Chapter 20 - Taken 2: the sequel

493 26 6

Written: March 14th, 2024

- ??? Later -

"OWW.. fuck.." Crying out in pain, feeling my head throbbing in agony. "This hurts like a buttcheek on a stick.." I grunt in discomfort, feeling a hard floor underneath me. What the fuck happened? Did I run into a sign post or something?

"Are.. are you okay..?" A child's voice calls out to me with worry, I feel a cold hand rest on my forehead. That feels nice- WHAT IN TARNATION?

Cracking open an eye with a hiss, I see a familiar horn on top of a little girls head. You've got to be fucking kidding me.. "My head just hurts.. I'll be fine... Where are we?" Overhauls little anti quirk lab most likely.. fuck sakes.

"We're in the good room.. Mr. Haul said to keep you company.." Good room..? Leaning up I feel very dizzy, I look around and see a room that would be like the shit you would see in a psych hospitals solitary confinement. Padded walls and nothing sharp in sight.

"Mr. Haul..?" I ask her with a raised brow. "Oh, where are my manners. I'm Grayson Amanda. You can call me Amanda." I smile to the little girl, looking down I see that I'm still in my hero gear. But my phone is missing from my pocket. Shit there goes one plan.

"Eri.." God dammit... Poor fucking kid looks like she fought with a woodchipper with how many bandages and bruises she has.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Eri." I look to my watch to see if we can escape.. and see a metal cage around it. "Of course.." I grumble angrily. Maybe I can have her use her quir-

I hear the sound of creaking metal, I turn and see the large metal door open. I spring up regardless of my dizziness, using my body as a human shield for Eri. A snarl on my face, I watch as Overhaul steps into the room with a smile on his face. No plague doctor mask in sight. "I see you enjoy your pet." Overhaul looks to Eri then me.

"Shut your goddamn mouth. She's NOT a pet!" I growl at him, Eri shivers with fear behind me. "What the hell am I doing here?"

"So you remember me then?" He smiles eagerly at me, a deranged look in his eye. Oh shit.. "Cause I remember you.. Gown. Or should I say Grayson?" He tilts his head with a gleeful smile, saying the words sends a shiver down his spine.

"What the fuck do you want?" There's nothing he could gain from me, and even if he shoots me up with his anti quirk drug. I don't have a quirk to begin with, so it won't work on me.

"After our little encounter.. the image of you stuck into my brain like a parasite.. Digging itself deeper and deeper into me.. until I had to have you..." God dammit. "I had my subordinates scour the entire city to find your true identity.. I was surprised that you are a hero student, and the winner of this years Sports festival."

"I'll ask again. WHAT. DO. YOU. WANT." I clap my hands with every word.

"You..." He grins wide, his eyes gaining a crazed obsessive look. Fuck sakes.. second yandere villain I've encountered. And yandere Hawks as well? Possibly Aizawa too? That goddamn cat fucked me over like a goddamn genie. Everyone I find attractive is nuts! Shit- does that mean green bean too?

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