Chapter 25 -🥵The life of a hobbit🥵

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⚠️⚠️⚠️WARNING ⚠️⚠️ ⚠️

- Mustafu City - Night -

Present Mic sighs loudly while walking through the streets of the city. Planning on going shopping after his patrol to find a suitable gift for Amanda, needing to prove to her that he's perfect. He admits that came on a little strong, but he's just so fucking excited. He desperately wants her to return his feelings.. he's never felt like this about someone before.. he just wants to hold her in his arms and squeeze so she never escapes.

Walking down a dark alley, he doesn't see or hear the hooded figure following him in the dark. Purple hair peaking just out of the hoodie, their exhausted eyes never leaving his prey. He's doing this for her, how dare that bastard try to blackmail her.

When they both reach the darkest portion of the alley the hooded man stops. "Excuse me?" The hooded man speaks out, masking his voice.

Mic turns and looks to the hooded man with a squint, thinking it's a villain or a possible teenager. "Huh-" Present Mic's eyes go blank his expression vacant, the hooded man steps up with a on his face grin.

"I've never done anything like this before.. I hope she doesn't think im a villain..... But this is what happens when you try to force yourself on my girl." Shinshou pulls back his hoodie just enough to reveal his face to Present a mic, a smirk blatantly on it. Mic screams at him mentally to let him go, Shinshou chuckles and gives his command. He's been practicing with his quirk. "You're going to return to the dorms like everything is normal, go to your bathroom fill the tub and get in naked. Then you are going to slit your wrists and kill yourself. You are going to forget ever meeting me tonight." Present Mic nods blankly and Shinshou disappears back into the darkness.


- Dorms - Next Day -

"Alright Team!" I say out loudly to the hoard of Dittos in my room, holding my fist in the air. "Let's do this move clean alright?! X Ditto will hold open the portal for us! We got twenty minutes till break!"

"Sir yes sir!" All of my clones salute me with smiles on their faces before breaking off to begin grabbing things.

One of the Dittos transforms into Upgrade and takes over my phone, playing some music for us to work to. Papa Roach Last Resort begins to play and we all sing to it and Jam out while we move. "Cut my life into pieces!" One of my clones sings out eagerly before pointing to another.

"This is my last resort!" That clone sings with a smile, heaving boxes into the portal. A small crew of Dittos on the other side begin to put away the items so the boxes can be reused.

A soft knock comes to the door and a Ditto walks over and opens it. Peaking their head out. "Yes..?" The Dittos eyes widen slightly, seeing Eri and Shota.

"Manda-chan!" Eri cheers out with excitement, jumping up and down with joy. Shota stands behind her with a soft smile.

"Oh what a surprise!" The Ditto at the door speaks before I switch consciousness with them and walk out of the door closing it behind me. Shota squints at me slightly wondering what I'm doing in that form. "Hey my little unicorn! How have you been?" Resting my hands on my hips with a grin.

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