chapter 20: Library

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While I rush off to the library, I'm careful not to run, as enough embarrassing things have happened to me today. As I reach the library, I pass Seamus and Dean sitting on the fountain, looking at a charms book.
I quickly head into the library to search for Hermione. While looking for her, I see a lot of first years, but not Hermione. Suddenly, I could hear her, "Please let me in the restricted section. There are so many amazing books in there." I run towards her voice. She is following behind the librarian, begging.
The librarians face is a dark red, "Hermione!" I whisper, grabbing her  looks around until she sees me, her face lighting up, "Lia!" She walks over to me, giving the librarian time to get away.
"Lia, they have a whole area of books that no ones allowed to read without permission. So I'm trying to get permission, you see." She tells me, turning to see the Librarian escaped, and she frowned.
"Hermione, we aren't ready for those books yet. Please dont worry about them, when we do need them I'll ask for dad help." I try to convince her.
We walk to the back of the library to study, "I still can't believe that Professor snape is your father. No offense, but you really dont look like him. If you told me he wasn't really your dad, I'd believe you." She shrugged, pulling out her charms book.
I grinned, "You're pretty sharp, you know, I do look a lot like my mum. And I am actually adopted."
"What!" Hermione shouted before covering her mouth and whispering, "What do you mean."
"Well, I was adopted right after my parents died. I was very young. I guess I feel like he really is my dad, even though he isn't. My first thought when he told me I was adopted was, Does he not love me anymore?  Do I have to leave? He hadn't told me anything else yet, but that one line and  panicked. He will always be dad to me." I smile sadly at Hermione.
She reached around me and pulled me into a hug, "I don't entirely understand but alright," she said. Pulling away she asked, "Why didn't he just keep your adoption a secret?"
"I would have found out eventually, I'm quite the curious child after all. And he gave me a book." I dug around my bag and pulled out my album, I opened it to the photo of the four of us. "Woah!" Hermione exclaims, urprised. She covered her mouth as I shush her.
"Sorry," she whispers, "You weren't kidding, you look just like your mum. It's really weird, honestly. I look similar to my parents too but not this strongly." She sat there staring at the photo, "why does it feel like I've seen this baby before?" She pointed at my brother, I giggled." She looks at me, "I dont know," I smirk, I was having too much fun watching her rack her brain. She stared at his eyes before staring at me, "Your eyes are identical. Are you twins?"
I smile as I nod, "You might as well tell me, I'll figure it out eventually." I shrugg, "and until then, I get to watch you figure it out."
She smiles, "Oh, trust me, Lia got a brilliant idea. Let me borrow this until tomorrow,"
I was worried about my precious pictures but decided to trust my new friend, "Okay, but please be careful those are the only pictures I have of them."
Hermione nodded, "I'll protect them with my life," she said.
I glanced at the clock on the wall and pulled out my diary,
There was a new message from sissy,

My darling Lia,

I'm sorry my son can be quite problematic, I'll send him a letter tomorrow. I do hope the two of you can make up soon. And congratulations on getting into Gryffindor, I had a feeling you wouldn't be put in slytherin, but dont worry, we still love you just as much. I hope that father of yours isn't being too much of a brute. Remember to make some time for him he is a sensitive man even when he pretends not to be. Dont worry too much about your brother. His father was quite thick as well. Men tend to be oblivious of the most obvious things. I would love to hear more about your new friend. Do keep me updated,

Signed your sweet aunt Sissy

I smiled, at her words. As I replied,

My sweet aunt,
To be honest, Dray is acting weird still, I know he will receive a letter tomorrow, but he seems like a completely different person. He keeps grabbing me by my arm and talking down to other students. I can't even speak to him without getting angry. He keeps talking about blood status. It's frustrating. Oh, and on top of that, Father was mean to Harry, I have to talk to him about it later, so hopefully, he will be nice. I plan to speak with Dumbledore soon about Harry. And my new friend is really smart, her name is Hermione and i think she is about to find out about Harry! I guess I've been subconsciously trying to protect him. I'm about to head to dinner soon, I'll talk to you later,
Signed your ever studious Lia.

I signed it and closed the book. "What kind of book was that?" Hermione asked, I smiled, "it's basically a two-way diary, what ever i write is sent to Draco's mum."
Hermione's eyes go wide, "Did you tell on him?"
I grin, "You'll find out tomorrow,"
Hermione rolled her eyes ,"Come on let's go to the great hall,. It's almost time for dinner." I nod agreeing we gather our books and leave.

Thanks so much for reading another chapter as always. Comment, complaints, suggestions, and questions are 100 percent welcome. The next chapter will be ready within a week! See you then!

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