Chapter 24 - 🥵 Better Pastures 🥵

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Written April 7th, 2024

- Next Day -

Laying on my bed with my ass and legs pressed against the wall, my call connects to a receptionist. "Hi.. Is this the Wild Wild Pussy Cats agency? This is Grayson Amanda. A student who was with them during the attack, and got kidnapped?"

"Oh yes hello, how can I help you?" The woman says with a chipper voice.

"Yeah, I would like to speak with one of the Pussy cats if at all possible." I wiggle my toes with a huff.

"Certainly! I shall connect your call!" I stare up at the ceiling with a scowl on my face, waiting for the call to connect.

"Hello?" A males voice picks up and I sigh. Ah it's the buff guy.

"Hi there Tiger-san, my name is Grayson Amanda, I was one of the students that was kidnapped during the UA training?" I say completely blunt.

"Ah! Yes I remember you. What can I do for you?" His voice has a hint of surprise and recognition.

"Well.. It's more of a favor for favor." I say while staring up at my ceiling. My mind instantly playing a scene of Stolas from Helluva Boss saying 'Favors for favors..' while walking his fingers up the side of a tub.

"Hm?" He hums in confusion.

"One of your co workers Ragdoll is quirkless correct?" The line is silent. "I have the ability to give her back her quirk and even modify it if she wishes. All I want in exchange is access to the forest you own."

"You.. You truly can do that?" Tiger says with shock in his voice.

"Sir. I have the ability to bend the fabric of reality and make it my bitch, so yes... Would you like to meet up?"

"Yes, I'll send you the address!"


Standing outside of a house I grumble out while I wait at the door, having already knocked. It opens to Mandalay out of her hero costume, she ushers me inside. "Hello Grayson-san."

"Hello Mandalay, it's a pleasure to see you again." I slide of my shoes and step inside, following her into the living room where I see the other pussycats.

"Is.. is it really possible?" Ragdoll asks me with hopeful eyes, having been feeling depressed and numb since her quirk was stolen.

"Yup, Quirks are in our DNA. Although it was 'stolen' the information of the quirk is still inside of you. Kind of like a single piece missing from a puzzle. I will use that as the ground work and re-form your quirk from matter."

"And.. this favor you want from us?" Pixie-bob asks with a squint.

"Welp. Truth be told I want to get out of the dorms, I'm being stalked and harassed so much to the point I don't feel safe. The other day I found over ten cameras hidden in my room.. and I don't know how long they were there... I plan on creating a home on your property deep underground, using my quirk to make it liveable." Already got plans. I wanna tinker around with making life forms possibly.. But I also need oxygen generation, which I plan on using small portals as vents. I'll put the hidden portals inside the school in Nezu's office if I can.

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