chapter 9: September 1st

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Roselia and draco had awakened very early as today was September first. They finally got to ride the train to Hogwarts. While Roselia has been to Hogwarts many times in her life, she always apparated to Hogsmead and walked from there. Her and Draco would be riding the train for the very first time. Her father had already gone to the school a week earlier to help with all the preparations for the coming school year. They were disappointed they couldn't bring their brooms this year, but next year was a different story. Roselia dressed in a lovely green top and black trousers and with an ash gray peacoat. Her hair was a lovely braid over her shoulder. She was ready. dobby had helped her pack the night before, she felt bad leaving dobby behind, Lucius may be kind to her but he wasn't so nice to dobby.
"Dobby," she called out, he appeared directly in front of her, she smiled kindly,
"Dobby is here, young miss," he said, giving a slight bow, "it's just us dobby," she said. He returned her kind smile, "Are you leaving now, Miss Lia?" He asked.
"Not yet but soon," she said before wrapping the elf in a hug, "do try to stay out of Lucius' way. He seems to like picking on you the most." She whispered before releasing him,
"dobby will do his best. Please stay safe at Hogwarts." He assures her then asked, "Shall I take your trunk downstairs?"
"Yes, please, and thank you, Dobby. I will be down soon, okay?" She stated.
Roselia looked around her room before walking out and closing her door. She knocked on Draco's door. She heard a soft thud before the latch clicked, and the door opened slightly.
"Draco?" She called softly, and he opened it a little more. His hair was a mess and not fully dressed as she was. "Did you need help?" she asked, he shook his head,"no thank you, I just couldn't decide on a shirt," he looked at Roselia's outfit and grins, "but I think I just did, give me a minute. He closed the door, and Roselia stood there for a couple of minutes, waiting awkwardly. Just as the awkwardness started to set in Draco threw the door open, in her surprise he had decided to wear matching clothes though he had on a blazer instead of her peacoat, but they basically had similar outfits. She laughed, "Aunt Sissy is going to love this. But you need to fix your hair. It looks like a mess." She pointed to Dracos wild hair, he groaned, Roselia rolled her eyes and walked into his room, "come on," she said pulling him to his vanity, she pushed him into his seat and grabbed his brush. She parted his hair and then paused, "Are you growing your hair out?" "Yeah," he mumbled, Roselia smiled, and teased, "Are you copying your dad?" He nodded, she chuckled, "That's cute, Dray. Why dont we gel it back? It'll look just like his!" She smiled encouragingly, he agreed. Roselia brushed all his hair back, and Draco ran gel through it. He nodded and thanked Roselia, "Of course, dray. Now let's go. I'm starving." She smiled as she ran out of his room,
Draco laughed, "Of course you are, as he ran after her.
They raced down the stairs and came to a halt when they heard Narcissa yelling,
"What have I told you two about running?! And down the stairs no less, you could have gotten hurt! I am so relieved Severus will be there at school with you two. Honestly, I'm worried I'll get an owl saying you fell off a tower or something!"
Roselia was the first to speak, "I'm sorry, Aunt sissy, we are so excited to finally start school today. Please dont be too mad. We promise to be more careful at school." Roselia pleaded,
Draco nodded, "I'm sorry too, Mum. I wasn't thinking about safety when I should have, I'll do better. Please dont worry too much we will behave."
Narcissa sighed, "Whatever am I going to do with you two." She gave them a small smile before pulling them both into a hug. She held them for a moment before releasing them, "Lia, be sure to write me anytime in that journal, darling, about anything, or," she glanced quickly at Draco, "anyone understood?" Roselia nodded, "You can just write letters too, now off to breakfast, Train leaves at eleven, but I want to leave a little early, try to beat the muggles."
Roselia nodded, her draco ate and were ready by 9am.

Thanks so much for reading another chapter as always. Comment, complaints, suggestions, and questions are 100 percent welcome. The next chapter will be ready within a week! See you then!

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