chapter 18: DADA

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I walked up the stairs and towards the defense against the dark arts classroom. I love walking past the statues and armor that move, seeing the ghosts and the lovely tapestries as well. Even after seeing them for so many years, I never get tired of them. I was just down the hall from the classroom, and I smelled something strange, maybe garlic or onion it was a strong smell. I took a mental note to ask Professor Quirell about the smell. As I walked closer to the classroom, the smell grew stronger, and stronger until i stood outside it, I frowned as the smell was coming from inside the classroom.
I take a deep breathe and walk inside, right up to Professor Quirell, "hello Professor." I smile to him as I great him, but it seems I surprised him because he leaped away from me, resulting in me frowning and in stifled laughter from the current seated students.
"My apologies Professor Quirell, it wasn't my intention to surprise you." I say.
After my apology, Professor Quirell cleared his throat, "Q-Q-Quite alright M-miss Snape." He manages, "p-perhaps it w-would be best f-for you to h-have a seat. Hmm?"
"Of course Professor," I nod before turning, Professor Quirell scans the room, "P-perhaps in the back b-beside Mr. P-Potter?" He said, his words seemed like they were more than a suggestion.
I turned and as i walk pass Hermione I give her a small smile she quickly returned it. I continued to the back of the room. I sat closest to the door; Harry to my left and Ron on his left. I give them both a small smile, Ron's eyes narrowed at me. I shrugged him off and turned to harry, "I see you made it on time," i chuckled, "it seems you didn't need my help after all."
Harry frowned at Ron before responding, "actually we followed Hermione here, she was very quick so it was a little difficult."
"Ah," I nod knowingly, "I had issues in the beginning too. It gets easier I promise I tell him."
Harry nodded and asks, "would you still be willing to help us after lunch?"
I smile, before I could answer Ron snaps, "I dont need her help, I can manage just fine."
Harry frowns at him again, "well I do, I'm still not used to magic at all."he turned back to me, "will you?" He asked, this was the first request from my little brother how could I ever turn it down.
I nodded my head and smiled, "of course the offer still stands. We can leave the great hall together after lunch okay?"
Harry grinned, "thank you, uh, snape?" He ask as if it was a question.
"Roselia," I told him, "or Lia, that's what my friends call me. Well at least Fred and George do, Hagrid calls me lil Rosie. Has since I can remember."
At the mention of Hagrid Harry's face lit up, but before he could say anything Professor Quirell called for me.
"M-miss S-snape. Please C-close the d-door." He stammers , I quickly stood up, shut it and returned to my seat; quill at the ready.
"W-well no-now, W-welcome t-to your first day of Da-efense against the dark arts. You will be learning about d-dark creatures and how to counter them, and helpful sp-spells as well. We will learn the theory be-behind each creature and each spell before any of you will perform any casting of the spells. For today I-i w-wish to share some p-personal history with you, I w-was away for a y-year I travel and long before I was a Pr-professor here I met a y-young Nigerian prince who asked me for help. You see his small kingdom had been plagued by zom-zombies, after I scared off the z-zombies the prince offered me this purple turbin as a thank you." Seamus raised his hand and waved it frantically, the Professor quickly called on him. "Yes Mr Fi-finnegan."
"How did you scare off the zombies. What spells did you use Professor?" Seamus asks. Most of us nod all eyes turned toward Professor Quirell, who had turned an unhealthy pale. His eyes seemed to search the room for answers. "Um i-I think that would be a b-better story f-for when you learn more about z-zombies l-later in the year." He nervously laughed. He recieved a chorus of groans from our class, myself included. Professor Quirell quickly moved to the next topic, "N-now, can anyone h-here tell me how to cure a werew-wolf bite?" He asked looking around the room, once again only Hermione and I raised our hands.
"Go ahead, Ms Granger." He nodded.
Hermione lowered her hand as she spoke, "that's a trick question Professor." She answered, I smiled, "would you care to explain?" Professor Quirell requested of her. Hermione nodded, "once you are bitten by a transformed werewolf there is unfortunatly no known cure." She frowned, "very good! Miss Granger." Quirell clapped, "now then Miss snape, how would we treat such a bite?"
I stood, "yes Professor, a bite from a werewolf causes severe bleeding some victims die from blood loss, so we can use a mixture of powered silver and dittany to help clot the bleeding. Luckily if one is bitten but a werewolf whom is not transformed, even if said were wolf is pure blooded, the victim will not become one. That's where muggles get the myth that silver is a werewolves only weakness."
"W-well said, you sure are your f-fathers daughter," Professor Quirell boasted then, the professor spoke of our homework, "Read th-the ch-chapters on the I-imps as we will talk about them n-next week. I do hope I'll have more st-students to call on n-next week. Also, wr-write a sh-short p-paper a-at l-least w-one hundred w-words l-long on h-how to treat a werew-wolf bite. M-miss S-snape, since you already n-know how, s-so I-it should be n-no problem eh." He laughed nervously, "perhaps, your f-fellow class mates can ask you for help it they g-get stuck. I nodded slightly concerned about his stuttering, I had worsened as class went on, "Yes sir, it's no problem at all." I gave him a small smile,
he cleared his throat, "R-right then cl-class dismissed." He told us, I looked at Harry. He wore an equally confused face as I did there was still twenty minutes left in class, was this a test? I wondered. Seamus shrugged and got up first. He walked right out of the classroom, nothing happened, so i stood up and walked out the door as well, slowly followed by the rest of the class.
I waited across from the classroom for Harry before he could make it out of the classroom, Dray had found me. "Lia," he called to me,
"hello Dray," I sighed and he snickered at me, "what is it now Dray?" I ask annoyed.
"how's your wrist," he asked almost a whisper. I turned it over, showing him, "I'm fine, no thanks to you."
Dray scoffed, "well you're the idiot who was ignoring me. It's not that hard to walk over to my table was it."
I crossed my arms, "Dray, you deliberately left out my friend. Or did Goyle not relay my disapproval?" I asked
Dray rolled his eyes, "right you want me to socialize with her? Why are you even near her, she is a mudblood.
I was irritated earlier but now I'm mad, "Dray! You know I dont like that word! I'm not sure why you think this way but people do not get to choose their blood status! You know I'm only half, but I could still out score you in any class any day! I have no doubt Hermione will soon do just as much!" I growled at him, I could feel my voice rising as my anger grew, " You need to stop criticizing people for their blood status, it's the 1990s for Merlin's sake! You know what! I'm done talking to you Dray, I need to go, but I Never want to hear that word from you again!" I didnt want to look at Dray anymore I was infuriated I wanted to smack him, instead I turn to see the entire hallway was listening to me shout at him. I lock eyes with Harry, who stared at me blankly before I turned and ran down the stairs angry and embarrassed. I could hear foot steps behind me but I kept running, I wanted to fly away, my feet know where to go. I stop to catch my breath, my hand on madame Hooch's office door. I grin, my breathing evening out, so I knock on the door.
Within seconds madame Hooch opens her door, "yes? Who is it?" As soon as she sees me she sighs, "let me guess you want to borrow a broom?" I nod, "please, Madame hooch, I have free period this class and I know none of the teams are practicing right now." I beg her. "I'll stay low to the ground, no higher than 15 feet, and ill stay inside the arena the whole time I'm on the broom, I'll even walk it there and back. Please?" I promise her.
She sighed once again, "fine, but only because I am aware you have been taught the basics. And you had better not let anyone else use it."
I nodded,"yes thank you!" I thank her excitedly. She walked me down to the broom shed, while I preferred my nimbus 2000 I would fly any broom I'm allowed.
Madame Hooch opened the door for me to grab one, I reached in and grabbed one made of a darker wood.
"Hello," I said to it, smiling. I looked up to Madame Hooch, "well get going," she said, nudging her head toward the pitch, "have it back by lunch."
I nodded before making my way to the pitch, I mounted the broom. It felt as natural as the first time I jumped on one. After making sure there was no one flying.
I gently pushed off the ground, I smiled as I watched the distance grow between the grass and myself. I leaned forward and shot forward, within seconds I was soaring through the air. My hair whipped around me, all of my other feelings left me, only this joy filled me. I leaned further even more, I practiced some maneuvers I'd seen from wood earlier. I zigged and zagged, looped and twirled, my laughter and pounding heart where the only sounds I could hear over the wind.
The time flew by quickly and it was almost time for lunch, so I hurriedly headed back and returned the broom to Madame Hooch.
"Thank you again Madame Hooch." I thank her,
She looked me up and down, "seems you feel better," she said smiling, I nodded smiling back before turning around and running off.

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