Chapter 13 - I live to spite god

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Written February 22nd, 2024
Edited: April 5th, 2024

- Morning -

Sitting in a hospital bed, hooked up to various machines. Having to have IV fluids pumped into me since they discovered I was severely dehydrated. Idly stuffing my face with some food that Nezu got for me earlier since all they serve is Japanese food here. Clinging onto the dopamine that floods into my brain from eating like a lifeline.

I was told I was in that fucking torture for over two goddamn days.. Shigaraki left me alone to be in agony for two fucking days.. I remember barely any of it.. only when he first started.. then I disassociated and mentally disappeared.. it's not the first time that happened, my mom got really sick when I was younger. Infections all throughout her stomach like interconnecting tunnels from a surgery she had. I don't remember any of it at all, years of my life gone. The brain is a real homie some times when it comes to severe trauma..

A knock comes to my rooms door, it opens a moment later revealing a stern faced doggo police chief and Tsukauchi right behind him. Nezu following them with a furrowed brow, clearly displeased about something. What's going on? Must be bad if it pissed Nezu off. "Grayson Amanda, you are under arrest." The chief says resting his arms behind his back, Tsukauchi sighs loudly and grabs his handcuffs from his belt. Clearly not wanting to do this, but is being forced by his commanding officer.

"You are making a grevious mistake." Nezu says with crossed arms, looking up to the police chief with a beady eyed glare and scowl. Lip quivering as if he's going to start hissing and growling.

"Under what grounds?" I ask him in complete confusion and a scowl. Fuckin hate cops, Tsukauchi is the only one I like. Bastards use their badge as a get outta jail free card.

"Public quirk use, vigilantism, Property Damage, destruction of personal property and assault." He glares at me, lip quivering. "You have the right to remain silent, anything you say-"

"It's not a quirk." I say blandly while staring at the white sheet draped across me. Stabbing my fork into the pancake, shoving it in my mouth. "And I wasn't the one who broke anything. That was All Might and All For One, I only broke shit that was already broken. Not to mention I didn't assault anyone, that was self defense. You ain't pinning shit on me Feido. I'm not going to be your scape goat."

"Excuse me young lady?" The chief says a frown on his face, lip quivering more with a near snarl.

"...Detective am I lying?" I say softly while chewing my food, enjoying the flavor of the fake syrup.

"No... She's not lying sir." He turns to look at the chief who's eyes widen in shock and alarm.

"I was simply expressing my right of quirkless self defense and using a device as a means of self defense against my Quirked kidnapper who was also attacking me and All Might. Said kidnappers being the league of villains, and the super villain All For One, to be specific officer... I'm quirkless Chief. X-ray me if you must." I wave at him dismissively, continuing to fill the void within me with food. Nezu sighs softly, walking over to my side. Holding my free hand in his paw, I stroke my hand over his furry with a sigh of relief.

"Do you consent to an X-ray Amanda?" Nezu asks me, and I nod.

"Yes, I consent to an X-ray to prove my innocence." He nods his head and the police chief leaves the room with Tsukauchi in tow. Most likely to go talk to a doctor.

Glitch - Boku No Afterlife. Yandere Isekai FanficWhere stories live. Discover now