chapter 6: the present

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*small note for the chapter Glauca is pronounced GLAO-KAH. Thank you!*

Once outside the shop, each child went to their respective parent to show off their wand.
Roselia showed Severus, and she thought she saw a smile for a second. He patted her head, "Congratulations, Lia." She smiled and hugged her dad, while draco was whispered to his father. " Did you get it?" draco whispered.
His father smirked, "Obviously." His face then turned to one of annoyance, " Unfortunately, I had to deal with that giant oaf. As soon as I mentioned it was for rosalia he hurried away."
Lucius tsked, drawing Roselia's attention to him. Her eyes fell on the cage, she released Severus and walked to Lucius, "Uncle Lucius, what's that?" Roselia asked her eyes filled with curiosity.
Draco took the cage from his father and held it out to Roselia. She carefully lifted the cover on the cage slowly as not to startle the creature inside.
Roselia's eyes went wide when she say the same tawny owl she had found beautiful before.
She quickly looked at Draco, "Do you love him?" He asked.
Roselia smiled, "Of course. He is charming."
"I knew it!" Draco beamed proudly before shoving the cage into Roselia's hands and shouting,"Happy Birthday Lia!"
This had surprised her but seeing Draco's smile made Roselia smile as well, she giggled, "Thank you for him Dray." She turned to Lucius, "And thank you as well Uncle Lucius." She smiled at him, Lucius nodded his head, " All the items you need to properly take care of it has already been sent to the manner," He informed Roselia.
Severus lifted the cover on the cage before quickly releasing it. " You will need to give it a name."
Roselia thought for a moment then grinned, "Glauca."
" Glauca?" Draco repeated looking at her questioningly.
"Yes, Glauca. It's the name of athena's owl." Roselia explained, "A golden brown owl he was a wise and loyal friend. I am hoping that the two of us can be just as close."
Severus chuckled But tried to cover it with a cough, " You have given.
This a lot of thought for haven't you?" He asked.
Roselia nodded and smiled warmly at the cage, "I have names picked for many animals. Glauca for an owl, sif or kuon for a canine, and Köttr for a feline. But I wouldn't want a pet cat at school, I don't think Minerva would like that." She giggled imagining Minerva as her cat self being followed around by a normal cat.
" I believe Minerva is more fond of feline companions, then canine ones Lia." Severus reminded his daughter who nodded in agreement.
"Lucius spoke up next, " I spoke with narcissia Briefly she has returned to the manner with with all the supplies. Your uniforms will be sent to our manor once they are finished, I'd say it's time to return for the evening."
Severus nods in agreement and leads the way to the floo stations, one by one they go through first Lucius, followed by Draco. Roselia handed Glauca to Severus before walking through herself.
She jumped out of the fireplace and landed on her rear beside Draco the grinned at each other.
They heard a woman's voice above them, "oh Lia, Draco, get off the floor."
Lia looks up and smiles, "yes aunt Sissy." She stands and runs to hug the woman.
Narcissa smiles warmly at her hug and returns it, she turns her attention to Draco who is brushing off his sleeve a few feet away. Narcissa taps Roselia's shoulder prompting Roselia to end the hug.
Narcissa opens her arms and says, "Come Draco."
Draco calmly walks over to his mother and he welcomed her embrace. Draco reluctantly released his mother when Lucius cleared his throat. A moment later Severus and Glauca exited the fireplace, Roselia ran over to him, he handed her the cage.
Roselia turned quickly toward Narcissa beaming, taking the not so subtle hint Narcissa asked, "oh my, and who do we have here?"
Roselia lifted the cover completely off the cage revealing her friend, "this is Glauca."
Narcissa smiled at the bird, "it's a pleasure Glauca. Lia dear it's nearly time for dinner why don't we talk her into the green house I'm sure she would love it."
Roselia nodded excitedly and ran off, Narcissa chuckled and walked behind her with Draco by her side.
Once they were out of Lucius' eye sight Narcissa smiled down at her son, "go on." She told him, Draco grinned at her then ran after Roselia.
As soon as Roselia made it to the green house she looked for a place to hang Glauca's cage. She found a nice spot near a fountain and a bench. Roselia hung it there and looked around the greenhouse garden, it had an enchantment placed on it to make the inside bigger than the outside. Draco ran up to Roselia an flopped down on the bench, "nice choice," he said looking around. Glauca chirped as if to agree with him, startling both children. He had been quiet until now, Roselia smiled at the bird, "Hello there, I'm Roselia. I will be your partner from today on, I have chosen to name you Glauca. Do you like it?"
Glauca chortled happily, Narcissa approached them smiling, "He sounds happy dear. Now why don't you let him out while we eat? He will have plenty of room to fly in here." She smiled encouragingly, Roselia nodded and opened the cage. Glauca hopped off his perch and onto her outstretched arm, he was lighter than she thought. Glauca turned his head analyzing the girl in front of him before he pushed off and flew around the garden. Roselia watched for a moment before Narcissa placed a hand on her shoulder, "we'd best head back dear."
Roselia nodded, "Yes Aunt Sissy." Then she followed Narcissa and Draco out of the green house closing the doors behind her.

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