Chapter 5 - 🥵Sports Festival🥵

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Written February 11th, 2024
Edited April 4th, 2024


- Few Days Later -

"I AM PUMPED!!!!" I bellow with a grin, punching the air like a boxer. "I'm gonna absolutely reck some ass at the sports festival!!!" I'm gonna win first place!

I've finally gotten to go back to school today after caring for Aizawa. The man was itching to get back to work, sick of laying in bed having me take care of him. It was nice.. the first two days.

"Grayson-chan-" Izuku grimaces at me, trying to get my attention. Bakugo snorts out a laugh, shoving shit into his bag watching Izuku fumble.

Hearing the nervous boy I turn. "Yes Zuku?" I ask him with a raised brow, stopping my air punching.

"Can.. Can I see some of your transformations..? After school..?" He asks me meekly as he packs his bag. Ah that's right. Little Green Bean looked so excited when I told him I had more then XLR8.

"Sure!" I say with a grin that turns into a grimace. "Actually... Aizawa Sensei?" I turn to look at him, he looks to me with a huff. Back to his usual self since Recovery girl worked her magic, he even got to take off his bandages.

"What Grayson?" He grumbles out, wrapped up and looking like a caterpillar in his sleeping bag. Slurping on a go gurt that I had Midnight buy for him.

"Can I stay after school with Izuku? I want to show him some of my transformations."

"I can walk her home Sensei!" Zuku says with passion in his eyes, Aizawa glares at the young boy for a moment before nodding with reluctance.

"Fine.. have her home by six." He grumbles as Iida opens the door to leave, a swarm of students standing outside.

"Excuse me! You are blocking the doorway!" Iida says while chopping his hand, adjusting his glasses with the other.

"They're here to see the competition Iida-kun." I grab ahold of Izuku, startling the poor boy. "OUT OF THE WAY FUCKERS!" I bellow out, pushing them aside using my body weight, gaining many angered shouts. "Oh hi Shin! Excuse me please." I smile to him and delicately walk around him, he smirks to me finding my reaction to him amusing. Izuku glares at the boy as I drag him behind me down the hall. Wondering how I know him. "I know just the place Zuku!"


"Ready Izuku?" I ask him with a smile and he nods eagerly, a fresh book in his lap. Unknowingly to me it's dedicated to me and everything he learns about me, no matter how small... A pencil resting against the page prepared to start writing. I press the buttons and turn the cylinder before pushing down.

Izuku instantly gags in disgust, pinching his nose. Trying not to vomit from the pungent odeur. "W-why do you smell so gross! It's worse than Dagoba beach!"

"Sorry Zuku.. This is Stinkfly." I say with a congested, snotty sounding voice, I flap my wings with speed and hover in the air. "Let's get this done quick! I can fly, but if my wings get wet I'm screwed! I can also shoot a glue like substance from my eye stalks!" I proceed to shoot a huge glob nearby, he gets up and pokes it with a pencil he's not using.

"Interesting.. You could use this to stop suspects that are fleeing!" He gets back up and begins to write frantically, eyes flicking up to me.

I press the Omnitrix symbol on my face and transform back, starting the recharge timer. I sit beside him with a smile, watching as he draws Stinkfly on his page. If he stayed quirkless, he could have gone to art school. Maybe even publish books about Quirks.. or became a teacher that helps students learn about their own quirks.

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