Chapter 8 - 🔞Where am I?🍋

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Authors Note: fun fact, I actually wrote most of the porn in this chapter over two years ago 😅 this story was originally supposed to have a Pokemon move quirk type thing. But I swapped it out with Ben10 because I know more about that than Pokemon moves.. This shit show started because I was horny for Hawks.

Written February 15th, 2024
Edited April 4th, 2024

🔞 Portion: Hawks

I groan out sleepily, reaching up to scratch my nose. Only to feel my arm restrained. Is my blanket wrapped around my arm again? Opening my eyes groggily I look down at my arm expecting to see cloth.. only to see a thick metal chain wrapped around my limb. What the fuck. This startles me awake, I look at my other arm and notice the same thing. I'm chained up! I try to reach my Omnitrix, but the entire chain is connected. When I pull one end to get down length, the other loses length. This is some Saw shit!

Looking down to get a good overview of my body.. I see some bright red feathers covering my very NAKED body. Only a blanket barely covers my modesty. "What the.." My heart begins to race in my chest. Shit shit shit- at least this isn't a 'put the lotion in the basket' type of kidnapping!

"My pretty bird is finally awake.." Hawks' voice purrs from the shadows, turning to look at him. My eyes widen and I blush, the amount of heat in my cheeks rivaling Endeavors fire. I squeal and avert my gaze as I process. Hawks strides across the concrete bunker like room to me bare ass naked, his cock hard and swinging between his legs. Fuck he's huge. An unhinged smile on his face and crazed look in his eye. Like the fucker had a psychotic break. This isn't the room at his agency! Where the fuck am I?! What the fuck is going on?! AM I IN HIS BASEMENT?! GOOD GOD THIS IS A LOTION IN THE BASKET SITUATION!!!

"Mr. Hawks-" I stutter out to him, trying to appeal and see what he wants with me. Hawks wasn't this nuts in the show! What the fuck! Is this the goddamn butterfly effect?! Shit! I knew I shouldn't have drunk that goddamn hot chocolate!!!

"Keigo." He states with a growl as he approaches the bed side, his wings twitching behind him. Good gods.. Why does he have to be so hot? Why are all the hot ones crazy?

"K-Keigo.." I squint at the floor in confusion.

"Fuck.. my name sounds sinful coming out of your mouth.." Hawks groans deeply, reaching his hand down to stroke his already hard cock. OH GREAT BALLS OF FIRE- I look away from him quickly.

"W-What's going on..? This isn't my room.. Why are you n-naked?" I ask him with utter confusion and squeak in my voice. There's no way in all the nine rings of Helluva Boss that this Adonis of a man is attracted to me. He must have popped some Viagra and wants to use me like a fucking living pocket pussy or something!

"I couldn't hold myself back anymore.. I tried so hard to be patient for you.. but the thought of not being able to see you again soon? Or being able to hear your beautiful voice every day? No.. I've been waiting months for this." He's.. he's been wanting me for months??? Bitch how?! I've barely been here a year! AND WHY????? Is he a fucking Yandere????

"I know that you want to fuck me as much as I want to fuck you.." Keigo smirks as he strokes his cock eagerly, it already covered in lube, staring at my bare breasts hungrily. "You told me so yourself.. I had feathers all throughout your room at the agency. listening in on you at all times.. Hoping I could catch you masturbating... but I heard you talk to your little friend Mina on the phone.. how much you wanted me to rail you into the bed." BRO WHY?! WHY DO YOU WANT ME?! THE MATH AIN'T MATHING! LAD COULD HAVE ANYONE!! This man is obviously delusional, I need to get him to let me go.

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