Chapter 4 - USJ

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Written - February 9th 2024
Edited April 4th, 2024

- Three Days Later -

Happily munching on a muffin Aizawa bought me at a cafe while he got his morning coffee. He side eyes me and smiles slightly, enjoying my happy expression while I listen to the radio. Wiggling side to side in my seat to Stim. Dressed in my custom school uniform Nezu gave me. We drive towards the schools parking lot, he scans his badge before the gate opens and lets us in. He exhales loudly as he parks the car. Grabbing my heavy backpack I open the door and swing it over my shoulders with a grunt.

Since I refuse to use my locker, I prefer to keep all my things with me at all times. Regardless of how heavy the books are, my backpack is bulging with it's contents. Due to my anxiety I like to keep everything I need on my person at all times, I feel like I'll need something or forget something and then not have it when I need it.

Aizawa hops out and locks the car behind him, striding to me as we walk inside.

Jogging up the stairs he side eyes me again while I pay vigilant attention to the stairs below me. Him staring at my jiggling breasts that bounce with each step, he looks away with a blush as we walk down the hall. Not believing he just oogled a student.

I take a look outside the window and stop in my tracks, wide eyes as I look at the crowd. "Shit." Just as life was going on as normal..

"What is it?" Aizawa asks me with a raised brow, stopping his walking.

"Another event is happening.. Sir, when are we going to the USJ?" I ask him urgently.

"Tomorrow... Why?" He squints at me.

"I.. I can't tell you. Only Nezu." I nod to him in apology before turning and walking away. He grabs my hand and pulls me back, I squeak and turn towards him. He presses his chest against mine, looking down at me. Heat rises to my cheeks. Itslikeananime-

"And why can't you tell me?" He speaks with his voice filled with gravel.

"Aiza-" I look down away from him, trying to calm my racing heart. Not now pussy! It's not the time to turn into a slip and slide!

He grabs my face and points it back to him, my eyes widen in surprise turning into a tomato. His quirk activating while he stares into my eyes. And I oop- "Shota." He growls out to me, I can feel his chest rumbling against my chest.

"Y-You're involved with it, i-if I tell you what happens.. it could alter the timeline and not for the better!" I manage to squeak out, my eyes flicking to his lips. Kiss me please -

"You being here has already fucked the 'timeline'!" He snarls at me, his face getting closer to mine. Holy shit. This is so hot- I feel like Spinda the Pokemon. I take quick breaths as I stare at him, our breaths mixing with one another.

A voice clears their throat and we both snap to see Nezu standing in the hall with a smile. Having heard us speak through the cameras so he decided to use his custom vent tunnels to get to us quickly. "Apologies for interrupting, I would like to speak to Amanda for a moment, alone." Aizawa releases his grip on my arm and I quickly rush over to the principal. Aizawa grits his teeth as we watches me walk away, his eyes looking up and down my figure. Angry at himself that he finds me so attractive.

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