Chapter 7 - Internship

542 28 19

Written February 15th, 2024
Edited April 4th, 2024

⚠️ Administration of Date rape drugs. Viewer discretion advised. ⚠️

- Few Days Later - Outside School -

"Good luck everyone!" I wave out to them with a smile before I move to board my own train. My duffel bag filled with clothes in one hand and my suitcase that holds my hero suit in the other.

"Good luck Amanda-Chan!" Izuku says with a beaming smile. Aizawa stands there and huffs out with clear disappointment on his face. Having wanted to spend a week completely alone with me, no school to interfere.. He knows it's wrong to be interested in a student, it could ruin his reputation and force him to lose his job. Since it's against the rules of the school and society dislikes the power imbalance.. but she's of legal age, and god does he want her..

Aizawa grits his teeth, feeling an erection forming in his pants from his thoughts about the girl. He stares at her through his hair, watching with longing as the doors close.


Holding my phone in hand while I walk down the street I send a few texts out, letting my friends know to message me if they need anything. Shinshou being the one to text me the most, since he doesn't have an internship to do. I also look at the map and nod. "This must be it.." I huff out and stride inside, taking a look at all of the sidekicks they are hanging around. Where's Tokoyami? Isn't he supposed to be interning with Hawks as well..? He did in the anime didn't he..? Dammit past me, why couldn't you get off your ass and watch Boku No Hero..

I walk up to the reception desk seeing a beautiful woman typing away at the keys. The familiar boa constricter of anxiety wraps itself around me and squeezes. "E-Excuse me... Ma'am? I'm Grayson Amanda..? I'm here for the UA internship?" I speak to the secretary meekly, unable to play with my fingers since I'm holding my hero suitcase and bags full of my stuff. I hear someone yell out from behind me.

"Hey! Grayson!" Turning around I gasp as I see Hawks, red rising to my cheeks. Oh fuck.. it's him! Still as hot as ever!!

"Mr. Hawks!" I smile to him and he smirks sultryly as he struts up to me full of confident swagger.

"I'm glad you picked me! It's great to see you again! Can't believe you got into UA! Ready to start your first patrol?" Smiling at me like a Casanova. He remembers me from my first day here! No way!!! I thought he would forget about me!

"I can't yet sir. I need to get myself situated with my living arrangements." I speak to him professionally and he pouts.

"Don't call me sir baby bird. It makes me feel all old." He snatches my duffel bag out of my hand with a few feathers, holding it with a grin. My eyes widen and I try to get it back only for him to hold it in the air above me. Loving how I reach for it my body rubs against his, able to feel my breasts through our clothes. I huff out angrily, crossing my arms while I glare at him. He looks disappointed when I stop trying to get my things.

"I'll show Omnitrix here where her room is." He tells the receptionist with a wink. "C'mon baby bird." He grins to me and walks away with my stuff. I can already tell there's gonna be a fuck ton of teasing.. I sigh in defeat and follow after him quickly, he stands in the elevator and holds the door open for me with a flirty smile.

I step inside and stand beside him. Oh fuck.. I can smell the cologne he's wearing, damn it smells good. I blush slightly, the man side eyeing me with a smirk. "So I figured I'll let you get settled in for an hour or two. Then we can do some patrols? So I can get a feel of what I'm working with?" He turns to face me, leaning against the wall.

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