Chapter 15: breakfast

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****** so as a note while I am trying to follow the book closely I couldn't find an accurate 1st year schedule soo I made my own. Hope it doesn't throw my story off too much. Thanks for reading.*****

As each student awoke for the day they each received a schedule of classes for the year as follows;

As each student awoke for the day they each received a schedule of classes for the year as follows;

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Lunch is served between the Hours of 11:45 am and 2 pm. Dinner is served between the hours of 5 PM and 7 PM. Students seen out of bed after 10 PM WILL face regular consequences.
Final exams will be held the first week of June. Be advised that Hogsmead weekends are for third year or older students.

Roselia and Hermione sat talking in the common room over tea when Ron and Harry finally came downstairs, Roselia had insisted on waiting for them since the school was a tricky place. She stood up at the sight of the boys, "good morning you two, are you ready for breakfast and classes? I can help you find your way," she offered, when Ron frowned, she smiled mischievously, "I've been sneaking around this school for much longer than fred and George have." Hermione grabbed my arm, "Lia that was before you were assigned a house, now you will lose points if you're caught." She warned me, "don't worry Hermione, I know, I just meant I'd be a great guide if they needed help." Roselia smiled to her, then looked at harry, "want me to take you guys to the great hall?" Ron still wary of Roselia answered first, "we can find our way just fine without you," her smile faltered a tad, she looked to Harry for confirmation, he nodded agreeing with Ron, "ah, okay," she replied "then we will see you at breakfast, and just a warning to both of you. You don't want to be late for potions, father doesn't take kindly to Gryffindors, especially tardy ones. " 
She turned and quickly left the common room Hermione ran after her. 
Once Hermione had caught up to Roselia she whispered, "I don't know why you are being extra nice to them for but Lia you should know you talk in your sleep, and you called for your mum in your sleep this morning, lavender heard it, She was laughing before she left, she is so horrible. But you also cried Harry once, it was after Lavender left. " 
Roselia smiled at Hermione, "I'm just glad she didn't wake up last night, sorry about that by the way." 
Hermione shook her head, "it's not your fault you had a bad dream, but I do recommend speaking to your dad about it though if it keeps happening or gets worse." Roselia hugged Hermione, "I will thanks." The two of them talked about small differences between muggles and witches, like the new papers and travel. Once they arrived in the great hall they were stopped by Goyle, Roselia glanced at his hand and smiled, "glad you took my advice," he nodded, "yeah uh, thanks for the help. But, uh, Draco wants to talk to you," she rolled her eyes, "fine," she sighed, he stopped Hermione, "not her, being a, you know and all," As his words registered Hermione's face fell, "I'll just go sit then," she turned away, Roselia grabbed her hand, she looked at Goyle, "tell Dray I said, if she isn't welcome neither am i and he knows better than to ask why." She turned on her heels and pulled Hermione to their table. She sat with her back facing the slytherin table, "are you okay?"she asked Hermione, who nodded, "I expected to get some push back but it's still a little disheartening, I know magic I don't see why my lineage matters." Roselia pulled Hermione into a tight hug, "it doesn't matter, dad said they just want to try and make themselves feel better because their lives are boring." Hermione questions, "are you really friends with Malfoy?" Roselia frowned as she released her friend, "I thought we were." They quietly eat while looking out for their friends.

Harry pov

"There, look." "Where?" "Next to the tall kid with the red hair." "Wearing the glasses?" "Did you see his face?" "Did you see his scar?" Whispers followed me from the moment I left our dormitory. People lining up outside classrooms stood on tiptoe to get a look at me, or doubled back to pass me again, staring. I wished they wouldn't, because I was trying to concentrate on finding his way to the great hall. There were a hundred and forty-two staircases at Hogwarts: wide, sweeping ones; narrow, rickety ones. Then there were doors that wouldn't open unless you asked politely, or tickled them in exactly the right place, and doors that weren't really doors at all, but solid walls just pretending. It was also very hard to remember where anything was, because it all seemed to move around a lot. The people in the portraits kept going to visit each other, and I was sure the coats of armor could walk. The ghosts didn't help, either. It was always a nasty shock when one of them gilded suddenly through a door Ron was trying to open. Nearly Headless Nick was happy to point us in the right direction, but Peeves the Poltergeist was worth two locked doors and a trick staircase. He pointed to a door and as we tried to open it Mr. Filch grabbed us by our collars, shouting about the third floor, when Ron tried to explain about being lost and peeves pointing us this way, Mr. Filch called us liars, but just then Professor Quirell intervened, agreeing with us blaming the naughty poltergeist claiming to have witnessed peeves laughing at his own prank.
Mr. Filch warned us he would be watching us and Professor Quirell led the way to breakfast, "b-b-be q-q-quick," he stammered checking the time. It was 830am Ron and I ran in sitting down as fast as we could, we quickly eat some toast and fruit and I see Hermione and Roselia leave, its 840, "come on Ron we have to go, you heard Roselia, we can't be late to potions class." I said, as Ron rolled his eyes, "she is just trying to scare you mate, but if you insist let's go." We took off in the direction Roselia disappeared.

Roselia POV 

Harry and Ron reached the great hall a few minutes before Hermione and I finished eating, I stood and walked past them not stopping to greet them, I for one wanted to be on time for my first class with father, I suppose I should call him Professor during class though, I sighed, "are you still upset?" Hermione asked me, I nodded, "about a lot of things really," she linked arms with me and we shared a smile and walked to class like that. We arrived at potions class 10 minutes early, father was in the halls watching everyone, I walked over to him, "do you have a class third period?" I asked he nodded, I frowned, he raised an eyebrow, " although I will be free after dinner,"
"really?" I asked hopefully, he smiled slightly and gave me a small nod, "now go have a seat, Miss Snape." 
I smiled back, "yes sir, Professor Snape." Hermione greeted him,
"Hello Professor," she said. "Hello, Miss Granger, " he said dryly. We quickly entered the classroom.
Most of the seats were already taken, except for six seats in front of Dray. As I walk past him, he grabs my hand, "are you ignoring me now?" He asked, 
I glared at him, "are you done being a sod?" He scoffed, "I'll take that as a no," then I said trying to pull my hand away, he tightens his grip, 
"I didn't do anything for you to be mad at me, you're being barmy," he complained, rolling his eyes.
I gasped "Me? Barmy you're the one acting dodgy, look at ya, making a scene in front of everyone, ye great idiot." 
His grip on my hand is starting to hurt, I fry to pull away again, when Harry, Ron, Neville and Seamus walk in watching my struggle, Harry walks up and demands, "let her go Malfoy," Dray stands up, "What are you going to do about it Potter?" He sneered, just then my father walks in slamming the door behind him, "everyone in their seats no exceptions," Dray released my hand, and I hurried to a chair, Hermione sat on one side while harry sat on my other side, then Ron, Seamus and Neville, now everyone was seated father took attendance, harry whispered, "is your hand okay?" I nodded, hiding it. 
Then we heard, "Harry Potter, ah yes our newest celebrity," I could hear Dray snicker behind me, father gave him a glare shutting him up, I internally smirked. 
Father continued, once he was finished he started his welcoming speech.

Thanks so much for reading another chapter! As always comments, complaints, suggestions, and questions are 100 percent welcome. Next chapter will be ready in a week! Hope to see you then!

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