Chapter 18 - 🔞 Wreck'd 🍋

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Written March 11, 2024

Authors Note: This smut is brought to you by an awesome sex dream I had while on my period. 👍🏻

⚠️ !Warning! ⚠️

This chapter contains vaginal fingering while having her period. Just a heads up.

🔞 Portion: Bakugo

- Next Day -

"Alright everyone.. Quiet down.." Aizawa stands in front of the class, holding a paper in his hands. A small box behind him, most likely holding our licenses.

"Is that the results?!" Mina says with excitement, practically bouncing at her desk.

"Yes. The only ones who didn't pass are Todoroki and Bakugo." Aizawa says with a huff, hiding his smirk behind his scarf.

"WHAT?!" Bakugo roars out angrily, hands popping from his rage.

"You spent most of the final portion of the exam searching for and hunting down villains." Aizawa states clearly to him.

"So?! Grayson did the same thing!!" Bakugo gestures to me with a snarl, I raise a brow to him.

"No, I didn't focus on defeating them. I held them back so the others could rescue, even after that I rescued some people." I state with a slight glare to Bakugo, he grimaces seeing the look on my face. I was literally a one woman rescue crew.

"Anyways, here are your Provisional Licenses.." Aizawa grab the stack of licenses from his desk and proceeds to hand them out.

Holding mine in my hands, I smile with victory. Feeling like I'm one step closer to being a hero. In this new life, I will actually do something with it.. I will keep the people I care about safe!

"Now.. For those of you that passed, you will be going to your work studies.. More likely then not, the first hero you did your internships with will come in contact with you again. But, you will more then likely have to seek out some heros." Shit. I sure as fuck ain't gonna do mine with Hawks again. "But for now, the schools big three would like to have a word with you about how work studies operate." The door is bashed open with a kick. An excited blue haired woman rushes in, bouncing around like Nifty from Hazbin Hotel.

"Wow! So these are the kids that survived a villain attack???"

"Hado-" Tamaki grumbles out with embarrassment, shrinking under himself.

"Ooo! Look at that one!" She bounces around pointing at several of us.

"To prepare you all for your work studies! I want you all to fight me! All at once!" Mirio says with a beaming grin, stepping in front of the others. Hands resting at his waist, he puffs out his chest. The entire class just stares at him and blinks in confusion.

"Get changed into your gym uniforms and meet me in gym gamma!!" He then proceeds to rush out of the room like all might. Tamaki sighs loudly with a blush, embarrassed beyond belief. He grabs Hado and quickly drags her out of the room, following after Mirio.


All of us wearing our gym clothes stand around Mirio in the middle of the gym. "All right! When I give the signal I want you all to attack me at once!" I crack my knuckles with a smirk, knowing exactly which alien can kick his ass. I make sure to step back to the outer edge of the group.

"No handicaps!" Kirishima says with an excited grin, Mirio smirks at the red haired sharkboy.

"Just don't kill their spirits.." Tamaki says with a soft voice.

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