chapter 21: the album

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We entered the great hall, and not many of the students had arrived yet. I glanced at the teachers table, and Albus was sitting there speaking in hushed voices with Minerva. I grinned and walked past our table right to them, "Hello, Professors," I greeted them, Albus smiled at me, "hello miss snape, how have you enjoyed your first day of class." I returned his smile, "all my classes have been fun, I was wondering if telling people my real identity is okay, i mean i already told a few people, but um, yeah." Albus' eyes twinkled, "I wouldn't go making a huge announcement for now, but telling a few wouldn't be a bad idea. what about Mr. Potter?" He asked. I glanced at Minerva, "I think it's unfair keeping the truth from him, I know I didn't like being lied to." Albus nodded, "I will call you both to my office this weekend and explain what I can to the both of you."
I grin, "Thank you, headmaster. I'll go now, please enjoy your meals, Professors," I call, turning around, I noticed Dray watching me as I walked to my table. I sat down beside Hermione, and she raised an eyebrow at me. "Secret. " I whispered. She scoffed,"I'll figure it out eventually anyways." An arm draped itself from the opposite side of me, I turn to see Freddie, "What are we whispering about?" He asked, I looked around, and he noticed, "If it's about your brother, he's not here yet." He whispered. My eyes went wide as I shushed him. He rolled his eyes, "you need to tell him eventually,"
"I will," I growled, "im just trying to figure out the right time."
Hermione glaring at me, "How many people know this secret?" She asked, "besides some of the teachers?" I ask, she nods, "well when you figure it out, then you, Drey, Freddie, and Georgie."
Hermione was deep in thought for a moment, then she grinned, "So he isn't here yet?"
I gave her a confused look  and nodded, as she continued, "If he sees this book and you say your father gave it to you to help find your real family one day. After he sees the pictures, he puts two and two together. What do you think?"
"It feels like we are playing with his feelings then." I say,
"Hang on," Freddie interrupted, "what book?"
"Right, I hadn't the chance to show you and George yet. Hermione, can you hand me my book, please." She nodded and retrieved it from her bag. She opened it to a photo of my mum and handed it to Freddie.
His widened slightly in surprise. He held up the book in front of me, "Is this really your mum, or is it an older you? Seriously though, the family resemblance can't be denied."
Georgie walks up and sees the book, "Who's the babe?" He asked, snatching the book from Freddie. "Careful," Freddie called, to him, "that's important to Lia,"
Georgie flipped through the book, stopped on the family picture, and stared at it, I was getting nervous more and more students we entering the great hall. Harry could be there any minute, "George please give it back,"I plead, he didnt say anything,  he grinned at me, I knew that look, "George wait," i started to stand before he ran off toward the doors with my book, I froze in terror, "well come on after him!" Freddie shouted, pulling my hand and running after him. I quickly followed. I'm shorter and slower than the twins, but I still was able to dodge around people as I ran. I got out in the hallway and looked around. I didn't see either of them. I turned back towards the hall to see George over by the slytherin table. I growl, and run towards him, focusing solely on him. I watched him hide behind a couple Slytherin students as Freddie ran past him. As i ran along the slytherin table, someone stuck out their foot and tripped me, I fell hard, but i quickly got up and turned to see who tripped me. Of course it was her, "watch what you're doing Parkinson," I growled at her.
"Oh, I'm sorry, Snape," she said sarcastically, "perhaps if you weren't playing like a child, you wouldn't have fallen,"
"Parkinson, can't you refrain from speaking, everytime you do all I hear is barking. Would you like a new muzzle to match that attitude of yours?" I smirk at her,
She gasped offended, "How dare you! Do you think you can talk to me like this." She grabs ahold of Dray's arm. He frowns at her.
I frown shrugging, "I can say anything I like, I don't believe in settling arguments with violence, " I looked her over, "but i could make an exception  for you." I smirked at her, before glancing beside her; Dray was looking at me with furrowed eyebrows, "what's with you?" I ask him, "your lip," he said. I touched it and pulled my finger away. There was blood on it, I'd bitten it, I reached for my handkerchief, before realizing it was in my bag still at the table. Dray offers his handkerchief. I look at it for a second before taking it, I mumble "thanks" before placing it on my bleeding lip. I glare at Pansy, "We done here?" I snap she nodded, so i turned and walked away. Dray stood and followed me, "What?" I ask, miffed,
"are you okay?" he asked me.
I spin around to glare at him, "do you mean is my face okay? You might want to tell your girlfriend to keep her hands to herself."
"She's not my-" he starts before I cut him off, "try telling her that, by the way she is clinging to you I don't think she plans to just be friends. You know how pure blood families are, the only reason we weren't forced together was because of my blood being half and you know it. Just becarful, dont trust them just because your parents said to." I warned him.
"I know, I'll talk to her," he said,
"Do what you want, she doesn't even matter to me. After all, I've taken more damage falling off a broom. I would have thought you'd have known me better by now." I frown, "I'm going to go eat," I turn and walk off to the Gryffindor table where I see Freddie and George facing away from me. I sneak up on them and smack the back of George's head. He jumped up and turned to see me, his eyes went wide. "What happened!" He panicked, drawing Freddie's attention me. Freddie quickly pulled me down beside him and checked my face. "Bloody hell," he whispered as he took the handkerchief from my hands and dipped it in his water. He wiped the blood from my mouth, "How did you get hurt this time?"
I shrugged, "I tripped over a dog when I was running." Freddie looked guilty.
"sorry, I shouldn't have run off," george said from beside me. I shrugged, "we're best mates, I'll forgive you."
Freddie went to dip the handkerchief again and saw the initials on it, "D.M.? Is this Malfoy's?" He asked me, I shrug, "it's just a cloth," I said.
Freddie glared at the cloth disgusted, before dropping it on the table and grabbing his own, after wetting it he wipes my chin, "I can do this myself," I say, "I know," he said, "I also know you will put off treatment till the last minute. Honestly you get hurt more than any of my siblings combined and we play quidditch. If I was your brother, I'd-," he paused and sighed,
"You'd what, Freddie?" I teased, he looked at me,
"you are so frustrating, I'd put about a hundred safety charms on you." He told me
I chuckle, " I guess I'm safe to get hurt another day."
He rolled his eyes at me, "You are going to make George, and I work hard on the pitch, aren't you?"
He groaned, I grinned, and Hermione giggled, I looked over she was sitting across from me with my book. She was grinning, but she had this strange look in her eyes. I was going to ask her what but my thoughts were interrupted by Ron.
"Woah guys, what happened to her?" Ron asked, he and Harry had walked up behind Hermione, whom answered for me,
"Lia said she tripped over a dog, but I dont believe her. I saw her  come walking from the slytherin tables," I rolled my eyes. It was true i was tripped, though.
"Did you get in a fight?" Harry asked.
I shook my head, "of course not but I'd be more than happy to fight that dog, though," I said, smiling.
He sat down between Ron and Hermione. He saw my book and commented on it, "That's a pretty fancy book Hermione, what's it about?"
"Oh, this?" She said nonchalantly, "It's actually a photo album, I'm just holding onto it for a friend."
"Can I take a closer look at it?" He asked. She nodded, sliding it closer to him, "Just be careful, my friend really loves this book."
She winked at me, Harry missed it, I didn't I grinned at her. I knew she would figure it out. he was looking at the details on the cover when Ron saw the book, "Wow, that's a lot of detail." He slides it closer to see for himself. Freddie is now checking for any other marks on my face. George, seeming less worried now, is making eyes at Angelina down the table while Hermione is staring at the Harry like I am.
Ron opened the book, I froze but I felt relief, and I hadn't put my name in it yet. He flipped to the first photo and looked at it, It was mum and Harry.
Looking confused Ron flipped the page to James and me, and he looked at Harry confused. Then he looked at Hermione as if to ask what is this? Instead, Harry continued to flip through the book until he reached the page with the four of us. He stared at it for a long minute before looking at me and asking, "Is this your book?" I nodded before Freddie raised my chin, finding another scrap there. He growled, giving up on me, I turn back to Harry, "yeah its mine. Why do you ask?"
"You look like her," he points to a picture of mum. "Yep," I nod, "that's because she's my mum, and that's my dad and twin baby brother," I said.
He looked at the man in the book and then to my father sitting at the table, he looked confused.
I smiled, "I found out recently that I was adopted, that is my birth family."
"What happened to them," he asked.
"Same thing that happened to yours." I said.
He looked at me, then back to the book sadly, "Sorry," he said,
"Dont worry about it, I thought my mom abandoned me for eleven years only to find out she died protecting me and my brother instead. I had a sense of joy, relief, and sadness all at once. Oh, dont get me wrong, no one said she abandoned me. Father just avoided the subject all together, so I just assumed what I thought as the worst." I looked at the boy in front of me, so happy he was alive.
"If it's any consolation, I thought my family had died in a car crash for eleven years." He said.
"Wait! what?!" I shouted, standing up, "They told you our parents died in a car crash! Wait till I get my hands on those dursley's." I growled, Freddie was surprised and was trying to shush me, "they are the most horrible creatures, I can't believe they lied to you. So horrible, they dare. They give all muggles a bad name." I was so worked up, I hadn't noticed my father walking up,
"Roselia Lily Snape, what are you yelling about?" Hearing his stern voice, I quickly turned on him, "did you know? those dursley's lied to Harry? A car crash, HA! Ridiculous."
Father sighed, "I thought there might have been a possibility, considering Petunia was envious of her sister, but I at least thought she would tell him as he got older. I didn't think that woman could be more of a disappointment. But you need to calm down, you are causing a scene and making your friends uncomfortable. Perhaps this conversation would be better left for another time. Now sit down."
I huffed but sat down, "Fine." I growled. My father's sighed and walked back to his seat. He kept his eye on me the rest of the meal, so I sat quietly and ate obediently.
Once I had food in me, I calmed down, and the chocolate pudding helped a lot. My lip was a little swollen, but it didn't stop me from enjoying my meal. Ron and Harry had been whispering throughout their meal, George was talking to Angelina while Freddie was talking to Lee. Hermione finished eating first and pulled out a book, studying history, I grinned at my friend. I had to ask her about that weird look from earlier.
Once I was finished, I asked Hermione if she was heading to the library she shook her head as she had decided to head back to the dorms and study, Freddie overheard me and said, "you should have Madame Pomfrey check your lip before anything else."
I rolled my eyes, "I'm fine." I stood to leave, and Freddie grabbed my hand.
"You were having trouble eating, I noticed." He said
"It's just a scrape it'll heal soon enough." I say.
"What if it gets infected," he asked me
"You want me to go there now by myself?" I asked him.
He shook his head, "I'll take you." He said.

Thanks so much for reading another chapter as always. Comment, complaints, suggestions, and questions are 100 percent welcome. The next chapter will be ready within a week! See you then!

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