chapter 31: friday pt 2 and the pitch

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While I was wasting time waiting for my hands to heal, I received a visit from my favorite twins (besides myself and Harry, of course). 
Freddie shook his head at me, while George said he had a brilliant idea and started writing on some parchment. 
I smiled at them and asked, "What are you two doing here?" 
Freddie glanced over his brother's shoulder as he spoke, "we wanted to see if you were okay and invite you to practice. Wood said he needed to talk to you also." 
Poppy checked over my hands, "nearly there," she sighed before looking straight into my eyes, "but you need to be careful, I'd better not see you in here injured again this weekend." She told me sternly. 
I smiled innocently at her, "Yes, ma'am." She sighed again and grumbled as she walked away.
I gave Freddie a thumbs up, and he nodded as he placed a hand on George's shoulder, "Let's go." George quickly stuffed his parchment and quills in his bag.
On the way out of the castle, I told them how I hurt my hands this time. George laughed at my clumsiness and said, "I pity the bloke who marries you! You'll probably accidently blow the house down while you try to clean it." 
"She would do better to find someone who'd rather stay home like mum does. Lia is too adventurous. I doubt she'd settle for normal anyway." Freddie commented.
"I'm much too young to think about such things besides I'm sure I will grow out of this klutziness." I retorted, receiving laughter from them as they walked in front of me. 
We had just reached the stone path that led to the Quidditch pitch, I looked down at my hands, they looked pretty much normal again, I smiled and ran past the twins and down the stone path. I could hear Freddie and George behind me laughing, I turned and started running backward, shouting, "Come on, you slow pokes!"
When I turned around, I tripped, losing my balance, and knocked over someone before falling on my back. "Ouch, sorry about that." I said, sitting up, looking over to see the Gryffindor Quidditch captain, Oliver Wood, holding the chest shut. I scrambled over and quickly rebuckled the chest. "I'm really sorry, Oli. I shouldn't have been running." 
Oli chuckled, "You do know tryouts were yesterday, right? What's the rush?" 
I smiled, "I just love the pitch, and I heard you wanted to talk with me. Here, let me help as an apology," I reached for a handle only to be blocked by Freddie's hand as he grabbed one side while George grabbed the other.
"Your hands," Freddie whispered to me, then to oli, "where to captain?" The twins asked together. Oliver chuckled and led the way. 
"There happens to be something I need to tell you, Lia, but you have to keep it a secret for now." Oliver told me.
"Alright, I promise." I told him.
Oliver frowned, "to be honest, I have a full team now. Mcgonagall found us a seeker. She doesn't look like it, but she gets very competitive."
My eyes go wide, "you already found a seeker?" I ask.
Oliver nods, "Mcgonagall found him yesterday. He won't be here today because I need to train him in secret for now."
"Wanna run some drills?" He asked.
I nodded, then frowned, "But what about tryouts?" I looked down at my hands and sighed.
Oliver noticed my hands and raised a brow, fred chimes in, "no worries there she was just being her usual klutzy self and got someone else's bad batch of boil potion on her, trying to help that someone else." 
Oliver shakes his head while smiling, "You are amazingly klutzy on your own, I'd tell you to stop helping others, but I know you wouldn't listen." He sighed, "tryouts are still tonight. Just be careful, okay?" 
I smiled, " Of course, I won't do anything dangerous. Can I still run some drills, please?" I begged Oliver, he nodded, "I see no reason not to, although you better not spoil any secrets," he teased, i walked over to a bench on the pitch and sat waiting. Soon, Katie bell and Angelina Johnson arrived, and as soon as they saw me, they jogged over. "Hey Lia! No classes this morning?" Angelina asked, "Hey Ange, Katie, yeah, we only had double potions today, I got to leave early, though." I laughed, standing while showing my hands, "so I get to watch everyone have fun instead. Where's Alicia?" 
Katie snickered, "Lee said something stupid to her again, so she slugged him right in front of Snape. I'm not sure if we will see that tomboy today." 
I grimaced, "Yeah, dad doesn't take kindly to bullying, and I still have to have a talk with him about earlier," I groaned.
Oli shouted, "Lia, no distractions, or I'll bench you," he warned.
I fake pouted and called back, "I can't help it if I'm so popular." 
Oli narrowed his eyes at me, "I'm only joking Oli, calm down, I'll behave myself." 
I pretended to lock my lips and curtsy, Freddie and George were snickering at me from beside Oli, who just sighed, giving up on reasoning with me. Oli turns his attention to the twins and starts describing his newest strategy, Angelina, Katie, and I run over to them. We listen intently before everybody gets on their brooms and practices it. I played as their missing chaser since Alicia was late.
We stopped as Oli gave each player suggestions, I got lost in thought more about this past week, how I have been having more accidents than usual.
While I was lost in thought, Alicia arrived, and she called me down. "Snape is looking for you. He figured you'd be here as you weren't in the hospital wing when he checked on you between classes. I think he's worried about you in his own way, and I have detention after tryouts today." She frowned.
I shrugged, "if you'd stop getting caught hitting Lee, you'd get in less trouble," I snickered and asked, "But what did Lee say this time?"
"That idiot, he said I act so much like a boy that I should just wear the male uniform." She growled. 
"That's not acceptable. Did you tell Father that?" I asked.
Alicia nodded, "Snape said that no matter what Lee had said, I should have ignored him. My reactions are what give power to Lee's taunts. But Lee still has to join me in detention tonight."

I think about it for a moment before responding, "I hate to say it, Al, but my father might actually be right on this one, sorry. While Lee did provoke you since he knew he would get a reaction out of you, it's just a suggestion, but next time Lee says something like that, just thank him and walk away. Bullies feed on the attention, good and bad. Although Lee only seems to enjoy bullying you."
I smirk at her, "I have my theories on why, but I'll keep them to myself for now. After all, observations without facts are just speculation," I winked at her, she rolled her eyes and told me, "whatever get going before your father comes here will ya." 
I smiled and told her, "Fine, tell the twins I'd see them at lunch."

Thanks so much for reading another chapter! As always, comments, complaints, suggestions, and questions are 100 percent welcome. The next chapter might be delayed until next week, as I am working on a couple of different stories at the moment❤ thanks for all the support! See you next time!

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