. As I walked out of the hall, the feeling I had followed me until I was past the doors. I leaned against the wall and took a deep breath before I walked up the moving stairs and to the old lady's portrait, I kept looking over my shoulder the whole way there. The woman in the portrait stared at me as I walked towards her, "I say, girl, I think you should go to the infirmary and have her take a look at you."
"I'm not ill, just tired. I'll be fine with some rest, Caput Draconis." I tell her, she huffs at me in defiance but opens the way regardless. I thank her as I cross in, then flop down on the couch and stare at the unlit fireplace.
Feeling a chill I sit up then i pull out my wand and point it at the stacked wood, "incendio," I whisper. Nothing happened. I tried once more, "incendio" again, nothing. Giving up I lay back down on the couch. Sliding my wand back in my cloak, I stared at the ceiling before letting my eyelids close and drifting off to sleep.
I'm not sure how much time had passed, but I felt poke my cheek, I quickly grab it before it can move away. I can hear someone chuckling and slowly open my eyes. Right above me is Freddie grinning, "Morning Rosie. How was your nap."
I blink at him a few times before sitting upright, "Not sure, what time is it?"
"Almost five, I'm surprised you didn't wake up sooner." He said.
"Honestly, same. I don't think I've slept this long in a while." I smiled at him. "Rosie? I don't think you've called me that one before."
Freddie shrugged, "Wanted to try it. It doesn't feel wrong, but I don't think I'll use it."
I chuckle a little, Freddie smiles, "Ready to go?" He asks.
I nod holding out hand, and he grins as he pulls me to my feet. I looked around the common room it was completely empty, "Is everyone at dinner already?" I ask. As we walk past the swinging portrait.
"Possibly, I think our little brothers were in the library with Granger. She said she wanted to go with them in case they needed help. I don't think Ron is too fond of her to be honest. And George went to convince Mcgonagall to put you on the team. He said he would meet us at the table." Freddie told me this as we started descending the moving staircases.
I nodded, turning towards him as I say, "that's nice of hi-" as I was in the process of stepping on the stairs ahead of me they started to move away Freddie quickly grabbed my hand, stopping me, he quickly pulls me away from the edge.
"Th-thanks," I stammer, as I look at the opening, Freddie heaves a sigh, "Dang it, watch where you are going. I feel like every time I let go of your hand, you get into some kind of accident."
"I know, but I don't intentionally do so. They just kind of happen sometimes." I say shaking my head, I was actually terrified, there is an enchantment in place so this shouldn't happen, I needed to tell Albus.
Freddie looked at me his eyebrows furrowed, "Lia? Are you okay?"
I nodded staring at the stairs as they finally returned to us.
I look up at him and force a smile, "of course I'm fine you saved me." I squeezed his hand, "Let's get to dinner, I'm so hungry. I hardly ate anything for breakfast nor lunch, I'm practically starving!" Freddie shook his head at me, but allowed me to pull him through the stairs and down to the hall.

Thanks so much for reading another chapter! As always comment, complaints, suggestions, and questions are 100 percent welcome. The next chapter will be ready within a week! See you then!

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