Chapter 9 - Great Return

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Written February 17th, 2024
Edited: April 4th, 2024
Added more details!

- Few Days Later -

Aizawa walks into class and I meekly follow him, wearing my tailored uniform that Nezu allowed me to wear. Having decided to come in later today during Study hall before Heroics. The second I step through the door the class yells. "GRAYSON!"

"H-Hey everybody!" I smile meekly, giving them a hesitant wave.

"Amanda-chan, what happened??" Izuku asks with wide eyes, standing up from his chair. Hands positioned on the sides of the desk.

"Are you okay? Sensei ran outta here like a bat outta hell!" Kirishima says with wide eyes filled with concern.

"Ah.. I had a cold so I couldn't come in, passed out and forgot to let Sensei know. He was worried so he came and got me set up with some tea and stuff." I shrug my shoulders with indifference, avoiding looking at anyone. Hating that I'm lying to them.. but I don't want them to know and get angry at Hawks.. not yet anyway.

"Mhm. She has asthma and needed her inhaler that I keep in my car." Aizawa lies so smoothly, everyone buys the lie.. except one, who's eyes are locked onto my neck that has a large white bandage. Bakugo grits his teeth, hating that you're standing up there lying to the goddamn class. To him. 'What happened to her really? He's sure as shit gonna find out.' he thinks to himself, tapping his foot on the floor.

Walking over to my seat, I sit down. Dropping my backpack with a loud thump. "Damn Grayson? What do you got in there? Bricks?" Sero says with a snicker, looking over to my bulging backpack. I'm the only person with a backpack here I swear..

Shoji leans in and lifts up my bag with slightly wide eyes. "Pretty heavy.. Almost ten pounds at least." He says behind his mask.

"The hell? What do you have in there?" Denki asks in astonishment, standing up to look at my bag with curiosity. Kirishima nods along with wide eyes. The both of them eager to know what's inside, but they restrain themselves.

"Well ah.." Rubbing the back of my head with a grimace. "I dislike leaving items behind in-between classes.. So I bring everything with me.. It's better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it..." I live by that quote.

"Makes sense." Tsu says with a nod beside me, finishing up some of her homework before the last class begins.

"How are you so damn strong?" Sero asks with a squint and smirk, Kirishima looks to me eagerly wanting to know as well. Mineta just looks at me with perverted eyes.

"With a great ass, comes great responsibility." That makes everyone laugh, and Bakugo scowl deeper. His eyes digging a hole in the back of my skull. "Nah, I just work out and eat good.." I shrug timidly. I'm naturally strong..

"That's so manly!" Kirishima grins at me, eyes sparkling with devotion.

"Tre magnifique~✨" Aoyama looks directly at the reader with a v smile.

Grabbing my sketchbook from my bag, I set it down and continue on a drawing I've been working on. Having nothing to do since I've done all the homework Midnight gave me that I missed. Drawing various famous characters from my world.

"Whoa? Who's this dude?" Mina says from beside me, peaking over to look down at my drawing of Alastor the Radio Demon.

"Huh? Oh uh..." I grimace slightly. "That's uhm.. a demon I.. designed.." FORGIVE ME VIVZIE POP!

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