Chapter 22 - 🔞Back in black!🍋

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Written: April 3rd, 2024

Authors Note: I have no fucking clue what happens after the Shie Hassaki arc since I haven't watched the anime. (I'm watching it now so I plan on re-writing some shit. I'll write on the top of the chapter when I update it.) I did some research and get the gist of it, so i will be making my own renditions of the story from this point on! May this fandom have mercy on my soul 😖

🔞 Portion: Izuku

- Next Day - Late Morning -

Grabbing a bowl for my cereal and some milk from the fridge, I make myself a bowl and sit down on the couch in the common room. Turning on the TV to show the local news while I eat. Still feeling very noodle legged from last night's activities. Shota wanted to make me breakfast in bed, but I said no, i have a morning routine that i need to stick too. I also knew that he planned on doing Japanese cuisine. My brain just doesn't enjoy it, it looks delicious but.. I just can't. Eating anything other than American breakfast foods is gross to me. Curse my autism.

Hearing the front door open and the pitter pattering of little feet. "Ah, Amanda! Good morning." Nezu walks into the room with a kind smile on his face, turning to look at him I raise a brow.

"Hey Papa Nezu, good morning.. What are you doing here so early?" I tilt my head with my question, shoving a spoonful of cereal into my mouth. Cronching on it happily, my brain stimming from the dopamine.

He climbs up onto the couch and sits beside me, resting his paws on his lap he looks to me with a serious face. That makes my heart drop a little, the little mink man is always happy go lucky. "I wished to talk to you about something.. The cameras picked up last night." He turns to me giving me his full attention.

"Okay..?" I say with furrowed brows.

"Are you being coerced into a sexual relationship with Professor Aizawa?" Nezu asks point blank with a smile, making me choke on my food. He pats my back with a look of concern while I clear my lungs.

"What?! No! We're two consenting adults!" Wiping my face I turn to looks at him with wide eyes. Shit! Is Shota gonna get fired?!

"I just wanted to make sure he wasn't using his authority to force you into the situation.. There are 'rules' about teachers fornicating with students, but they exist just so the teacher doesn't favor the student they are involved with." He states with a smile, that makes me exhale with relief.

"O-Okay..? He's not forcing me to do anything, and I'm not getting anything out of it- well besides the sex..." I say with a firey blush, feeling as though I'm talking to a father figure. "Aizawa was one of the characters I had the biggest crush on in my world.."

"Ah! I see." Nezu nods his head in understanding. "I see no problem with you fornicating with any of the staff, as long as they do not provide preferential treatment!" I sweat drop to this information. Does he think I'm a slut? Jesus... I mean I am, but come on! "I just wanted to make sure you were alright with the situation.. and I request that you keep anything sexual out of public spaces!" Nezu hops off his seat with a smile, dusting his paws before resting them behind himself. "Enjoy your breakfast!" Man.. today has started off fuckin weird..

- One Hour Later -

"RELEASE THE KRAKEN!" I sing loudly into my mic, my door wide open since I'm alone for another day. "The tolling of the iron bell!! Release the Kraken!!"

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