chaper 7: Happy birthday

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Draco and Roselia were the last ones to sit normally they would sit next to each other but with their fathers here they had to be proper. Luckily they could still sit across from each other. After Roselia sat down Lucius stood up, " Lucius claps twice, signalling the house elves to bring the food. The house elves quickly bring out the different dishes, Roselia turns her head looking for her favorite elf, severus tells her to pay attention to her meal. She does so, everything that they brought out were all her favorite dishes, She happily ate. Just as she was starting to feel full
Narcissa spoke, "I hope you saved some room for dessert."
Roselia smiled, "always."
Narcissa waved her wand and an elegant white cake appeared on the table between Roselia and Draco, it read, "happy eleventh birthday Roselia lily Snape." It had silver and green icing flowers.
Roselia was so happy she smiled brilliantly. "Can we cut it now?" Roselia asked.
"Of course." Lucius said before snapping his fingers, a smaller elf appeared and sliced the cake, making sure to give Roselia two flowers.
She smiles, happy to be spending it together with them all.
Roselia took the first bite and exclaimed, "so good!"
She quickly finished her first piece reaching for a second one when Narcissa speaks, "Lucius did you give darling Lia our gift?"
Roselia paused, waiting excitedly.
Lucius sighed, "Not yet," he murmured calling out, "dobby!"
A small house elf appeared beside Lucius, "yes master, dobby is here."
"Go get Roselia's presents," Lucius demanded from the elf.
"Right away master." The elf vanishes quickly only to reappear at the other end of the table with four wrapped gifts.
Roselia looks to her father, "may i?" He nods to her, she grins and jumps up. She recognized one of the presents immediately, "Father look I got a broom!" She grabbed it and unwrapped it. "Draco it's firebolt! It just like yours!"
Snape glares at Lucius who is watching Roselia amusingly, "you only said to we had to wait until she was eleven and we did."
Roselia continues to unwrap her gifts she found, a set of riddle clothes and matching boots, a full collection of Edgar Allen Poe books, and six empty notebooks with quill and ink. She was equally excited about each item as she was the broom.
Narcissa grinned at the young girls excitement, "Now my sweet Lia I have one more thing for you." She gestures Roselia to come to her which she does so obediently. Narcissa pulled out two identical books, she opened both of them to their front page. Narcissa lovingly spoke, "these two journals are linked, what ever you write in one will appear in the other." Roselia's eyes went wide in surprise, "shall I show you?" She asked Roselia, the girl nodded and replied "yes please."
Narcissa smiled and used a quill to write in one journal, 'Hello my name in Narcissa Malfoy, it's nice to meet you.'
She then pointed to the other journal, the words appeared, she handed the quill and the second book to Roselia, "your turn." She smiled. Roselia nodded and wrote, 'Hello, I am Roselia Snape, and it's my pleasure.'
With in moments her words were sent to the first book, Roselia smiled brilliantly for a moment before she had a thought, and so she asked, "if I have one who would have the other?"
Narcissa smiled and said, "for this set, I will be keeping one so you can speak to me immediately if needed for advice or anything. I know there will be things you can't talk to your dad about, girl stuff. You will understand in the future. But if you ever want another set just let me know," she winked at Roselia, then she bent down to whisper, "if Draco starts giving to problems you tell me right away and I'll send him a howler." Narcissa grinned and Roselia giggled agreeing.
Snape sighed he knew Narcissa and Roselia will end up causing trouble later, he decided to change the subject. "If everyone is done spoiling my daughter I would like to borrow her for a while."
Narcissa shrugged, "for now I am."
Roselia giggled and walked over to her father, taking his hand as he stood up he led her up the stairs to the guest room she normally stays in.
Once they are inside he closes the door, he looks at his daughter and smiles gently, lovingly, he embraces her wishing her, "happy birthday my darling daughter."
after a minute he regrettably let go and sighed, "now Lia you've been asking alot of questions for a while now," he paused seeing her nod before continuing, "well I felt I should wait until you were older, but this year you will learn somethings at school that I feel better explaining to you myself. It will be alot to take in but I think you should be able to understand most of it now." he sighed again and walked over to a small couch in her room, Roselia sat beside her father and waited patiently.

Thanks so much for reading another chapter as always. Comment, complaints, suggestions, and questions are 100 percent welcome. The next chapter will be ready within a week! See you then!

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