Chapter 30 - TCL Commands

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Written May 2nd, 2024

Authors Note: I took some artistic liberties about some plot points!

- Same Night -

Swimming through the water at top speed, a look of concentration on my face. Gang Orca beside me following along with ease, we both spot the hull of the cruise ship that's been overtaken by pirates.

The main land received a mayday call in the middle of the night and ordered all aquatic and flying hero's to help. I of course am both, so I'm accompanying Gang Orca and a few lesser known hero's. I got the call on my phone in the middle of the night and had to leave Katsuki, he wasn't happy but had to let me go. Peoples lives were on the line.

I swim faster and launch myself into the air high above the cruise ship. With a flash I transform into Ditto. "Swarm!" Creating multiple clones of myself they all drop down and change into various of my forms.

Wildvine, Spider Monkey and Swamp fire all gather up any innocent civilians out of the way. Blitz and Echo Echo use their screams to launch the criminals off the ship where the coast guard will pick them up.

A wild mutt sniffs around and barks out to the others, alerting them that he's sensing hostiles below. Three  Water hazards accompany the wild mutt below deck while I change into Wildvine and lift up the hero's from the waters below.

Setting Gang Orca down he blows water away from his blow hole before speaking. "What's the situation Omnitrix?" He looks to me and asks.

"There are.." I close my eyes and look through all the 'tabs' of my Dittos. Seeing through all of their eyes. "Sixteen criminals aboard sir, I have located most of the civilians and are having my clones order them to stay put. The criminals have holes themselves up in the control room."

"Hmm.." Gang Orca nods his head. "Can you lead me to this group?" He asks me and I nod my head. A wild mutt appears panting loudly.

"Wild Mutt can take you to where they are being held. Will you require backup?"

"Yes. I will need your help." Nodding my head to the hero I follow along with him while my clone leads the way.

We go to the control room and see my Water Hazards with their own Wild Mutt. "They barricaded themselves in boss." One of my Water Hazards speaks out while crossing their arms with a soft huff.

"Hm.. You three out of the way. I've got the door, cover your ears." Gang Orca steps forward, all of my clones and myself cover out ears.

Orca releases a powerful sonic scream, blowing the door and whatever it was holding it closed off of its hinges. My Water Hazards burst forward and shoot beams of pressurized water at the criminals. Gunshots ring out and the bullets bounce off of their hard armor. I wrap my vines around Gang Orca and pull him out of the way of enemy fire. "Fuck!!" One of the criminals screams out in frustration.

"Surrender Villains!" My water hazards speak while my Wild Mutt changes into Diamond head, joining in on the battle.

More gunshots ring out, I then hear cries of pain... Then relative silence. "Villains have been apprehended sir." Diamond Head steps out into the corridor speaking to both me and Gang Orca.

Orca looks into the room and sees that all of the villains have been encased in Diamond Heads crystal. "Impressive.. You have the makings of a top ten Hero Omnitrix." Gang Orca looks to me with a smile.

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