chapter 28: Thursday

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I awoke in a cold sweat, that same horrible dream, again. I look out the window. The sun isn't even up yet, but I know I won't be going back to sleep tonight. I sighed and looked around the room, I felt bitter that I was haunted by this memory while they all could sleep so soundly. I grabbed my uniform and went to the bathroom. After taking a quick shower, I headed down to the common room and sat on the couch. The fire was lit this time, so I watched the flames dance as the world around me slowly woke up. Percy was the first one down. He nearly left without seeing me, but he noticed me out the corner of his eye just beforehand and called out to me.
"Snape? What are you doing up so early?" He asked, walking over to me. He stood over me, awaiting my answer.
I sighed and forced a smile, "I was so excited for class that I ended up waking too early."
He eyed me suspiciously, then his relaxed into a pleased smile, "Good for you, good luck in your classes." He told me before strutting away.
I slouched into the couch and waited as the other students woke up.
My older friends would greet me or wave to me on their way out. Freddie ruffled my hair, and George laughed as they ran out, Oli running after them yelling about something.
I laughed as Hermione sat beside me, "Good morning, Lia." She said to me.
I turned to her and smiled as I replied, "Good Morning Herms."
"What time did you get up this morning." Hermione asked,
"Before percy," i responded
Her eyes go wide, "Did you have another nightmare?" Hermione asks in an urgent whisper.
I frown nodding, "It's the same one."
Hermione continues to whisper, "Again? That's the third time, I'm worried about you, Lia. You're not getting enough sleep. If this continues, it will affect your school studies and even your magic, too. You have to talk to professor Snape." She looks concerned.
I look down at my hands, "All right, I will. But after class tomorrow, today is just too busy."
"Fine, but if you don't tell him tomorrow, I will." She warned, i nodded in response.
Seeming pleased Hermione stood and asked, "Are you still waiting on them? Surely they can get to breakfast by themselves now."
I purse my lips and look towards the stairs before standing, "You're right, im sure they don't want me hanging around them all day anyway." I say.
Hermione and I head to the great hall, talking about charms along the way. As we neared the great hall, we heard footsteps running behind us. Looking over my shoulder I see Harry and Ron running, I grin as they caught up to us, "You lot have plenty of time for breakfast no need to run." I teased them.
"You left without us." Harry gasped, trying to catch his breath.

I raised an eyebrow at him, "I thought you wanted to get to your classes by yourself today. Right?" I grinned.
Harry nods his head, "But, I'd still like to go to classes together, if possible. We just wanted to make sure we could do it without help."

ermione rolls her eyes, "I memorized the whole castle the first day."
Ron scoffed, "well Sorry, we aren't perfect like you."
Hermione frowned, "I'm not perfect. I just took the time to learn it, I didn't think it was that hard."
Ron looked ready to yell, but I cut him off first.
"Stop it!" I growled. "We don't have time to be arguing. We need to eat and get to class. Let's go!" I quickly walked into the hall and sat down. The others quietly followed me. We were just in time for mail. Gluaca dropped me a news paper and a small gift before circling back and landing on my head. I giggling I gave him a crust from my toast and he flew off. I started to read my news paper it was about the break-in last month at gringotts, there wasn't any new information just another interview from a goblin. I folded it and placed it on the table, Harry asked if he could read it.
I shrugged, "I'm done with it, you can have it if you want." I picked up the small box, I examined it it was a thin box it was only a couple inches big with red and gold wrapping. I opened it to see a small owl charm and a note.
It read,

"Dearest Lia,
I'm sorry for the troubles Draco has caused you, here is a new charm for your braclet as an apology. I do hope you can forgive Draco he is only a child after all, I'm sure he will grow out of it soon. Do try to be patient with your friends.
I hope to hear from you soon.
Love your Aunt Sissy.

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