Chapter 6 - The Alien Hero

602 32 15

Written February 13th, 2024
Edited April 4th, 2024
Added additional details to the story.

- Home - Hours Later -

Laying in my bed, I lay down and groan. My body achy and gross from the festival. Covering my eyes with my arm, I hear a knock at my door and grumble. "Come in!"

Aizawa steps in and looks to me with a soft smile. "You did great today kid."

"Thanks Aiza-"

"Shota." He grumbles with a scowl on his face, I snort out a laugh.

"Thank you Shota." I purr out and he shivers ever so slightly, his eyes darting away.

"Mic and Midnight will be here in a couple hours.. We're gonna give you a little celebration." He shrugs with indifference, trying to act nonchalant about the whole thing.

"Ai-" he glares at me, activating his quirk. "Shota, I don't want nor need a celebration." I speak with a huff, wrapping my comforter around my body snugly. Just wanting the rest of today to be a 'No bones' day.

"Kid, in your world this would be compared to you winning the Olympics. You need a celebration, a small one at least. Just humor me, please?" Huffing out while he crosses his arms, staring down at me looking like a caterpillar.

"Ugggh..." I groan into my pillow, he shakes his head at me while I'm face down. "Fine!" I grumble into my pillow, quickly launching myself up to get ready. He smirks in triumph and leaves the room so I can clean up.

- Later -

Walking out into the living room, having finished my shower and am wearing my comfortable All Might footie pajamas. I halt and stare as Present Mic, Midnight, Nezu and Yagi are sitting in the living room. Of course this happens when I'm wearing my Mighty jammies..

"Hey everyone." I say with a meek smile, they all turn and Yagi coughs out loudly. Holding a hand over his mouth as blood pours from him, a bright red blush on his face. "Are you okay Yagi Sensei?" I ask with alarm, he covers his face with his hands.

"He's fine dear. Congratulations on winning!" Nezu walks to me with a beaming smile on his face. "I never doubted you wouldn't win for a second!"

"Thank you Nezu-senpai." I bow to him with a warm smile, he reaches up and grabs my hand. Leading me over to the others, their eyes locked onto me hungrily behind my back.

When I sit down I open my mouth to talk but freeze with wide eyes. Feeling an odd sensation on my watch, I look down and see that it's pushed its cylinder up all by itself. "Amanda-chan? What's wrong? What's happening?" Yagi says with wide eyes filled in growing alarm, staring at my watch. Ready to bulk up in a moments notice if something happens.

• Upgrade in Progress... •

The creators voice Asmuth speaks from my watch, startling everyone in the room. I grit my teeth as I feel an odd sensation flicker into my body. The watch becomes almost like a liquid metal, melting to alter it's form. Becoming less bulky and more sleek, like a regular watch. Everyone stares in awe as the cold living metal moves against my skin.

• Upgrade Complete. Ten Additional aliens have been added to your roster. Next upgrade scheduled. •

"What.. WAS THAT?!?!" Present Mic screams out using his quirk, Aizawa uses his quirk to silence his deafening scream. Not wanting my sensitive ears to be harmed.

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