chapter 1: October 31st 1981

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once he had received word that the dark lord had found them, snape rushed to the potter house, frantic worried about his dear lily. 'he promised,' he thought to himself, 'I believed him.' Snape could see the broken front door. As he pushed his way past it, he found James on the floor eyes wide open. Fear filled every cell of snapes body. He ran past James and up the stairs to see another broken door at the end of the hall. Lightning flashed outside as he drew closer to the room. As soon as snape could see inside the room, he cried out in agony as he saw the only woman he ever loved lying against a crib motionless. He knelt down and pulled her into his arms. Her body was still warm but was missing her pulse. Snape cried as he held her, regretting he couldn't protect her and her family. His sorrowful wails filled the silent house, and his crys were joined by two others. Snape looked around and realized the cries were coming from the crib that he had accidently ignored. He gently laid Lily down and stood to check on the cribs' contents. As Snape looked into the crib, two crying babies looked back at him. One little red-headed baby girl and a little baby boy with raven black hair. With a wave of his wand snape filled the air with a gentle lullaby, one lily loved to sing. The lullaby did the trick, and the twins eventually calmed down and looked up at snape. Their eyes were the same beautiful shade as Lily's. Snape called his owl and sent a letter to Albus Dumbledore, asking for help.
While snape waited for Dumbledore, he felt pity for the infants. He lifted them both and carried them down to the kitchen. He had just placed the twins in their high chairs when a black haired man burst in the kitchen door from outside. The man's eyes narrowed, and he lunged at snape, pushing him against the counter, "i knew it was you! I thought you loved her!" He yelled accusingly at snape.
Snape glared at him, "I would never hurt her! I warned her! I told her to be careful of who she trusted! Especially you, black and wormtail!" Severus spat at Sirius, who in turn pulled out his wand, shoving it against severus' neck. "I'm not like them, you know that!" Sirius growled at Severus disgusted by his thought. Their altercation upset the children again, and Harry wailed while Julieta whimpered. Sirius looks at them,  finally realizing they are there. He let go of severus and walks to them, tears running down his face. He picks up Harry and rocks him to settle him, he noticed a scar. "What is this?" he asked, looking at severus, who comes closer to look.
Severus gasped softly, "this feels like dark magic, possibly a curse mark, but how?" Severus quickly turned and picked up the baby girl, checking her over for one, not finding one her sighed gratefully. Her little tummy grumbled, and the men grinned slightly, then Severus looked at Sirius sadly, "Can you feed them? I need to gather evidence through the house."
Sirius once again narrowed his eyes at severus, "What do you mean?"
Severus sighed, "Go take a look for yourself, I do recommend leaving Harry though the poor boy has seen enough. I hope they do not remember any of this when they grow up."
He looks at the little girl in his arms before placing her back in her high chair. Severus turned and walked to the fridge and opened it. He saw preproportioned baby food, he grabbed one, and saw Lily's handwriting.
Severus' lip quivered he bit it to hold back his tears, he had cried enough he told himself. Severus grabbed out a second cup and searched the drawers for items he wanted; 2 spoons, 2 bibs, and a towel. He walked over to the twins and Sirius, who had watched severus with a surprised look on his face. Severus pulled over a stool and sat in front of Julieta. He checked the food again, banana, severus smiled and opened one of the bowls. He started to feed Julieta. He looked up at Sirius and Harry, "I'll feed him if you put him down," he gestures to the second high chair. Sirius nodded, watching severus switch between the two babies, Sirius then walked over to the fridge and looked for milk. He found a couple bottles luckily the kitchen remained unscathed, using magic sirus heated up the bottles and places them next to severus on the countertop, "I'll go take the pictures, I dont need you crying." Sirius sarcastically smirked at severus as the later grimaced.
Sirius walked slowly through the house, and severus, who could hear him crying, mourning his best friend, pursed his lips, understanding his sorrow and regret.

Albus arrive less than a half hour later, Hagrid in tow. Snape was still with the two babies to the kitchen, trying to forget Lily and James in the upstairs rooms.
Albus cleared his throat. "Where are they?" He asked. Severus pointed up before going back to feeding Roselia and Harry. They weren't familiar with him but were hungry, so they ate their food now they were drinking their milk.
Hagrid stood watching as severus tried his best, but both children were being fussy, anxiously looking for something. The half giant couldn't bear to go look at them. He was already crying for the babies.
Hagrid wiped his face and sauntered over to them. He hunched over, trying to make himself smaller. Unfortunately, this failed, and the children were startled by him at first.
Julieta saw Hagrid first and dropped her bottle startled. Harry, on the other hand, froze momentarily before giving a delightful sequel and clapping his hands.
Harry's reaction made Hagrid laugh it was contagious as soon both children were giggling as well.
Severus sighed and leaned against the counter. He smirked at Hagrid, "For a big guy, you have a way with kids."
Hagrid shrugged, but before he could respond, they heard Sirius shouting as he ran down the stairs and out the door, "I'll kill him!"
Dumbledore called for him to wait but to no avail. He hurries to the kitchen, "Severus, how did you find them?"
Severus scrunched his brows, "Peter Pettigrew, the dark lord offered him a position in his inner circle, and he sang willingly. But I have no proof, I had to threaten him to find out what Pettigrew told him." Severus looked at Julieta and Harry, "but I was too late. What was Black on about?"
Dumbledore sighed, "there was a letter from Pettigrew up stairs, I believe Sirius put it together and is going after him. Right now, I'm more worried about these two." Albus walked over to the twins, and he smiled at the two babies. He picked up Harry and stared at his forehead, "I can feel the killing curse on him," he glanced at Julieta, "but not her, curiously enough." Harry started to wiggle about Dumbledore placed him back in his chair, as he started thinking out loud, "perhaps If Lily sacrificed herself willingly, and he tried to use the killing curse on one of the children, a protective like charm could have activated to protect them, it could have worked in theory and possibly backfired the curse on to Voldemort himself essentially killing him, and marking poor child, in this case Harry in the process." As Dumbledore spoke, he paced back and forth in the kitchen. "The prophecy didn't speak of a girl. Perhaps she was meant to die? Sirius is supposed to look after them as their godfather." The older man grumbled, "either way we should move them soon." He turned to Hagrid, "take Harry and head to Hogwarts,"
"What about lil Rosie?" Hagrid worried for the little girl.
Dumbledore chuckled, "Don't worry, Hagrid, Severus will meet you there with her. Go separately and carefully."
Hagrid nodded, picking up Harry and gently bundling him. Hagrid glared at Severus, "Be seeing you soon." He squeezed out the front door, and his bike could be heard driving away.
Severus sat bewildered, "Why would you let me take her? What if I hurt her," he looked down worried.
Albus sighed, "she looks just like her, doesn't she?"
Severus looked at Dumbledore wide-eyed and nodded slowly, "i know you will protect her this time." He then walked outside,
Severus sat there just watching Julieta sadly.
Watching the bearded man leave Julieta waved and tried to stand, she started grunting and pushing, trying to stand. After failing a couple of times, she growled at Severus and called what sounded to him as up. The word surprised Severus it was the first word she had formed to him. He stood picking her up, and she smiled in his arms his gaze softened. Severus accio'd some things from upstairs before leaving. He wrapped Julieta in her baby blanket before walking out, grabbing his broom and flying off.

Thanks so much for reading this chapter! comments, complaints, suggestions, and questions are 100 percent welcome. Next chapter will be ready in a week! See you then!

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