chapter 2: safe

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By the time Severus Snape reached Hogwarts the news of Lily and Jame's death had reach most of the wizarding world, but the story was a little different than what he knew. 
The headmistress Professor Minerva Mcgonagall was waiting for Snape as Hagrid had already arrived with Harry. She ran over to him checking the both of them over, she sighed happily, content that they were both safe. "Come, come, let's get inside." 
"Minerva, where is the boy?" Severus asked, questioning the woman. She smiled, "he is safe I'll show you." She pulls him by the arm, "what about Dumbledore and Black?" Minerva's face dropped, "there has been some issues, Dumbledore will explain when he arrives. Come now." He nodded and followed her. 
Minerva led Severus to the infirmary, where Poppy Pomfrey could be seen rocking Harry to sleep. Severus quietly walked over to her, “Poppy?” he whispered, she turned smiling at Severus, “how is he?” She looked down at Harry and smiled sweetly, “he is perfectly healthy, no scraps, bumps or bruises.” Poppy walked over to 2 cribs she had conjured and placed Harry in one, he wiggled a bit as she laid him down but he remained asleep. Poppy then turned to Severus, “let me give her a good check too.” Severus gently handed Julieta to Poppy, the little girl was now awake, “hi there Julieta,” poppy smiled sweetly, “hi” Julieta whispered back, Poppy awed at the little girl and whispered “we are going to play a little game, ready?” Julieta nodded,  Poppy continued, “we have to stay quiet so as not to wake harry okay?” Julieta nodded again, “okay good, first we are going to open our hands and close them,” poppy showed her, and Julieta mimicked her, “very good let's do a few more.” Poppy raised her arms, crossed them, wiggled her feet and swung her legs, Julieta copied Poppy accurately, “next let's stand,” poppy placed Julieta on the floor and sat before standing up. “Your turn,” she told Julieta, the little girl nodded and pushed herself up, having issues keeping her balance angered the 15 month old. She crawled over to a bed and pulled herself up, she smiled at poppy, “up” she stated.  Severus was watching from a little ways away smiling at the bright child. Poppy looked at him, “she looks just like her.” he nodded, Julieta copied poppy and looked at Severus too, “luk” she said grinning he moved closer to her and said, “great job Julieta,” remembering she had a brother she turned towards harry to show him too, “ ree! ree! luk!” when he didn't look she looked back at Severus sadly, “he is only asleep, want to see?” he asked, she nodded,”ree” she said. He lifted her up and walked over to Harry, she could see his face she leaned and touched his hair. “shhhhh,” she said, placing her finger in front of her mouth. She looked around, ready to play again. She pointed to Poppy so Severus walked over and Julieta opened and closed her hands to Poppy, who understood and took her to finish up her check up the game she had started, leaving Severus and Harry alone in the infirmary, he turned to Minerva but she was gone, he hadn't realized she had left. So he stayed by Harry's side watching the baby sleep, his raven hair looked like James. He sat there hating himself for being so selfish, for wishing James gone only to regret it like an idiot. Poppy came back in with a sleepy Julieta so she rocked her until she fell asleep and laid her down. “perfectly healthy just like her brother, which from what I can tell his scar won't be an issue.” She placed a hand on Severus' shoulder and led him to a bed where she demanded, “Now you rest until Albus returns. I'm sure someone will wake you, I'll watch the sleeping tikes.”
Severus laid there and silently cried himself to sleep.

Thanks so much for reading another chapter as always comments, complaints, suggestions, and questions are 100 percent welcome. Next chapter will be ready in a week! See you then!

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