ch 11:hogwart Express pt2

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fred pov

I watched as Malfoy pulled Lia away from me. She looked as confused as I was. I nodded to her and then entered the compartment, "what happened?" I asked, looking between Ron and Harry. They looked at each other, not sure where to start. "Well, how about you tell me why Malfoy was here?" I asked.

Harry sighed, "He offered me to be his friend, but he was mean to Ron, so I said no. And then he started saying things about my parents and hagrid and that I'll live to regret it like they did, so I told him to leave but he said no. When Goyle reached for the snacks, Scabbers bit him good. Then that girl showed up, Malfoy got angry, so we said leave again." Harry looked at Ron, who nodded.

I sighed. "Okay, but what did the girl do to you?"

Ron shrugged, "If she is friends with that git it's only a matter of time."

I sighed, thinking to myself, "that worked out perfectly." Then spoke, "If you guys are okay, I'm going back to my friends." 

Even though I want to help her, I can't just say something she wants me to keep secret. I walked in the direction that the brat took Lia. As soon as I could hear Lia, I stopped, I was right outside the door.

Lia scolded, "You should apologize. He seemed really upset."

I smirked, thinking, "That's my girl, " but then I heard Malfoy say something stupid.

Roselia POV

Dray dragged me all the way back to our cabin. Once we got there, he sat down, pulling me down with him. "Ow," I murmur. Dray realized he hurt me and let go of my hand. He rubbed my wrist, gently apologizing.

I looked at him, "Dray, what were you doing at Harry's cabin?"

He looked at the floor, "I wanted to be friends with him, I thought if I was, then you would be more comfortable around him," he paused, looking at me apologetically. " But he already made friends with the enemy and messed everything up. I'll try again when he realizes the Wesley's aren't good enough to be called friends."

I stand shocked, "Dray, if you talk that way, everyone will believe the rumors about our dads. I don't know what you said to him, but I think you should apologize. He seemed really upset." 

Dray scoffed, "I didn't say anything that wasn't true."

"Wasn't true?" A voice scoffed from the doorway , I turned and saw Freddie standing there, "if that's a fact, then why don't you repeat what you said then, for Lia to hear." He gestures to me, I look at him confused before I quickly turn and see a guilty look on Dray's face.

"Dray?" I question. He doesn't say anything. He just glares at Freddie. "Dray?" I repeated, "tell me the truth, what did you say?" 

"Why does it matter?" He shouted, "And what does this Wesley have to do with you?" He demanded. 

"Draco Lucius Malfoy, don't you dare change the subject." I demanded, no longer using his nickname, to show how serious I am. 

Everyone looked at me, surprised. I'd never talked to anyone, but Pansy liked that. She was the only one to ever upset me this much. But here I am yelling at the one friend I'd known since I was five, my first friend. My chest hurts because I know he hurt someone on purpose, and I know he doesn't regret hurting him.

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