Chapter 11 - Training!

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Written February 19th, 2024
Edited April 4th, 2024

Walking along with Mina and Tsu. The class having decided to go on a little shopping trip as a celebration of finishing up the exams. "Oh, I almost forgot. Kero. I slotted out a time for our class to use the schools pool tomorrow! At two!" Tsu says with an easy going smile.

"No shit? Thanks for the heads-up Tsu.. But I'm not gonna go.. I don't feel comfortable swimming around others.. " I say with a grimace, hating swimsuits since they show off my body too much.

"Aww that's too bad." Mina says with a pout.

Oh.. no way, is that? "Hey! I'm gonna go in here! I'll be right back!" I tell them with a smile, all three nod. I quickly enter this worlds equivalent of Hot Topic, walking to the back I begin to browse. Looking for anything that would look cute on me. I spot a spiked choker as well as some killer boots in my size. Nodding to myself I walk towards the clothes and lingerie section. Huffing that they never make cute lingerie for big girls, I just look at the T-shirts.

"That would look cute on you." A deep voice says from behind me, starling me at how deep it is. Corpse Husband??? Turning around to see who's talking, I school my features of growing fear and panic when fucking DABI stands there. Wearing his leather coat and a face mask to obscure his identity. But I can tell from his purple scar eye bags alone.

"U-Uh.. thank you.. Do you have any opinions? My friends say I need to branch out my wardrobe.." Donning my 'everything is normal, the world isn't crumbling around me' mask I used to get through the Covid pandemic. He looks me up and down with an appreciative hum, I shiver under his gaze. Why do I feel like a rabbit standing in front of a goddamn lion?

"Mmph. Sure thing sugar tits." S-sugar tits...? He nods his head for me to follow, I do reluctantly with a blush of embarresment. He walks over to a coat rack and pulls out a leather jacket with studs on it. Holding it out to me with a brow raise.

"This is definitely my style! Thank you...?" I ask him hesitantly.

"Dabi, what's your name cutie?" He asks me with a seductive purr while grinning behind his mask.

"Gown Albedo." I say with my best convincing smile. AINZ DONT FAIL ME NOW. Dabi's eyes squint at me for a moment. Does he see through my lie?

"I better get going.. Was a pleasure meeting you.. Albedo." He looks me up and down again before walking out of the store. Fuck.. why do I have to be into bad boys? Shaking it off I quickly go to the register and pay- then I remember. Shigaraki is going to threaten Izuku. Oh no.. DONT WORRY GREEN BEAN!! MOMMA BEARS COMING!!

Grabbing my bags of clothes I paid for, I book it out of the store. Using what I like to call the 'ball sprint'. Running on the balls of my feet instead of my whole foot, for some reason I walk faster like this and run faster. I even do the autism/ADHD lean around various obstacles without breaking a stride.

Skidding to a stop, I spot a familiar bench. Izuku being pinned by Shigaraki by his hand resting on his shoulder. Activating my watch, holding the cylinder up. I stride over acting completely normal."Heya Zuku! Look at this cute jacket I just got!" His eyes widen in horror the second he hears my voice.

"A-Amanda c-chan.." Izuku stutters out while Shigaraki looks up to me with wild eyes, he smiles. I glare at where his hand is touching my green bean. My eyes flicking to Shigaraki's with pure malice emitting from every pore in my body. The blue haired man blushes and removes his hand, I squint at him.

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