Chapter 28 - 🔞 It's Hero Time! 🍋

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Written: April 23rd, 2024

🔞 Portion: All Might (kind of?)

- Couple Days Later -

"DISRESPECT YOUR SURROUNDINGS!" I metal scream into the microphone, clicking the button I nod and listen back to it. Adjusting the pitch slightly and adding a rumbling reverb, I'm content with what I've made.. Hm... Maybe I can get Eri to make a funny version with me, I saw the meme of her singing this song back in my world. It would make a cute Peepo April Fools.

- Dead to me 💀
Goddess, I have your license.

Finally! Took the fucker long enough! Jesus Christ! It took him a goddamn month.. He's lucky, or else I would have hunted him down and turned his genitals into the opposite sex's for a month... Now that I think about it, I could offer help to trans youth to help them make a full DNA transition- I'll note that down.

Goddess 🛐 -
Where do you want to meet?

- Dead to me 💀
- Sent Pinned Location -

Sighing loudly while sitting at my desk, I sit up and stretch with a grunt. "All this just to save lives..." Holding my wrist up, I click my watch around and transform into X. Who has slowly become my most used alien, just for transportation alone. With the Omnitrix's recent update it's like steam, showing how many hours I've been X.. I really need to make a different mode of transportation.

Reality folds and I step through at the exact coordinates that Hawks sent me. "O-oh! You're here already!" Hawks eyes widen in disbelief, thinking it would take me a while to get to where he pinned from UA. The both of us meeting at the park where he made me jack him off. Fuckin bastard.

Holding my hand out with a gimmie motion he pouts, his wings drooping low with disappointment. "Fine.." he hands over an envelope with a sigh. It hovers in the air and the paper surrounding it turns to oxygen. The paper inside and the laminated license hover in the air, allowing me to read the document. Everything seems to be in order. Good.

"Hm.. good job bird." I look to Hawks, he preens at my praise with a smile.

"Well- since you're a hero now and all.. Do you wanna join my agency? Be my sidekick?" He asks anxiously, desperate to be close to me again. HAH. never happening in a thousand years Tweety.

"Hilarious." I say with a dry bland voice and glare. "I do not require an agency. I am not doing Hero work for profit, I already have a job that makes me money. I am here to save as many lives as possible."

Hawks droops considerably with clear disappoint. "Alright.. Wanna patrol now? Since you can?" He asks with an eager smile.

"Just as we have been talking, I have apprehended three criminals. I do not need help." I turn and step back into my bunker with a huff, my license is set down where i can call it to me whenever I need it. I sit down on my bed and sigh with relief.

"Now I can rela-" Then I gotta go tell Nezu about what happened, and ask him for my hero costume. I plan on making changes to it as Grey Matter.

- 💪🏻😁Eat This 🌚
Amanda! I was wondering if you had moment?

"Can I get a moment OF FUCKING PEACE?!?" I scream out loud, stomping my foot.

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