Chapter 12 - 🔞 Taken 🍋

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Will mark the beginning and end with '🚨' and '⚠️' emoji's.

Written February 21st, 2024
Edited March 23, 2024

🔞 Portion: Shigaraki

Taking full advantage of my time alone. I begin rocking back and fourth in the chair, trying to get enough momentum for it to fall backwards so it would break. I'm stopped just as the door opens, I look up with wide eyes. Shigaraki strides into the room, closing the door behind him he locks it. Taking off his hand mask to reveal a perverted a smile on his face. "Finally.." he looks at me hungrily.

"Why the fuck am I here?" Glaring at the man with hatred in my gaze.

"You're my princess." He states like it's supposed to be common sense, he walks closer to the chair. "I'm going to move you, do anything funny and I'll fucking kill your friend." He growls out to me, gripping onto the chair.

Gritting my teeth he disintegrates the duct tape binding my arms to the chair. I pull them away quickly and look down at the Omnitrix seeing a large metal cage around it. Preventing me from pressing the buttons or the dial from rising. Fuck! "Get on the bed.." He points to the nasty looking bed.

"And if I don't?" I scrunch up my face in disgust, glaring at him.

"Please don't.. I really want to watch your friend slowly disintegrate into dust!" He grins to me and I sigh with defeat. I don't want Bakugo to get hurt because of me.. god dammit. Getting up out of the chair I take two steps before I sit on the bed. He pulls out a bunch of rope from underneath, looking at me with a smile. "Behave now princess...." He begins to maneuver my body while I scowl at him, feeling powerless. I could kick his ass to next Tuesday.. but the second he touches me I'm dead. It's not worth the risk. He ties my arms together and attaches them to the headboard, while forcing my legs to be spread wide open and tied to the bedposts.

"Golly jee wizz.. I'm getting the VIP treatment huh? Tied to a lumpy bed instead of a cold concrete room." I drawl out with a bored voice, glaring at him.

🚨⚠️ !WARNING! ⚠️🚨

"I've waited so long.." he touches my clothes with all five fingers, my eyes widen when they quickly disappear from my body.

"What the fuck?" He crawls onto the bed and moves me just right. Shuffling himself so I'm practically laying on him. Wrapping his arms around me with a blissful smile, stroking my skin with his deadly fingers. Leaning his head close he kisses my neck very sloppily with a hum. "WHAT THE FUCK!!?!??" I practically scream with wide eyes, trying to get away from his advances.

"Shhh princess.. Don't want the others to hear you.." He says to me, his voice breathy into my ear. Grabbing ahold of my breasts in his hands, being careful to curl his pinky closed so he doesn't hurt me. He moans softly, staring down my my double D's overflowing from his palms. "Fuck.. so big... And soft." He says softly, giving them a rather hard squeeze I hiss in pain. He automatically stops with wide eyes, giving my neck a kiss as an apology.

I take deep breaths, staring up at the ceiling.. when I feel a hand slide down my body towards my core. My heart jolts in my chest, going into overdrive with panic. I don't want those deadly things near me!!! I may have listened to Dabi and Shigaraki audio porn but fuck man! Sliding a finger against my dry slit he hums. "So hot.." Rubbing the rough pad of his finger against my clit, I grit my teeth. "Moan for me.. fuck, I wanna hear it so bad.." he whines into my neck, sucking it eagerly. "Do you sound better than in my dreams?" HE'S FUCKING DREAMED OF ME?!?! He slides a finger inside of me and my eyes widen, licking up the side of my neck with a moan, enjoying the taste of my salty skin on his tongue.

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