Chapter 2 - Entrance Exam

716 34 9

Written February 5th, 2024

Edited April 4th, 2024

- Next Day -

"I'm really nervous Principal Nezu.." I play with my fingers as we both walk through the school. Having spent the night at his house last night. It was quite pleasant actually, he has a wonderful home. Everything in it built to his size except a guest bedroom that I stayed in with a connecting bathroom.

"You will do perfectly fine Amanda-san, I have complete faith in you." Nezu smiles up at me, leading me to the first arena's entrance before he goes off to the control booth. Since I don't have to sit in on the orientation thingy cause I know everything.

"Thank you Nezu.. for everything.." he waves it off with a happy smile.

"I shall see you when you are finished! Good luck!" He bows to me and I bow back, Nezu turns around and heads to the booth.

After a few long minutes of waiting, Aizawa walks towards me with tired eyes. Fuck he's hot.. A group of test takers behind him, several people soon surround me ready to roll. I play with my fingers anxiously, trying my hardest not to freak the fuck out. Anxious that I won't be able to fight anything let alone kill. They're robots, so it's not morally wrong..

Aizawa sighs loudly and walks over to the front of the group, holding a controller in his hand. "Alright.." He holds his hand up while pushing the button, the door opens and I book it full speed into the exam. I can hear several people behind me begin to bitch and moan at how I'm cheating. Aizawa simply looks to me with a small smirk, liking my initiative.

Spotting the first scorpion type robot I grin, pressing the buttons of the Omnitrix I slide over to Upgrade and press the button. Transforming while running is a very odd sensation.. but I did it!

Launching my liquid metal body at the robot, I enter through the cracks and crevices. Finding all of the circuitry I become one with it, taking over its code. My liquid metal body expanding outwards and covering the entire robot in myself. Allowing me to see through the robots eye.

I hum and begin to make modifications, tossing out pieces of junk that are of no use. I quickly walk forward and destroy two other robots, one three pointer and one two pointer. I quickly reach out and grab chunks of their parts, adding them to my current body. Fortifying myself to be able to effectively destroy these automatons. Laughing like the joker, sounding like Alastor from Hazbin Hotel due to the voice filter that Upgrade has.

I find a speaker within myself, that's required to say 'Locked on' and stuff.. For the other students to know that they're there instead of getting surprise attacked.. I giggle maniacally and hitch it directly into my memory, having perfect recall in this form... I begin to play some tunes.

"Target on my back, lone survivor lasts.. They got me in their sights. No surrender no, trigger fingers go.. Living the dangerous life." I dash forward and begin my assault. Using my claws to rip apart robots like paper, grabbing any good bits to add to myself. My sharp leg stalks making clicking noises when they tap against the ground.

"Shot like a rocket up into the sky! Nothing could stop me tonight!! You make me feel invincible, earthquake, powerful! Just like a tidal wave, you make me brave! You're my titanium, fight song, raising up! Like a roar of victory in a stadium- Who can touch me 'cause I'm? (I'm made of fire) Who can stop me tonight? (I'm hard wired). You make me feel.. INVINCIBLE." (Skillet Im Invincible) Playing the music through my speakers, I feel that all the students around me are more pumped up. Go on kids! Kick some ass-

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