chapter 27: Wednesday part 3

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Once we got to the Gryffindor table I released Freddie's hand and walked up to Albus, "Good evening, Headmaster." I said quickly greeting him, he was speaking to father who was standing behind Minerva's chair. They both turn to me, "Good evening, miss Snape." Albus smiled. Father nodded to me, "Good evening Lia." I nodded back, "Good evening father. "
Albus asked, "and to what do we owe this lovely evening's greetings?"
I frown, Albus has always seen right through me, "I'm afraid there is something I felt needed to brought to your attention."
Seeing my frown Albus nodded encouraging me to continue, "what would that be Lia?" Father asked quietly.
I took a deep breath and recalled what happened only moments ago. Albus worriedly looked me up and down, as did father, "Are you sure you're okay?" Albus asked.
I nodded, "if I'm not I know to go get check by madame Pomfery."
Albus nodded, "Professor flitwick and myself will take a good look at the charms on the stairs, and do thank that friend of yours for saving you for me, won't you. We can't have you getting hurt again now can we?" Albus chuckled but I got a glare from Father, as he asked, "Again?"
I chuckled nervously, "I only tripped a little yesterday is all. I've already seen Poppy- I mean Madame Pomfery last night." I said quickly correcting myself.
Father sighed before telling me to be careful, I smiled at him, "of course father. I always am." He groans something I can't make out but I assume Albus heard him because he chuckled, "Now, now, Severus she is a young girl and is just adventurous, leave her be," he paused as my stomach interrupted him, "and it appears she is hungry as well. If you are done why don't you go ahead and return to your friends and enjoy dinner." He smiled as he waved me away, I nodded saying good night to both of them and walked away as Minerva walked in and took her seat, she seemed to be frowning at father.
I wondered why but knew better than to stand between them, so I returned to my table to see a defeated looking George, he looked at me and said, "Sorry Lia, Mcgonagall said no. Since you are a first year you need your father's permission first. And he is firmly against you joining this year." I turn and look at father and our eyes met, I frowned at him then he quickly looked away, I sighed. And sat in the space Freddie and George made between them for me.
"It's okay George, it's not your fault Father is over-protective." I told him.
Freddie nodded, "I'd say be had good reason to be worried with you nearly in the infirmary everyday."
Sitting across from Freddie, Harry had heard him so he asked, "what do you mean?"
Freddie recalls our incident, calling me the most accident prone person in the world.
I frowned at him, "No I'm not," I said defensively, Freddie snorted, "you probably can't go one day without being sent to the infirmary for an injury. "
Embarrassed I growl, "wanna bet on it?"
Freddie frowned, I knew he liked bets but I didn't know why he wasn't accepting mine. "What?" I ask.
"Fred probably doesn't want to bet on your safety when he just had to save you." George whispers to me, "he was really worried about you, he was even watching you when you were talking to Dumbledore and Snape."
I looked at Freddie, I felt bad I had said something so stupid. "Never mind it was a stupid idea." I say reaching for the chicken in front of me, Freddie pulls the platter closer to me.
"Thanks Freddie," I whisper not looking at him, but instead I ask Harry and Ron how their reports were going, I got a frown from Harry and a groan from Ron. I was confused about their reactions but not for long as Hermione clarifies, "I'm not sure why they are having so much trouble it was an easy essay, I already finished mine. I tried to help them but they didn't want to listen."
I looked between the three of them and realized Hermione's help might not have been as helpful as she thought it was. "Well as I haven't finished mine yet either I think I'll finish it in the library before astronomy, would either of you like to join me?" I told harry and Ron, they looked at each other then nodded to me.
We continue eating and talking about various things, one thing was of course quidditch and tomorrow's flying lessons. It seemed all of the first years I spoke with were nervous about them. I on the other hand was excited to prove I could handle a broom with no problems. I was hopeful that if madame Hooch gave me the okay Father would approve me joining the team.

Once dinner was over myself along with Harry and Ron headed to the library. Madame Prince eyed us as we entered I smiled at her and headed to the same table as earlier. The three of us gathered the books we needed and worked until it was almost time for Astronomy. When I had finished my essay I offered to help them but they both shook their heads. I decided to read more about rowena since I didn't actually choose her like I was going to. I read about how her and her daughter. I knew she had to be sad when she learned of her death. I was deep in thought when Harry tapped on my shoulder, I turned to him. "Its time," he whispered, I nodded and returned my book.
Then the three of us left the library, walked down the astronomy corridor and up the astronomy stairwell. It only took us a few minutes to read the astronomy reading room, where I saw justin frowning at hannah talking, "hi guys," I say walking up to them, hannah jumps and justin eyebrows furrow, ignoring their reactions I smile and ask, "ready for some star gazing?"
Justin raises sneered at me, "Snape, do you this class is joke?"
"Yikes, someone is cranky. I'll just go so you can calm down." I wrinkled my nose before turning away from them.
I saw Harry glare at Justin, while Ron looked at me confused. "Why didn't you say something to him?" Ron asked, I smile politely, "it's not nice to pick on someone who is already having a bad day." I looked at the ground and frown remembering the conversation with Draco today. I lead Harry and Ron upstairs where we find most of our class waiting. As soon as I see Hermione I run over to her, "Hey Herms," I say to her as I link my arm to hers, she looks at me curiously but says nothing. "When are you going to tell me about those weird looks you keep giving me?" I ask her, she grins, "Lia now is not the time for that." she teased. I pout and whisper, "fine I'll let it go for now. But you will tell me eventually anyways."
Professor Sinistra descended the stairs and speaks to us, she sternly explains an outline of what her expectations of us were this year. Afterwards she shows as a model telescope like the one we all had to bring, and started explaining each piece and its function. Then we were all told to go set up our telescopes on the towers upper platforms and view the stars. I looked around and met Justin's eyes I gave him a told ya so look before following Hermione up the stairs. The view was incredible, even without setting up our telescopes we can see so many stars.
"Lia!" Hermione whispered motioning me towards her. "Quickly get set up." She rushed me. I rolled my eyes but did as she said, Harry and Ron set up a little ways away. A few moments later professor Sinistra walked around checking each telescope giving out advice if necessary, as I stood beside it just staring at the stars sh asked why I wasn't using it. I smiled at her and said, "I wanted to take in the whole picture before I analyzed its parts." I assume she found my answer acceptable as she nodded and moved on to the next telescope. For the rest of class the professor passed around the deck explaining the science behind the stars, and their chemistry. Some of the boys laughed when she said gas, they received a stern look but she didn't let it stop her and continued her lesson. As ten o'clock rolled around the professor told us our only homework was to view the stars through our telescopes in our own time. Hermione seemed disappointed but I was relieved I was tired and wanted to sleep, we packed up or equipment and returned to the Gryffindor common room. Percy was waiting for us, smiling. "Welcome back first years," he said to us, "it's well past ten o'clock, it's time for lights out for you first years." I opened my mouth to argue but then Percy gave me a warning look. so I decided not to argue and headed towards the stairs. I saw Freddie and George make faces at us so I paused to make some right back when I hear behind me, "Don't dawdle snape." So I just stuck my tongue out at them and ran up the stairs.
Hermione quickly got ready for bed and when I tried to talk to her she quickly looked at the other girls and said, "we needed to get to sleep." Before covering her head, I looked at parvati and she shrugged before laying down, lavender was already sleeping so I gave up and laid down. I closed my eyes and waited, I had the dream again, the same horrible dream.

Thanks so much for reading another chapter! As always comment, complaints, suggestions, and questions are 100 percent welcome. The next chapter will be ready within a week! See you then!

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