Chapter 10 - Exam's

447 24 5

Written February 17th, 2024
Edited: April 4th, 2024

- One Week Later -

"Grayson-chan! You gotta help me!" Denki drops to his knees in front of me, a look of despair on his face. He holds onto my skirt tightly in his hands. My eyes widen in alarm, having just walked into the room.

"What's up Kaminari-kun?" I ask him with a raised brow.

"The exams! They're coming up! If I fail them I get bunked down to Gen-Ed! You are one of the smartest girls in class, please help me!" He pleads to me with tears nearly in his eyes.

"I.. uh.." I scratch the back of my head. "I can ask Sensei if we can study at his place?" I say with reluctance, shrugging my shoulders.

"Can I come too?" Bakugo asks, wanting to protect me from these extras.. and not wanting me to be alone with any of them.

"M-Me too!" Izuku says with a blush on his cheeks, wanting to see my bedroom.

"Me as well!" Iida pushes up his glasses with a slight blush. Why would Iida need help, he's smart as fuck!

"Ooo! Me also!" Kirishima raised his hand and waves it around, an eager look in his eye.

"Count me in." Shoji and Tokoyami say in unison, Koda nodding along. My eyes begin to spin like Spinda's.

"Heh, I'll come along." Mineta says with a smirk. I snap out of my spiral and grimace down at him in disgust.

"You won't set foot near where I sleep. You give the word pervert a bad name." Mineta sputters out in indignation with wide eyes. "Have some fucking class and decorum... Anywho I'll have to ask Sensei. Seeing as its his house."

"No." Aizawa mumbles from his sleeping bag, looking right at me. Not wanting any of them in his house, it's one of the only times he can be alone with me.

"Sensei please? They need help with their grades." I clasp my hands together in prayer, all of the boys doing the same.

"Ugh.. Fine. Just keep the noise down.." He grumbles angrily, unable to say no to my cute pleading face.

"Yes! Alright, I'll write down the address and hand it to you all before homeroom ends!" I turn around and smile to them, all of their eyes sparkle.

- Aizawa's House - After School -

"When are the trouble children getting here?" Aizawa asks me with a huff, taking a cookie from the Tupperware container that houses them. All of them made by me, he cherishes every bite. Spoiled rotten by my baked goods made from scratch, I often force him to take some with him when he goes to work at night.

"Around five ish. I need to prepare some stuff, may I use my watch?" I ask him while pointing at the Omnitrix and he sighs with a nod. "Thank you Shota." I smile to him, he simply rolls his eyes with a smile of his own. Enjoying his name coming from my lips.

I quickly jog to my room, setting everything up. I grab a tiny pencil that's Grey Matter sized and paper. Taking full advantage of the aliens photographic memory. I quickly change into him and begin writing down some cliff notes and a self study guide, should normal me miss anything when explaining.

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