ch 10:Hogwarts Express

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It was nearly ten o'clock by the time Narcissa had doubled and triple checked that they had everything, wands included. Then herself, Roselia and Draco apparated to the alley way beside cross station. Narcissa summoned the two trolleys for the children's trunks and other items. "Ready?" She asked them, both nodded eagerly she grinned let's go then, she helped them push their trolleys onto the platform, "mum I don't see a platform 9 3/4, do you?" Narcissa smiled, ready to reply, but Roselia guessed the answer right away, "Dray, it must be hidden so the muggles dont see it, right?" she asked Narcissa for confirmation, Narcissa smile grew with pride, "That's right, Lia, it is hidden to look like one of the brick walls. This one ahead," she points to a wall between platforms 9 and 10. Draco gave his mum a confused look while Roselia gave one of amazement, Narcissa saw another family walk toward the wall, and she told her children, "Watch them," they nodded. As the other family ran straight at the wall and disappeared, Roselia looked around in total amazement. None of the muggles noticed that they disappeared it was wonderful. She turned towards Narcissa, " Can I go next, oh please!"
Narcissa laughed, "Of course, now run straight at the wall and dont be afraid I'll be right over with draco, okay?"
Roselia grinned, "See you soon." She lined up here cart and ran closing her eye at the last second, she opened them to see the train right in front of her, "this is amazing!" She shouted excitedly. She heard a whoosh then a "cool!"
Beside her, Draco and Narcissa had made it, "I know it's amazing, but let's get you on board." Narcissa said. She ushered them to the luggage area, "Now grab a set of robes, your owls, and your wands. You will leave everything else here. They will take care of them. Let's find you a seat." Draco and Roselia did as they were told and were sent to the middle cars, "pick a car dears and sit down. You can change into your robes now before everyone else gets here. Now I know you have plenty of gold, but try not to eat too many sweets, okay?" Narcissa looked sadly at Roselia and Draco, "I'm going to be so bored without you two,"she sighed. Both children ran to hug her. "See you at Christmas, "Roselia asked, "of course dear, have fun." Draco releasing his mother climbed up first, holding a hand out and helped Roselia up, they walked to the first empty car and sat by the windows, looking out the window Roselia could see Narcissa waving to her, she waved back before a couple witches Narcissa knew walked up to her and they began chatting. They drew the blinds in the car Roselia changed first, while Draco waited in the hall then they switched, After a few minutes, she went back inside followed by Crabbe and Goyle a few minutes later, "hello!" Crabbe said, flopping down beside Draco, Goyle nodded before sitting beside crabbe. Most of Draco's friends were boys besides Roselia and Pansy, Roselia wasn't too fond of pansy but was willing to try and be friends for draco.
Just then, Pansy came running in the car and tried to sit beside draco. Before realizing the seat was taken, she turned to Roselia, "Move." She demanded, roselia smirked at her, "well hello to you too." Roselia said.
" I said Move!" Pansy said it louder this time, Draco's eyebrow went up,
Roselia shrugged at him, "And why should I?"
Pansy crossed her arms, "Because I want to sit by the window," she quickly glanced at draco and glared at Roselia.
Draco didn't notice, but Roselia did. She laughed, "Right, you just want to sit by the window. But you know what, no, I like this spot, maybe you should have arrived sooner, or better yet, chosen a different car."
"Why can't you just move?" Pansy hissed,
"Because you're lying again, pansy. " Roselia rolled her eyes and looked out the window, her eyes land on the raven haired boy from before, she looks at draco and points, "Dray look," but to her dismay he had vanished, Draco hadn't seen him but asked, "was it him?"
She nodded sadly. He stood up and sat beside her, giving her a pat on the shoulder, "At least we know he is here, right?" He whispered, then she nodded, Draco looked at Pansy and said," You can have my window seat. I'd rather sit by Lia."
Pansy huffed and sat by the window, glaring out it. The train hissed and began to move since it was eleven o'clock. They all watched out the window at all the parents and younger children were passed, Roselia saw a red haired girl waving, she reminded her of Fred and George, she had sent them a letter about Harry but had never gotten a response. This made her more frustrated after how Pansy  had behaved. They are her friends they knew things even draco didn't.
Roselia heard Pansy bragging to Crabbe and Draco about her summer, how they went to watch Quidditch matches and her new broom, and how she has been flying by herself since she was 8.
Roselia found herself annoyed by the girl. She gave a low growl of annoyance,
"Do you only ever talk about yourself?" Roselia asked.
"Lia," Draco cautioned.
But Roselia chose to ignore him, "All I've heard since meeting you is, me, me, me, mine, mine, mine, oh look at how amazing I think I am, oh boo hoo I didn't get my way. I haven't heard you say a single nice thing to anyone in this car since you got here. Even Crabbe and Goyle said hi, you just demanded something and threw a fit till you got it. Trust me, that is not going to work with the teachers at school. They dont care what your last name is. They will treat us all the same."
Just as Pansy was about to yell back, the car door slid open.
"Hello," the bushy haired girl said, "have any of you seen a toad? A boy named Neville has lost one."
The girl looked as each passenger shook their head. Her eyes stopped on Pansy, who looked ready to kill her. Roselia stood and walked over to the girl, "I'm afraid we haven't seen it but I'll come help, I already changed anyways," she glanced at pansy still in her normal clothes, then back to the girl, "let's go."
Roselia walked out the cabin door and introduced herself to the girl, "Hello, I'm Roselia Snape, it's nice to meet you."
The other girl smiled, "Hermione Granger, pleasure."
Roselia smiles. She could tell she was going to like her, "Which way now? " Roselia asked.
Hermione pointed, "I've checked most of the rooms on this car except the very end ones,"
Roselia nodded. "Okay, let's go."
They split up checking the rooms, and Hermione checked the farther two.
Roselia knocked on a door, "Hello," she smiled, having opened the door to see three girls and three boys, " Have you seen a toad? A boy named Neville lost one," she received shaken heads, she smiled, "thanks anyways."
Roselia received the same answer in the next compartment, Hermione shook her head, and they walked to the next car as hermione mumbled about spells. After they entered the next car, they ran into some third years that Roselia knew, Fred, George, and Lee jordan, as soon as they saw Roselia, they smiled,"Lia! Finally getting to ride the train, are you?"
Roselia crossed her arms and glared at the twins.
Lee chuckled, "she looks cros. What did you two do?"
Both brothers shrug,  looking confused, Roselia rolled her eyes, "it's what they didn't do. Did you not get my letter?"
They both nodded, fred said "well yeah, and we wrote back. We were really surprised, especially just now when we saw him,"
Roselia interrupted him, "But i didn't get a letter-wait, you saw him?"
George nodded, "twice, he is back there. You had to pass his room to get here."
Fred raised an eyebrow, "you didn't look for him?"
She shook her head, "I'm a tad bit nervous."
"Who are you talking about?" Hermione questions.
"Harry potter," fred answered,
"Oh, Harry Potter, yeah, I met him. He seems nice. His friend, on the other hand, was rather rude. I felt bad for his rat." She rattled on.
Roselia groaned and looked at fred, "I'm too nervous."
Fred smiled and grabbed her hand and said, "Come on then, I'll go with you,"
Roselia smiled thankful and looked to Hermione, "I'm sorry I'll help more in a bit.
Hermione shrugged and walked to keep looking.
George stayed with Lee and his spider, while fred walked back toward Harry. Suddenly, there was a group of first years in the hallway, and Roselia thought she could see Crabbe. Then she gets a bad feeling. Roselia, let's go of Fred's hand and runs forward, yelling over the crowd. At the same time, Goyle reached toward the Chocolate Frogs next to Ron-Ron leaped forward, but before he'd so much as touched Goyle, Goyle let out a horrible yell. His rat was hanging off his finger, biting deep into Goyle's knuckle-Crabbe and Malfoy backed away as Goyle swung the rat around and round, howling, and when Scabbers finally flew off and hit the window, all three of them froze when they heard Roselia shouting, and a second later, Roselia came running in, "What is going on in here?" She saw Goyle's bleeding hand and grabbed a clean handkerchief quickly, wrapping it around his finger.
"When we get off the train, ask to go see Madam pomfrey." She told him before turning to Ron, he reminded her of George, "Is he okay?" She asked, looking at the rat, Ron looked at it and scoffed, "I can't believe it. He just went back to sleep."
He glared at the girl in front of him, "What do you want?"
Roselia started to answer before Draco spat, "You dont talk to her, you blood traitor, filthy weasley,"
Roselia stood there in shock she had never seen draco act this way, Harry yelled, "Just get out of here then, and we won't have to see any of you!" "But," Roselia tried to speak, but Draco pulled her out of the compartment, and down the hall, she looked back towards fred, who was confused but went to check on his brother.

Thanks so much for reading another chapter as always. Comment, complaints, suggestions, and questions are 100 percent welcome. The next chapter will be ready within a week! See you then!

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