Chapter 1 - The whole 'Being Dead' thing.

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Authors Note: this story takes place after my other fics I've made set in my own little Feline Afterlife universe. It's the same cat deity from my Marvel Glitch story Tiny Tim. You don't have to read it, but you can if you want too!

Ps: This story isn't finished until it says complete. So it might be edited from time to time to help it overall make more sense! I will be writing at the top of the chapter the dates when I edit them and when they're first published! I write these stories with no plan in mind!



Written February 4th, 2024

Edited: April 4th, 2024


Let's get the introduction out of the way..

Hi! I'll be you're guide! I'll be your G U I D E to the other side- wait, no that's not right.. this isn't Beetlejuice on Broadway.. Shit, sorry start over. Hi! I'm Amanda Grayson, 21 year old female who is dummy thiccccc emphasis on the five C's. My pronouns are she/her/they if you're so inclined. I'm an autistic adult who spends all of her time reading manga, watching anime and playing video games. I have severe social anxiety in crowds, and in general. But if I become friendly with someone I let loose a bit.. Although I do have a really bad problem of mimicking their behaviors to mask myself, sometimes I mask into a completely different persona just to make others around me laugh. Uh.. I think that's it? Anyway let's get to the ACTUAL story...... THE WHOLE BEING DEAD THING!

- Northern New Hampshire -

Laying in my bed I stare at the ceiling above me, feeling the weight of the world on top of me. I release a loud drawn out sigh, dragging myself out of bed. Refusing to let the little depression gremlin get its way and pull me into a deep depressive rut. I rub my eyes to get the sleep out of them and to wake myself up more with a huff.

Huffing out once more I grab my little case that contains all the meds I've set out for myself. Opening the correct day I plop the pills into my hand, grabbing my little cup with a straw filled with Arizona iced tea. I take a sippy sippy before throwing the small handful of pills into my gullet. Making an 'ahh' sound to mimic the YouTuber GraveyardGirl. I grab my medicine pen and stab myself, injecting the liquid into me. The purpose of it is to help with my eating disorder.

Throwing the covers off my body I get up and out of my comfortable dream oasis. Quickly going pee before returning to my room and changing into some clean clothes so I can leave my hobbit hole of a home.

Once I'm sufficiently dressed I slide on my sneakers that are pre-tied, grabbing my overly large purse from the hanger. Taking a deep calming breath, I begin to mask myself into a confident persona and head out into the world. Needing to go to the grocery store and Tractor Supply to get myself some things and some stuff for the stray animals I help.. they for some reason like to converge around my house, and I can't let an domesticated animal just starve. Having become rather close with them after a while.

Even earning a grouchy old feral tomcats trust over the years, I've lovingly named him Aizawa. Which I found fitting since Aizawa just sleeps a lot and scowls at me. They all come to my small home's backyard and graciously accept my offerings.. I'm tempted to build a little shelter for them that they can use in the winter. They've all sort of become my free roaming babies.

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