Chapter 16 - Dorms

599 33 1

Written March 6th, 2024
Edited March 25, 2024

- Days Later -

"Hey! Sho!" I bellow out while leaning out of the doorway of my room.

He looks up from the counter, having been working on school stuff. "Yeah kitten?" Looking up from his work to give me his full attention.

"I gotta head out and grab some stuff at the store. I wanna bake some goodies to take to the dorms before I move in completely tomorrow." It would be a good thing to make a great first impression to my fellow roommates.. my love language is food after all.

"Let me come with you." He moves to get up, but I huff and stop him with a glare.

"Shota, I am perfectly capable of going to the damn grocery store by myself." He looks to me and squints.

"I don't want to leave you alone for a second. The league is gunning for you and not to mention Hawks." He states with an unpleased look on his face. Not wanting his kitten to leave his sight or side.

"Shota.. I'll be fine, my phone has a GPS tracker in it that you have access to in case of emergencies. I'll go right there and right back, if any plans change I'll message you." Shota sighs loudly, pinching the bridge of his nose.

"Be safe alright? I give you permission as a hero for you to use your watch to defend yourself.." He looks to me, worry clear in his gaze. He should just follow after her on the rooftops just to be safe-

"Won't need the watch Daddy, you've taught me enough hand to hand combat!" I say with a smirk, he grins salaciously at the memory. Remembering the past few days of him training me. Wrestling me down to the ground and pinning me close to his body.. He was so fucking hard the entire time.. he loved the feeling of his kitten squirming underneath him, trying to break herself free. He almost wanted to stop and hold me down to fuck his precious kitten a couple of times.

I grab my purse off of the hook by the door and give him a wave and smile, quickly leaving to go to the grocery store.


Heaving all of the bags on my arms, I walk down the street. My eyes locked onto the ground so I don't trip and fa-

Bumping into someone who came out of nowhere, I fall backwards landing right on my ass. Thankfully most of not all of my groceries stayed in the bags and aren't damaged. "SON OF A FIVE DOLLAR WHORE!" I bellow out with a hiss of pain having hit my tailbone, quickly moving away from the person. "Jesus, I'm so sorry-" looking up to their face I freeze in fear. Like a deer caught in headlights. God why, why is my luck so shit?

Chisaki Kai or better known as Overhaul lays in front of me wearing a medical grade mask instead of his plague doctor mask. He's looking at me with a squint like glare. "I-I apologize. I wasn't paying attention in front of me, are you okay?" I get up and offer him my hand to help him up. Please god don't kill me.. He takes it reluctantly, I quickly haul him up with ease. He stays silent and just stares at me, making me sweat profusely from the awkward tension. "Y-You okay there dude..?" I ask him hesitantly wondering why he isn't chewing me out or painting the sidewalk red with my blood.

He snaps out of his daze and answers me. "Yes, I am fine.. I am Chisaki, you are..?" Shit, names? The fuck? Why does he want to know my name??

"Gown." Don't want this fucker knowing my name. He would probably hunt me down later just to kill me.

"Pleasure to meet you Gown-san.." he squints at me, almost as if he can tell I'm lying. Oh shit.. I am so fucked.

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