Chapter 21 - 🔞I'm a mom now..?🍋

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Authors Note: Sorry for the late post! I've been really sick recently, I barely had the energy to get out of bed let alone write 😥 but I'm all good now, just my allergies acting up! I hope you enjoy this chapter. The smut was inspired yet again by another delicious dream I had. 🤭

🔞 Portion: Aizawa

- Hours Later -

Holding Eri close to me, the little girl clings to my form like a life line. Having not left my arms the entire time we were being questioned, she even refused to be seen by any doctors.. She screamed and cried so much that I had to change into alien x just to heal her back to normal, not wanting her to remain injured. Poor thing doesn't trust anyone dressed as a doctor because of what Overhaul did to her..

I refused medical attention since I don't need it, Midoriya and Shoto were not happy about that.. But Overhaul never touched me physically.. But oh did he want to, he invited me to leave Eri in the middle of the night so we could cuddle. Sick fuck.. I had to convince him that Eri was having nightmares and needed me, he relented.. It didn't stop him from sitting in the room the next day and just staring at me. Eri was so scared the entire time, I tried everything to distract her.. Poor little munchkin, I may hate kids but this little girl is different.

Some people from Child protective Service wanted to take Eri away, she threw such a fit. A woman grabbed a hold of her to take her away physically when Eri wouldn't let go of me, Eri tried to use her quirk on her to escape. Thankfully she didn't do too much damage, Shota arrived right on time to pick me up thank god. He used his quirk to stop Eri and convinced CPS that he'll take care of her until for a while since she doesn't trust anyone else.

Aizawa was getting ready to drive me and Eri back to the dorms, since I ended my work study early. Finding the whole thing useless since Endeavor didn't teach me anything new. For some reason Shoto and Izuku wanted to end their studies early to stay with me, but I smacked them both upside the head and gave them a lecture. They learned the message and returned to their studies reluctantly.

Aizawa is currently driving the car, silently planning within his mind. If he can get the little girl to see him as a father figure.. and view his kitten as a mother figure, it would be the perfect bridge for his kitten to choose him over those problem children. He sees their eyes wandering to her when he teaches, how they stare at her in class. Looking at her with hungering gazes while they're training. How they flirt with her- how that little shit Bakugo took her out on the day before her birthday- Aizawa clenches his hands tight around the steering wheel, knuckles white from the pressure while gritting his teeth in rage.

"Manda..?" Eri whispers to me softly, wrapped snugly in the safety of my arms.

"Yes my little unicorn?" I smile down to her kindly. Just accepting the fact that I'm gonna be caring for the little munchkin for a good while now.

"I'm.. I'm hungry.." She says meekly, nuzzling her head into my neck. Wrapping her arms tight around me.

"Right.. it's about time they would feed us... I'm not sure if we have any ingredients that are fresh.." I grumbles slightly, thinking about what we may have in stock at the dorms.

"I'll get us some pizza's." Shota says with a kind smile, looking in the rear view mirror into my eyes. "What type do you want kitten?" Zawa you are such a saint!

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