Chapter 27 - Festival!

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Written April 16th, 2024

Authors Note: I already have another BNHA fic in the works, set in my Feline Afterlife universe I made. Instead of being transmigrated she's yeeted to being a child with a Necromancy quirk.

- Next Day -

Standing in Mina's dorm room with Tsu joining us, I begin the process of making our Halloween costumes for the school festival. Our class is doing a concert.. I am going to be singing as well since Mina begged me to. I plan on using Ditto in various alien forms as my band, while me being Rath to sing.

"Alright, hold still Mina." I say with a soft smile, holding up my watch I transform into alien X with a flash. Tsu sits on the bed and watches with curiosity as we make Mina's costume.

"Bro.. this form is so cool." She says with a smile, I simply chuckle at her and nod my head. My brain creating a 3d model of her body inside my head with only a look, I hum and nod.

"Did you bring the material?" I ask her with a calm voice.

"Yup! Bunch of old junk!" She holds up a small basket full of old nick knacks with a beaming smile of excitement.

Holding my out hand palm facing upwards, all of the materials inside the basket float into the air. Transforming from there original shape into small pebbles of pure matter. "This should be enough. What would you like it to be made out of?" I tilt my head with the question.

"Gonna want it to be breathable. Kero. You'll be in it all night." Tsu points out with a smile on her face.

"Erm.. Yeah, Something comfortable and breathable- but looks like black or pink latex!" She claps her hands with a grin, I nod my head and the stones morph.

Creating a new element I transform the stones into a new type of breathable rubber. Giving the outfit enough stretch for her to move efficiently while she wears it. Even going as far as to design it to be easily removable. "I believe this should suffice." The pink outfit and crest headband hovers over to her palms, dropping down into her hands.

"Whoa!! So cool!!" She holds up the costume, looking at it from different angles.

"It looks amazing! Kero!"

"Thank you. I must make mine now as well." Folding reality I reach my hand out and it disappears, grabbing some stones from my bunker I pull my hand out of the portal.

Doing as I did with Mina's outfit, I envision what I want within my mind. Making a Principal Nezu full fursuit that has a moveable mouth, that opens and shuts with my own.. I even create a new material that lines the inner head, allowing me to see through the entire thing, not obstructing my vision.

"PFFT-" Mina snorts out, covering her mouth.

"You're going as principal Nezu..? Kero?" Tsu tilts her head with a amused smile on her lips.

"Yup!" I press my belt and transform into my normal self. "


Sneaking into the event, I stand on stage, Nezu dressed in a smaller version of my hero gear stands beside me. The spotlight turns on, everyone begins to laugh loudly. "Am I a bear, a mouse or a dog? No.. I'm The Principal!" I hold my hands up in the air with a smile behind my mask. The laughing continues making the real principle Nezu smile.

Glitch - Boku No Afterlife. Yandere Isekai FanficWhere stories live. Discover now