chapter 25: Wednesday

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"Come on you guys," I yell up the stairs in the common room, Harry and Ron had stayed up late and over slept.
I was rushing them, I'd sent Hermione to breakfast ahead of us, I was still worried they would get lost, so I waited.
"Stop rushin' we have plenty of time," yawned Ron, as he followed Harry down the stairs.
"Not if you want to actually eat breakfast," I told him. He sighed, as I walked out of our common room, pass the portrait and down the stairs. I could hear the two of them following me, whispering to each other. "Want to share with the class?" I ask jokingly,
Harry clears his throat, "Me and Ron were thinking, maybe tomorrow we could do everything ourselves. Just to make sure we know where everything is."
I'm still concerned but I nod, "okay, I'm sure you can do it." I give him a reassuring smile. "Oh and we are supposed to have a class change, percy said updated schedules will be posted in the morning."
Ron groans, "more classes?"
I shrugged, "I dont know all the details." We reach the great hall, it's just after 8 am. Ron fills a plate with lots of sausage and bacon.
I grab some toast, scrambled eggs and bacon and I make a sandwich. I quickly eat it and drink some juice, just as Dray walks over, followed by Crabbe, Goyle, and Pansy.
"Lia!" Dray growled,
"well good morning to you too, Dray." I say smiling calmly, turning towards him.
"Dont give me that, you tattled to my mum? What are you five?" He sneered.
"Why? did your mum tell you to play nice?" I smirk, "she told me to tell her everything. Although I forgot to mention my fall," I glance over at Pansy. "You know since I was so klutzy after all. But you don't need to pretend to be nice to me Draco. Either go back to normal or you can just leave me alone and I won't say another word about anything to your mum. You can just pretend I don't exist, and I wont intentionally bother you either. Figure it what you want to do." I glare at him, his look changed from anger to surprise to anger again.
"You don't order me around!" He growled at me.
Harry jumped up, and I shook my head indicating for him to mot interfere.
I on the other hand stood and glared staright into Dray's eyes, only inches from his face causing him to flinch, "It wasn't an order, it was what I would call a mutually benefiting suggestion. But think how ever you like." I turn grabbing my bag as I continue speaking, "by the way, I already know what happened on the train. It wasn't hard to figure out, given everyones reluctance to rat you out. I know we don't always agree on things but this is different, it's disappointing really. But what I can't figure out is how you to change so much in so little time," As I said this I looked over his friends, before returning my gaze to his, "although maybe you were just fooling me the whole time, if so shame on me." I step over the bench and stand beside Dray, and whisper, "And for your information I only told your mum that you were acting differently, rougher than I was familiar with because I was worried about your family since they've always been good to me. But you need to watch what you say if you keep saying things carelessly. You could put your father in a difficult position. Unfortunately, it seems it was unwanted, so i won't be doing so again. Now if you'll excuse us we dont want to be late for class, good day." I push past the group of slytherins and walk away, Harry pulled Ron up and followed me.
Once we left the great hall, Ron blurted, "That was brilliant, Lia! You put him in his place you did." He laughed, I gave him a small smile before looking at the floor frowning. Harry noticed, "Lia? What's the matter?"
I sighed, "Just last week, we were racing across the Malfoy's estate on our brooms, and now we can't have a decent conversation. I'm a little confused, is all."
We silently walked to Minerva's classroom, Harry and Ron stealing glances at me, then looking at each other. We reached the classroom before either one could say anything, Hermione was already there, so she saved me a seat. "You okay?" She asked, I nodded, "Yeah, I just have a lot on my mind." I reply as I pull out my needle and book, I knew Hermione wanted to ask more, but she had the sense to wait.
Professor Mcgonagall went around the classroom checking each students progress, as there were some students who needed more time on their needles, those of us that were done were encouraged to read the chapters for tomorrow's lesson. Hermione and I reread the assigned chapters and reviewed them together. My mood was still not the best from breakfast, but Hermione was keeping me distracted. I am thankful for her as the class came to an end, and we had to head to the history of magic class. It was only a few minutes away, so we took our time leaving, Harry and Ron were waiting outside for us, "Lia," Harry looked at me concerned,
"I'm fine." I lie forcing a smile, Harry nodded. I was thankful the three of them didn't know me well enough to see through it.
The four of us reach history of magic it was the only class at Hogwarts taught by a ghost, which surprised many of the students. Professor Binns floated around the classroom. He was talking of the four founders of Hogwarts for over a half hour, when I heard soft snoring behind me. I turn to see Ron asleep. He is lying on his crossed arms. Grinning, I glance at Harry next to him he is leaning on his hand, trying to keep himself awake. I quickly turned around and nudged Hermione. She looked annoyed, and I quickly pointed in between our shoulders, giggling. She rolled her eyes when she saw them, "they're ridiculous." She whispered before returning to her notes. About ten minutes later, Hermione raised her hand, interrupting Professor Binns. He nodded, giving her permission to speak, "Sir, I was wondering what our homework would be since class is nearly over."
Professor Binns glanced at the clock before he chuckled, "Right you are, it's almost time for the next class. Alright, as for homework, an essay about one Hogwarts founder of another house and give a report on their life, their personal values, and how they died, at least one-hundred words should work. And Miss snape, would you kindly wake up the two behind you and relay the information?" I nodded, grabbing my quill. Turning around, I tickled Ron's nose with the feather, and he moved covering his nose, I aimed for his ear next. Using the tip of the feather I tickled the inside of his ear, he tried to swat it away at first but I continuedonce more, in response he used his right hand to smack ear hard, incedently smacking himself awake. He sat up quick, as I smiled widely at him, Hermione beside me giggling. He opened his mouth as if to say something. I shushed him, pointing to Harry, and he started grinning. "Harry," I cooed as I tickled the cheek he wasn't resting on. He wasn't sleeping as deeply as Ron, so he woke up quickly from his face sliding off his hand. Mr Binns chuckled behind me.
"Did you both have a good nap?" I teased them both.
Preparing for his next class, Mr. binns floats past, "Hope they received enough information for the test next week." I grinned as the two look horrified at each other, "I'll tell them, come on, let's go." I motion for Harry and Ron to follow me before Hermione asks, "Are you taking arithmetic? I have it next." I frown and shake my head, "I already know plenty on the subject, i might have advanced classes next year, and I'll decide later." Our group of students all leave the classroom and head towards the stairs hermione, neville, and a few others head upstairs. While I lead Harry and Ron down towards the library.
Ron started whining, "I don't see why we have to take this class. It's so boring, I'll bet the homework is just as boring."
I glared at him from the corner of my eye, "Not everyone knows what has happened the last two hundred years like in most people's case. Some people grow up in homes where they are told one thing, and the opposite is true. Like every one in slytherin is evil, or every ravenclaw is cold and calculating. Gryffindors are dumb muscle heads that only care about fighting. There are many stereotypes like these, and not all are true. Our homework is to pick a Hogwarts founder of another house and give a report on their life, family and work values, and how and when they died. It has to be at least one hundred words long. There is an abundance of information about the founders in the library."
Harry frowned, "not everyone knows everything. That's why we have school." I pat his shoulder, I received a quick smile in return.
"I'll show you where to find some books that will help." I walk towards the founders section, I grab a few books down for myself and point to a few more, "I'm choosing Rowena Ravenclaw, there are basic books on these two shelves for all four founders, there are more detailed books on the higher shelves." I take my stack to an empty table, pulling out my quill. I start taking notes.
Harry sat next to me, curious I glance at his books; he has a book for each of the four founders. Confused, I commented, "You only needed to choose one of the houses."
Harry smiles, "Yeah, but I don't know anything about any of them.
I can't choose if I dont know." I smile at him before noticing Ron still isn't seated. I look up, and he is just staring at the shelves. I wait a few more minutes before I stand up and walk over to him.
"Ron?" I question him, he sighs and looks at me troubled, I smile at him. "Honestly, Ron, just pick a house it's a short essay this time." I grab a book off the shelf and hand it to Ron, who frowns, "hufflepuff?" He groans.
I shake my head at him. "There is nothing wrong with hufflepuff. Stop being silly." I glance at him and grin, "or did you secretly want to do a report on slytherin."
"No!" Ron croaked, before repeating himself, "no, no, Hufflepuff is fine." He clutches the book and runs to the table sitting across from Harry. I chuckle at him and rethink my choice, I stack the ravenclaw books on the table to put them back.
Harry watches me and comments, "done already?"
I shake my head, "No, I think I'll do slytherin, I have some questions I'm hoping I can solve with this essay."
Ron grunted, "Is it because of Malfoy?"
Pursing my lips, I nod, Ron shook his head, "he's a no good, you know that."
I shrugged, "it's just an assignment." I took the books bag and quickly replaced them with ones about Salazar Slytherin, then I sit and read them, taking notes as I go.
After a little while, I hear a 'rarwp' sound and look up. I see Harry grinning, and Ron's face is as red as his hair.
"Is it lunchtime already? " I ask Ron, he nods, "just about."
I smile, "Let's hurry then. We can come back after lunch. I'm sure Hermione will want to anyway." I say as I returned my books to the shelves and pack up my notes while I wait for Harry and Ron, once they were ready we headed to lunch with Ron's stomach growling on the way.

Thanks so much for reading another chapter! As always comment, complaints, suggestions, and questions are 100 percent welcome. The next chapter will be ready within a week! See you then!

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