chapter 19

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As soon as I entered the school the stares started. Rumors had spread of my outburst, I walked quickly towards the Great Hall. The stares followed me the whole way, noone talked to me only whispered.
As soon as I entered the hall I saw Hermione, she must of seen me too as she jumped up and ran to me. "Where were you?" She asked , "we were so worried." She said pulling me to where she had been sitting next to Harry. I glanced at him and he nodded, Ron was sitting across from him shrugged, earning him a smack from the twins on either side of him. I fight back a smirk as i sit between Harry and Hermione.
Fred studies me for a second before speaking, "from the looks of you, you've been flying." He stated, George nodded agreeing, "did you steal another broom?"
I scoffed, acting offended, "why I would never steal a broom," I paused watching the twins roll their eyes, before continuing, " again. Especially especially as a student and all I had to do was ask Madame Hooch for one. Technically I only borrowed it with out permissionlast time."
Fred grinned, "as a student she says, why i remember just last year she was so desperate to help out that puffskein that was stuck in a tree she took off with Madame Hooch's very own broom." George was laughing at the memory, I was blushing almost as red at his hair, "Still I returned it didn't I?" I grumbled,
"yeah, but only after the creature put its tongue up ya nose." Fred manages as he laughs.
"It was only startled, I'm sure it didnt mean it." I say defending the creature, while both twins are laughing along with Ron, others start to look over, I slump slightly in my seat, trying to be less visible. Harry tried to calm us down, "what's a Puffskein?" He asked, I grin, before saying, "You see Harry,"
"oh no," fred groans,
"What?" Asked Ron, eating a sandwich,
"Ya see there are two things Lia goes crazy over, one is Quidditch basically anything flying related, but more than even that is magical animals." He whispers.
I excitedly talk over them, "Puffskeins are the cutest creatures ever, they are small, fluffy, and have the sweetest temperament. They are quite sturdy creatures they barely ever take damage from falling. They are quite popular in the wizarding world, in fact they come in different colors. I'll bet we could probably ask Hagrid or maybe my dad to find one for you. They are incredibly tame after all. They eat almost anything, but the legend about them states that Helga Hufflepuff was trying to breed something and accidentally created them. I personally think she was trying to make badgers even cuter, but we dont actually know as her research on it was lost to time."
I sigh, looking around, realizing, "oops, I did it again, didn't i?" I ask Freddie, he shrugged, "it's okay that you like it. You just need to remember to breathe. You could overwhelm poor Harry, ya know."
I turn to Harry, "sorry, about that. I get a little excited about them. I usually talk to Hagrid about these thing but he has been busy lately."
Harry shook his head, "it's okay, I hope I can meet one of these Puffskeins some day."
I smile, "I'll ask father later, surely there's some way for you to see one."
Hermione on my otherside spoke, "I would love to see one, i read a book about them they seem fascinating," I grinned, and look past her shoulder to see dad watching us, I flash him a smile, he nods and turns toward Quirell.
I turn my attention back to my house mates, as a small barn owl dropped a small note on my empty plate, i opened it quickly, it read;

Dear lil rose, I hat to do this but sumthin came up, I need to rescedule our tea time. Your friend hagrid.

I smiled, and filled my plate and ate, Freddie asked about it.
I grinned, "hagrid canceling today's tea." I said, fred grimaced, I knew he would. "Your lucky I'd reckon," he whispered. I rolled my eyes, "you don't have to come to tea ya know, it won't hurt his feelings any." Fred shrugged and continued eating.
We first years had charms right after lunch, so we quickly finished our food, and waved bye to the twins. As Hermione, Ron, Harry, and I left the Great Hall, I locked eyes with Dray for a moment before I quickly turned away.

Hermione was excited to finally have a class she could use her wand in. She practically flew there, I giggled it was a good difference from breakfast. Once we were at the charms classroom Mr. Flitwick smiled at us and told us to find a seat for now I sat with Hermione and Harry sat with Ron. At the beginning of class Mr Flitwick took attendance when Mr Flitwick said Harry Potter he hiccuped and nearly fell off this stool. Harry looked uncomfortable when someone made a fuss over him, it made me sad. Mr Flitwick finished attendance and demonstrated how to use the charms Lumos and Nox.
Both were quiet simple charms but useful enough, just a simple Single counter-clockwise loop while chanting Lumos, while Nox is even easier; just a flick of you wand while chanting Nox. It was super easy by the end of class almost everyone seemed to have the hang of it. Mr Flitwick was very pleased he said by next week we could move on, once class ended he waved us off, we headed straight for transfiguration, I love Minerva. Like hagrid, she was someone I spent a lot of time with.
When I was younger she would change into a cat when I was scared or upset. She appeared more stern than she really was, she just cared too much about her students. When we arrived I walked up to her as she was writing on the chalk board, "hello, Professor Mcgonagall" I spoke, she turned and saw me, "well hello again miss Snape," she gave me a small smile, "Professor, I was hoping to speak to you after class today," I mentioned, Minerva's smile fell, "whatever for Miss snape?" She questioned, "I wanted to talk about my mother," I whispered loud enough only the two of us could hear. "Of course, dear" she nodded, "why dont you take your seat?" I returned her nod and found my seat beside Hermione. "What was that about?" She whispered, "I'll tell you later." I whispered back.
Unlike father and Mr Flitwick, Professor Mcgonagall didn't verbally do a roll call, but she did ask, "can anyone tell me what transfiguration is?" I shot my hand up along with Hermione, "any one else? No? Alright then Miss Snape? Your answer,"
I nodded lowering my hand, "Transfiguration is a subject that teaches the art of changing of the form and appearance of an object."
"Correct miss snape. Next question, what kind of transfiguration is not allowed to be taught at Hogwarts?" Hermione hand shot up.
"Miss Granger," Minerva called,
"Human transfiguration, it is entirely dangerous magic. while there are some who have succeeded in becoming Animagus it is a very long and difficult process. Those who do succeed must register themselves as one at the ministry. Preforming transfiguration on another human is considered taboo."
Minerva grinned, "very good Miss Granger, as she said human transfiguration will not be learned in any basic classes here at Hogwarts but once you reach your fourth year you can put in a request through the head master to the ministry for private lessons including becoming an animagus if you desire. Now here is an example of something you should be able to do in the future." She turned pointed her wand at her desk and waved it, a wordless cast. She changed her desk in to a hog, it moved and snorted at us, she quickly changed it back.
Hermione raised her hand, Minerva nodded to her, "Professor how did you cast it with out a chant, I thought all spells required them."
Minerva seemed pleased with her, "excellent question, now transfiguration requires a strong mental image and a focus, there are some more complex that do in fact require spells but you won't be learning those this year. This is why transfiguration is considered the hardest and most dangerous field to study here at Hogwarts. You will how ever start by changing these match sticks into needles. Now be aware not many of you will complete this task in class today so those who don't can just bring it back once they complete it. Now the best way to give yourself a strong mental image is to know as much as possible about the item you want to get. Any questions?"
She looked around, no hands were up, she demonstrated it for us once before telling us, "you may begin."
Minerva walked about the classroom, watching us.
I wasn't having much luck, neither was Hermione, I raised my hand, "yes, miss Snape?"
"If it would it be alright, would you be willing to demonstrate for us how to do it again?" I asked. She nodded and as if waiting for someone to ask she went from desk to desk showing us how to change our stick to a needle. When she showed Hermione and I, something clicked, "thank you," we said together to Minerva.
We went back to work, we started making head way. Hermione's was a shiny metal stick, while mine looked slightly sharper. As the class drew to a close, Minerva walked around to check everyone's progress. When she saw ours she smiled, and spoke to the class. "Everyone it seems we all had difficulty today." She picked up my stick, "Miss Snape seems to be the closest to finishing. Well done, to miss Granger as well," she carried or projects around to show the others. "Now everyone remember to focus and visualize what you want it to look like. Class is dismissed have a good evening." She turned and walked back to her desk. Hermione turned to me, "want to go to the library and study for tomorrow? " she asked, I shook my head, "need to talk to Professor Mcgonagall, I'll meet you there." I said. She smiled at me, "okay see you later," she stood and walked out the classroom. I waited for all of the other students to leave, harry looked at me I smiled and said, "I need to speak to the Professor," he smile and waved before following Ron out of the classroom. After the last student left I stood, I look to her she is smiling lovingly at me. I run into her arms and recieve her hug. "Congratulations on getting into Gryffindor Lia, I'm so proud. How did Severus take it?" She asked worried.
I giggle, "he said I was just like mom, I think he expected it honestly."
Minerva chuckled, "indeed you are, she was just as bright as you, I'm surprised Harry didnt stay as well," she looks at me I look down guilty, "oh i see, Well then I suppose you need to think about it then."
I glance up, "indeed I do, what if I tell him and he doesn't believe me, my whole name is changed. I haven't spoken with Albus yet, but, what if telling him hurts him, when he finds out we had such different childhoods, I'm worried he will hate me."
Minerva wore a sad smile, "do you hate him?" I shook my head, "then I'm sure he won't either, give him time. After all he might even pity you, you've had many expectations placed on you, the same as him. It's just my opinion but if I had a sister out there I'd want to know."
I sigh and whisper, "I can take it if he hates me, I just want him to be able to rely on me. Will you ever let me know if Harry needs anything?"
"Of course, dear. Now you run along, do keep practicing, you are doing wonderful." She smiled, and patted my shoulder, I nodded hugging her, "thank you Minerva, I'm glad to have you." The woman chuckled, "and I you dear, now off you go." I let her go, gather my books and run off to the library.

Thanks so much for reading another chapter as always. Comment, complaints, suggestions, and questions are 100 percent welcome. The next chapter will be ready within a week! See you then!

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