Chapter 29 - 🔞 Explosive Dust 🍋

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Authors Note: I've worked out the main plot point timeline to the end of the story! I just gotta add a bit of fluff to it and iron out some plot points but so far so good!

Written April 29th 2024

🔞 portion: Bakugo and Shigaraki.

- Saturday -

"So.. I can finish my schooling if I want to?" I ask Nezu while sipping on a cup of tea he made. He asked me to his office this morning when he got word I officially had my hero license. I meant to tell him about it but I was mentally exhausted from yesterday's clusterfuck.. Word about the 'Alien Hero' is all over this worlds twitter and news programs.. I'm even overshadowing Endeavor and Hawks.. Im so fucked when the yandere's find out!

"Yes! You can even do it all online if you wish so you may still get your diploma." Nezu smiles to me, sipping his tea elegantly. "However.." His once happy face turns serious, that makes the hairs on the back of my neck stand straight. Oh shit.

"Y-yeah?" I stutter out nervously, ready for the bomb he's about to drop.

"I am unsure how your male classmates will act when they get word of you leaving.. I have noticed some.. alarming behavior from some of them." Nezu sips on his tea once more, his eyes slightly squinted.

"You noticed too..?" I say with a soft sigh, realizing I'm not alone anymore in this. I mean.. I could have told him earlier, but I didn't want to burden him with it all. This shit is my load to bare, especially when you can never tell if someone is yandere.. i was low-key nervous he might have been one too since I love his character so much.

"Indeed.. From camera footage alone I can see that a few of your classmates are obsessed with you.. To what extent I do not know, I have already had Hound dog speak with them about it." He sips on his tea, resting it on the saucer.

"I... The being that brought me here after I died.... Fucked everything up." I sigh loudly and set the tea down on his desk before running my fingers through my hair. "None of them were supposed to act like this in the original media from my world... The being that brought me here must have messed with them, or me.. making them slowly grow obsessed once they are in my presence.. Sort of like radiation poisoning- or a virus, infecting them slowly the more they are exposed to it." I say while running my fingers through my hair with a sigh. Spouting off one of my theories.

"Hm.." Nezu hums softly in thought, squinting slightly.

"It's not just in the school either.. Villains and even heros are becoming obsessed with me... If I didn't have my watch.. I don't know what would have happened to me." I would still be locked up in that basement with Hawks no doubt.. forced to become a puppy mill... That would have solidified that I was sent to hell not heaven.

"I have an idea." Nezu proposes with a slight grimace. "It is.. rather.. invasive. But it shall help you if you are ever taken again."

"Okay? What is it?" I ask him with curiosity, leaning forward to rest my elbows on my knees.

"I wish to implant a tracking device inside of you. Only myself and those you approve of will see it, if you consent of course." He gestures to me with a kind smile.

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