Chapter 31 - 🔞 THIS IS THE ENNND~ 🍋 (END)

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Written May 9th, 2024

🔞- Dabi

- Next Day -

With a scowl on my face I sit in my hospital room, arms crossed I huff. Having had a concussion and a few broken ribs from where Shigaraki hit me.. Shota hasn't left my side even though he's injured himself... Im actually catching serious feelings for this man, I'm not gonna lie... The others just.. don't give the same love and care that Shota does.

It's a few hours later when they finally release me from their clutches. Thank God I'm not in the United States, our healthcare sucks major ass. I would have been bankrupt from a single visit.

"Do you wanna come stay with me in my dorm room kitten? I don't wanna leave you alone when you're still injured.." Aizawa walks by my side as we stride through the hospital a look of worry on his face. Having been discharged as well since his wound has been healed by Recovery Girl.

"I'm fine Shota I promise, I'm just gonna head home and relax for a bit." I smile to him before kissing him gently on the cheek in thanks. A blush rises to his face, turning his ears bright red. "Keep me updated with the Shigaraki situation okay?" I tilt my head with a smile, his heart melts in his chest from my facial expression.

"I will kitten.. get some rest. Please." Shota leans forward and kisses my forehead gently before allowing me to step back and transform. Disappearing with a step back as X to my home.

- Three Hours Later - Bunker -

Laying down in my bed I sigh and relax my body.. until my phone vibrates on my nightstand. "Shit, did Shigaraki attack?" I ask myself with wide eyes, quickly reaching over to grab it I see who sent the message and groan.

- Charred Ice Cream 🍦
Mommy, it's time for my treat~

"For fuck sakes.. I thought I just sent him a video??" I stare at my phone with a scowl, not wanting to deal with this... But I have to or else he will start killing people.

Mommy 💕 -
I'll take a photo in a bit

- Charred Ice Cream 🍦
I want to play, a photo or video won't cut it anymore.

"Fuck. I knew the bastard was gonna get greedy.. He wants me to fuck him." I growl as I stare at my phone. "At least he's not as fuck." I shrug with a defeated sigh.

Mommy 💕 -
Wtf do you want me to do???

- Charred Ice Cream 🍦
Come to mine and play with me, I'm already hard and waiting for you.

Mommy 💕 -
Yeah, I'll pass on that. Give me your coordinates and I'll teleport you to where I am.

"Thank God I made those signal jammers for my bunker when I was constructing it.." If the device used isn't already authorized by me the signal bounces around the globe randomly. It's so useful.

- Few Minutes Later -

"Hey mommy~" Dabi purrs out to me the second he appears by my side, his eyes lidded. Licking at his lips while he stares at me with a predatory gaze.

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