chaper 17: fred & george

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Just as I rushed out of potions I heard familiar voices call out, “Lia!” I turned to see Freddie and George sprinting towards me, I grinned remembering when we had first met in their first year.

Flash back

I was studying in the room i shared with father during the school year. While I wanted to help out poppy today father told me Poppy would be far too busy tending to the Quidditch players for me to be watching her. I had just turned 9 and was still too young to enroll at Hogwarts. And father had detention today, i looked at the clock and smiled “perfect.” i knew father wouldn't mind me watching practice as long as I didn't join in or get in their way. I grabbed a light cloak and threw it on, looking in the mirror I convinced myself I could pass as first year. I quickly ran from my room looking around for filch, i didn't see anyone so i ran down the hall until I bumped into something as i turned the corner, I lost my footing and started to fall backwards, i closed my eyes bracing for the an impact that never came; instead two hands had grabbed mine. “you a'right there speedy?” a boys voice asked. I opened my eyes to see two red heads in front of me. Surprised and my eye widened surprised I blurted, “I must of bumped my head, I'm seeing double.” the boy on the right laughed, “blimey, no, there are two of us.” the other boy pulled her back to her feet and smiled, “seems a'right, but you're quite short aren't ya?” 
I looked around and waved the boys closer, pretending to tell them a secret, “my dad works here, I got bored waiting for him, I'm not actually enrolled here. I just really wanna watch the Gryffindor team practice.” 
the boys nodded I was sure they didnt believe me,  
“Oh Merlin, where are my manners,” i extend my right hand, “the names Roselia Snape, it's a pleasure to meet you both. I'm very sorry I wasn't expecting anyone to be around here.”
 the boys went wide eyed “did you say snape? 
As in Professor Snape is your dad? 
The potions teacher?
How does he have such a cute kid?
When did he get married?” The twins asked questions back to back.
I giggled she barely got to meet the new students except for when they were hurt, I found these two to be silly, and enjoyable. I nodded, smiling, “he might be a tough teacher but he is a great dad. Now, what about you two? Who are you?”
The boy on the left smiled, grabbing my extended hand shaking it, “ah right sorry, I'm fred weasley and this here is,” his twin cut him off, bowing in front of me, “I am George weasley at your service m'lady snape.”
I found the gesture hilarious and burst into giggles, “snape is dad, you guys can call me Roselia or Lia, all my friends do. I hope we can be friends too."
 fred and George smile at each other. “Of course Lia” they said together.
“Do you guys know Charlie and oh what's his name?” i asked, pausing, then suddenly remembering, "oh yes and percy? They are brothers, and I'm pretty sure you have the same last name, Charlie is super fast on his broom but Percy is a tattletale he tried telling on me last year for trying to watch gryffindor practice by myself.” I grumbled about percy, fred smiled, “they are both our older brothers," My eyes went wide in surprise,  fred laughed "oh don't worry I agree Percy can be horrible, a huge git. You know we were trying to watch Charlie practice right now. But we got a little turned around. If you're going how about we go together.” 
I nodded, grabbing both Fred and George by a hand and pulled them towards the Quidditch pitch, “I wanted to watch Charlie too, I bet he could make pro if he wanted to, he is a really good seeker. If I were older I'd play with him, I mean it's not fair, I know it's his last year at Hogwarts right. but still I hope Gryffindor will find a great replacement next year, but Oli will have issues with that. Charlie is the best after all.” I grins over my shoulder to fred, “right freddie?” freddie nodded at me before asking, “are you going to try out next year?”
I shook her head, “I'm only nine. I have to wait three more years to play here. The best I can do is practice at my aunt's, she has an enormous property with no muggles in sight. My friend dray and I practice there all the time, but not when dad is around, he says i'm still not allowed by myself. He says I"m still too small.” the twins step up beside me, “well when we get on the team we will take you flying too.” George spoke first, then fred, “yeah, you can even steer, after all next year you'll be 10, who knows maybe you will get on the team first year with enough flying practice.” I smiled, “thanks guys,” I focused my eyes forward again and my smile dropped as soon as I saw the grumpy old man Filch in front of us, he grinned and I frowned, he was definitely up to something. He stopped us and started yelling at us, anything I tried to say was cut off with more yelling. we were told to wait for father so I sat on the grass and waited the twins sat on either side of me. I smiled apologetically at them, Filch loved to see me in trouble seemed too bored for his own good. "Sorry guys, dad will clear this up dont worry, we might miss practice though," I frowned. About five minutes later I could see my father walking towards us I smirked, I could see by the scowl on his face that Filch was going to get an earful.
"Watch the show." I whispered loud enough the twins could hear me but Filch and father couldn't. "Filch, why is my daughter sitting on the ground?" Father hissed at the old man. "W-well,” Filch stuttered, “she snuck out, and these boys are out of class, as well." Severus sighed, and retorted, "Roselia has permission to wander public areas as long as her feet remain on the ground, and as long as she isn't disrupting any classes. As for these two it is Saturday there are no classes, first years cant sign up for any advance classes, correct? " Father looked at the twins, and they nodded. "Good, now unless something is actually wrong, I will be heading back to detention. And Roselia Lily snape if I catch you on a broom, you will be grounded for the rest of the year, do I make myself clear." Roselia nodded and smiled, "crystal clear father, I just plan to watch the teams practice."
" Good, then I will see you at dinner," Severus said, then glared once more at Filch before turning and walking back towards the dungeon.

I grinned as i stood and walked past Filch, "told you, I was allowed." I then continued towards the pitch with Fred and George who both wore big grins.

Back to present

Fred had just picked me up and spun me before giving me a hug.
I giggled and hugged him back, “hi Freddie,” he placed me back down only for me to be swept up by George in a hug. “hey Georgie,” once he places me back down I looked at them they were so much tall than me.. “What are you guys doing here? I'm pretty sure you dont have potions today." they laugh, George responded, “we werent here for that, we wanted to make sure you were okay. We know how Snapes classes are, so how did it go?"
 Fred saw me crinkle my nose in response, “what's wrong?” he asked her, getting  down to my eye level, “well to be honest my dad was super mean the whole class, not to me mind you but, he singled out Harry a lot. I feel like dad really doesn't like him, and I hope Harry is okay. And it's not related but Ron is acting dodgy, don't get me wrong, if its because of something I did that's okay, I understand but I have no idea what I could have done. It's a little frustrating, but you can't force someone to like you after all.” George looked over fred, he grinned devilishly at Fred who seemed to have the same idea. “Lia, we will see you at lunch,” fred said grinning mischievously, I narrowed my eyes at him before looking around, i looked from fred to George and back then grabbed their sleeves before they could take off, “no, no, no.” i hissed at them, “what are you two planning,” Fred and George avoided my eye contact. "Geez guys, dont harassing him, just because I want to be friends with them, everyone is entitled to their own thoughts and opinions about me, even if they are wrong.” i look at the both of them with a smirk, they laugh, “there is our Lia.” Fred said ruffling my hair, as George checks the time, “we are planning to get check out the pitch, want to come with?” he smirks at me, “of course,” i smirk back before remembering I have class and I frown, “but I have another class right now, with Professor Quirell."
Fred scrunched his nose, "what?" I asked, he looked at George, "well," he started, "Quirell's class has this, oh how did Angelina word it George?" George grinned, "I believe her exact words were, 'it has a unique aroma this year'."
Fred laughed, "yeah that's it, a unique aroma."
I raised an eyebrow, they must have pranked the poor man already. I shook my head, "well I've got to go either way, I'll meet you after for lunch." I say turning away, "see ya later guys." I call over my shoulder, I hear a chorus of "bye Lia" behind me I smile as I walk towards DADA.

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